Earl Keith spoke again: "Detective Maori, Miss Fujiko, I have another commission here, I wonder if you can accept it?"

Mori Kogoro left his hands off Mine Fujiko's shoulders, loosened his muscles and bones, and was doing warm-up exercises, his body making crackling sounds.

"It's not urgent, Earl Keith, we still have some accounts to settle!"

The smile on Mori Kogoro's face was terrifying, which made Earl Keith terrified.

A primary psychedelic talisman fell, enveloping the entire meeting hall.

The screams kept ringing in the phantom formation, but neither the guards outside nor Fujiko Mine in the meeting hall noticed it at all.

Chapter 0038

Mine Fujiko only felt a trance before suddenly waking up.

She felt a little strange when she saw Earl Keith on the opposite side.

He was originally a gentle and gentle nobleman, but at this moment his pupils were full of fear.

Especially when he saw Kogoro Mori, he couldn't help shaking.

At this moment, Keith doesn't look like a nobleman, but like a psychopath!

On the other hand, Kogoro Mori looked happy and thoughtful!

Just now he pulled Earl Keith into the illusion, but he taught this guy who dared to kidnap his daughter a good lesson.

The healing technique was used once, and the psychedelic charm was used twice.

One creates a psychedelic array, one washes away his destroyed memories, and the healing technique heals his wounds.

That's why Earl Keith behaved so strangely, his body and mind were devastated without knowing it, but he was subconsciously terrified of Mori Kogoro.

If it weren't for thinking that after Princess Mira, he still had to rely on Earl Keith to stabilize the overall situation, Moori Kogoro wouldn't have spent so much trouble.

Fujiko Mine asked, "Earl Keith, what entrustment did you just say?"

"Oh! Oh! Ah! I remembered, this time the princess visited Japan, in fact, there have been people who have been trying to assassinate the princess, and even our accompanying bodyguards are not completely credible."

"In addition, Lupine III came to steal, so I want to entrust Miss Fujiko and Mo~li~detective~to protect the safety of the crown and the princess until the queen's enthronement ceremony is over."

Fujiko Mine laughed softly: "Earl Keith, you are so interesting, why are you trembling when you call Maori Detective!"

Earl Keith shook his head, not daring to look at Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro said: "Except for your bodyguards, the royal guards of this palace are also unreliable."

"Just now when Prince Gerald gave an order, all the guards rushed up. Even Princess Mira couldn't retreat. I'm afraid most of the guards in the palace have been infiltrated!"

Keith faced Mori Kogoro, but he didn't dare to hide anything: "Well, except for the loyal captain of the royal guard and the team of twelve people under his leadership, the rest of them still can't believe it."

"After all, a month ago, Princess Mira was still a carefree girl who had never been exposed to these things."

"However, Prince Gerald deliberately wanted to seize power, which naturally won the hearts of many people."

"Furthermore, after Prince Gerald killed the Queen and Her Royal Highness, he became more and more arrogant and wanted to seize the throne of the kingdom all the time. That's why I took Princess Mira to Japan to find enough strength to help the princess!"

Feng Fujizi's face changed when he heard this: "Hey, hey, such a big coup and assassination, you say it so easily, aren't you afraid that the walls have ears?"

Keith shook his head: "There is no time, Prince Gerald has already forced the palace, and he will advance the enthronement ceremony to tomorrow without authorization."

"In other words, he will definitely act before tomorrow."

"My family has served the royal family for generations. I watched Prince Jill grow up. I know he is definitely not the kind of person who would commit suicide and evade responsibility."

"The hunting accident must have been done by Prince Gerald. I have no evidence and cannot win the trust of the parliament. That's why I fell into such a passive situation."

"Mao~li~detective~detective, I know that you are extremely skilled and intelligent. If possible, please help with the investigation and help reveal the truth about the murder of the queen and the prince."

"If nothing can be done, then please take the princess and escape, please! The commission fee this time is [-] million US dollars!"

Hearing the amount, Mine Fujiko's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded repeatedly: "No problem, I will take over this entrustment."

Mori Kogoro changed a lot towards the loyal Earl Keith.

Although it was too much for him to involve Xiaolan in this incident, it is also understandable.

And it has already been punished for a while, and Mori Kogoro has no plan to pursue it any further.

Mori Kogoro nodded and said, "Your entrustment to me is next. Princess Mira is so similar to my daughter, I will naturally help her ascend the throne of queen."

Hearing this, Earl Keith was relieved. After finishing his business, he didn't want to be in the same room with Mori Kogoro at all, so he got up and said goodbye.

"In that case, I'll go and get the deposit ready first, and then I'll take my leave."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly left the conference room, as if there was a scourge behind him.

Only Kogoro Mori and Fujiko Mine were left in the conference room.

Fujiko Mine opened the suitcase, counted the dollars on it, his eyes were shining, and he looked like a little money fan.

Mori Kogoro walked to his side: "Miss Fujiko, is the reward half of mine?"

"If it wasn't for me just now, you wouldn't have paid so much money!"

Mine Fuji quickly closed the suitcase, put it behind him, and said coquettishly: "Xiao Wulang, you are too much, you can even afford a private jet, and you are still greedy for my little girl's hard-earned money."

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