"And you clearly know that I'm going to protect Princess Mira, and you're angry with that little girl along the way. I didn't pursue this matter with you?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I'm not mad at you, I really want to recruit you to be my secretary!"

Mine Fujiko snorted, and then as if thinking of something, his expression changed, he stood up and put his arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, his expression became very gentle.

Mori Kogoro felt soft things touched by his arms again.

Feng Fujizi said coquettishly: "Xiao Wulang, you are so rich, why don't you give me all the entrustment fees for protecting the princess this time! Anyway, you are not short of this little money, okay? Okay?"

The last "Are you okay" is still spoken in a nasal voice, which is quite playful and cute.

Fujiko Mine put his arms around Kogoro Mori's arm, shaking his body constantly, this ecstasy made Kogoro Mori shake instantly.

This woman really seemed natural to seduce a man, and it instantly ignited Kogoro Mori's heart fire.

Mori Kogoro's eyes burst into flames, he wrapped his other arm around Fujiko's soft waist, and pulled him into his arms.

He sensed Fujiko's domineering figure, looked at the beautiful little face below, and nodded.

Mori Kogoro immediately lowered his head, kissed Fujiko's red lips in one breath, and even grabbed and threw away the mechanical fist that had been raised on his chest, and his big mouth began to attack.

Fujiko's pupils kept shrinking, and he couldn't help but want to struggle, but was suppressed by Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0039 Heartbreak

On the table in the meeting room, facing Kogoro Mori's passionate kiss, Mine Fujiko's resistance continued to fade, and her delicate body gradually changed from rigid to soft.

A watery rhyme slowly appeared in Mine Fujiko's beautiful eyes, and the little hand resting on Mori Kogoro's chest became weaker and weaker.

In the end, he didn't resist at all, but hugged Kogoro Mouri's neck, and responded clumsily, and the two kissed passionately on the table.

Faced with such a tempting Fujiko, Mori Kogoro couldn't control himself, his fiery big hands penetrated into the middle of the skirt, and climbed to the domineering and proud place.

Sure enough, Fujiko is not the kind of woman who can be controlled with one hand, and it is no exaggeration to use two hands together. Her pride is a size larger than that of Yingli.

With the other hand, Mori Kogoro moved his plump waist down along the curve, covering where the flesh-colored stockings were.

Princess Mira called "long-legged sister" right. Fujiko's slender legs are the best. She is wearing high-heeled shoes and flesh-colored silk stockings. Even Mori Kogoro is reluctant to let go.



While the two were kissing, Lupine was sneaking around in the corridor.

Everyone in Lupine's small team has mastered the skill of disguise.

After the disguise, ordinary people can't see the difference at all.

If the level judged by the system is used, the disguise skills of each of them are probably above the perfection level.

At this moment, Lu Bang disguised himself as a bodyguard, but his actions were still very wretched.

Thievous eyebrows and mouse eyes, with a bit of vigilance like a thief, circled legs are constantly moving, like a big horse monkey.

From time to time he walked close to the wall, from time to time patrolled with the patrol behind, or hid behind the palace's decorative vases.

Lupine opened the doors one by one, calling Fujiko's name in a low voice.

He didn't tell Fujiko Mine about this action, but this time he saw that Fujiko had sneaked in and won the trust of the princess, so he wanted to instigate Fujiko Mine and join her in getting the queen's crown, and by the way, Kogoro Mouri looked good.

Not here!Not here either!It's strange, just now I clearly saw that Earl Keith came out from here.

At last Lupine opened the door of the meeting hall. When he saw the scene inside, his expression changed drastically, and his pupils kept shrinking.

On the table in the meeting room, Fujiko Mine was lying on Kogoro Mori, and the two turned around on the table, still kissing passionately, like glue, completely inseparable.

Lupine shook his head, took a closer look, and his pupils shrank: that little boy's hand dared to put it on Fujiko's sensitive position, which I didn't even touch.

Unforgivable!Simply unforgivable!

Lu Bang's heart was pierced at this moment, he couldn't believe that this scene was real.

The goddess I pursued so hard is actually in the arms of a little boy, letting him have whatever she wants!

A big horse monkey's face was flushed red, and his heart was full of anger. He wished he could immediately pull out his pistol and shoot dozens of shots at Kogoro Mori, making dozens of bloody holes.

At this moment, Mine Fujiko seemed to sense that the door was being opened, and quickly pushed Kogoro Mori's solid chest, and said coquettishly, "Kogoro, someone is coming, let me go quickly."

Mori Kogoro and Mine Fujiko turned their heads and looked at the door.

The door was empty, there was no one there!

Lu Bang was hiding behind the gate at this moment, his face was full of gray, tears welled up in his eyes, and his body couldn't stop shaking!

This is not true!This is not true!

Fuji, she, how could she call that little boy so affectionate!

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face. With his strength, in fact, he had already discovered Lupine and Jigen Daisuke under the table when he taught Qiangata Koichi a lesson, but he never pointed it out.

Now hearing the gasps and heartbeats from the corridor outside, it is natural to know that the person outside the door is Lupine.

Mori Kogoro caressed Fujiko's soft back, and said, "There's no one else, the door must have been blown open by the wind, Fujiko, let's continue!"

"Yayu! Yayu! Mmm... Mmmm!!!"

The sound of this passionate kiss became more and more intense, and the sound was heard clearly in Lu Bang's ears. The veins on Lu Bang's forehead kept jumping up, and his forehead was covered with sweat, ruining most of his makeup.

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