Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Princess Mira and Xiaolan, they really look alike.

Although the pupil color is a little different, if you don't distinguish carefully, even Kogoro Mori can't tell the difference.

Huiyuan looked at the two of them, and couldn't help but said, "Uncle Maori, could it be that you had a twin daughter who was stolen more than ten years ago, and she is now Princess Mira? It might be like this!"

"How is it possible!" Princess Mira reacted fiercely.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and patted Huiyuan's little head: "Xiao Ai, you think too much. Have you forgotten Qingzi who came to our house? She also looks very similar to Xiaolan, Mira and Xiaolan It's just a coincidence that Lan looks alike."

Princess Mira frowned: "Which one is Qingzi?"

Xiaolan explained: "It's my good friend Aoko Nakamori, a female high school student at Eguda High School. Her face looks exactly like mine, but her hairstyle is different. Unlike us, we all like to keep the same hair." hairstyle."

"Then I'll see you next time I have a chance!"

Immediately, Princess Mira apologized and said solemnly.

"However, Xiao Lan, I'm really sorry for causing you and your father to get involved in our kingdom this time! I didn't keep my promise to change identities with you before the banquet. You won't be angry, will you?"

Xiaolan smiled softly: "It's okay, the main reason I boarded the plane with Earl Keith was because I wanted to help, it's not your fault!"

"Besides, I've been a princess for a whole day. This kind of experience is pretty good."

Although he heard his daughter say this, Mori Kogoro still couldn't let Keith go so easily.

In any case, this guy took advantage of Xiaolan's sympathy and kindness to trick her into coming to the Kingdom of Visbania, which itself was extremely bad.

Not to mention that his actual purpose is to let Xiao Lan act as a substitute for Princess Mira during the most dangerous period before the queen's coronation ceremony, so as to face all kinds of dangers!

Although nothing vicious happened, his thought was enough for Mori Kogoro to launch revenge.

Mori Kogoro asked the three daughters to rest in the princess bedroom, and walked out of the room on the pretext of wanting to know about the queen's crown, and walked towards the chamber where Earl Keith was.

As soon as he entered the meeting room, he saw Earl Keith and Fujiko Mine drinking coffee at the table.

When Mine Fujiko saw Mori Kogoro coming in, he was a little panicked.

Mori Kogoro narrowed his eyes and spoke directly.

"Why, Fuji, haven't you received your reward for so long?"

Mine Fuji smiled coquettishly, like an enchanting rose: "Xiao Goro, what are you talking about? I don't even understand!"

Mori Kogoro walked behind Mine Fujiko, put his hands on his soft shoulders, and said, "Pretend it, it's the first time we met on a ghost ship, you should be entrusted by a woman to come and monitor me! "

"As for breaking into my house last night and meeting me for the second time, I'm afraid it was entrusted by Earl Keith to protect Princess Mira!"

"Otherwise, no matter how well-informed you are, it's impossible to find out that Earl Keith brought the princess back home that night, and it's even more impossible to know that the person next to me is Princess Mira as soon as we meet."

"If you know that the two of them look alike, even I will admit it."

"Only when the person in charge explains the task to you in person, can you understand it so clearly. That's why you've been following me with a stern face. No matter how angry I am, you refuse to leave."

"Are you right? Miss Fujiko!"

After finishing speaking, Mouri Kogoro blew into Fujiko's ear.

Fujiko Mine suddenly felt that half of her body was numb, and her heartbeat continued to speed up, but her face remained unchanged at all, and she did not show the slightest bit in front of Keith.

The blond-haired Earl Keith couldn't help applauding, and praised: "Wonderful! You really deserve to be a great Japanese detective with the same reputation as Sherlock Holmes."

"You're right, I entrusted Mine Fujiko to protect the princess."

"But after all, this is a reward offered secretly, and it is not appropriate to disclose it in front of everyone. I didn't mention it just now."

Seeing that Earl Keith had admitted it, Mine Fujiko didn't hide it anymore, and then smiled coquettishly.

"Count Keith, I was almost caught by that Interpol, shouldn't you give me more compensation?"

Mori Kogoro glared at her: "Speak well!"

Feng Fujizi's face immediately became serious, with a businesslike appearance, and his voice became a little colder.

"According to the requirements, I sent the princess back to the palace safely, but someone in the palace ambushed me, and I was almost caught."

"Count Keith, it's not a good habit to eat black and white!"

Mine Fujiko suddenly realized halfway through her speech, why should she listen to Mori Kogoro, but she continued to speak.

"The reward for this mission is doubled, otherwise, this matter will not be settled easily!"

At this moment, Fujiko Mine was quite a bit domineering like an international female snitch, and Kogoro Mori nodded slightly.

Count Keith recalled Koichi Zenigata who had not been fully excavated on the relief.

The people who troubled Fujiko Mine were already so miserable, and he was going to be ripped off.

He looked at Mori Kogoro standing behind Fujiko, and finally he could only nod with a wry smile.

"Miss Fujiko, I'm really sorry. I was negligent. There is no problem with double the reward."

Hearing this, Fujiko Mine beamed with joy, turned her face to the side and winked at Kogoro Mori.

Earl Keith walked out of the conference hall and spoke to his confidantes outside. Not long after, two suitcases were brought in.

He put the two suitcases in front of Fujiko Mine, and Fujiko Mine opened them and checked them before showing a satisfied smile.

The doubling is a total of three million U.S. dollars, and this order is enough for Mine Fuji to be happy for a while.

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