Unable to suppress his anger any longer, Lupine took out the gun from his pocket and opened the safety.

At this time, the kissing sound in the meeting hall disappeared, and Kogoro Mori spoke again.

"Let me ask you, Fuji, you must have been sent by Lupine, right? You lurk in here so that we can cooperate with each other and steal the crown together."

Hearing this, Lupine stopped moving.

Feng Fuerzi coquettishly said: "What are you talking about? Kogoro, we are only together now, how dare you doubt me, I have to protect the crown to get paid."

"Besides, I haven't seen Lupine for a long time, not since the last time I tricked him into a ruby."

Mine Fujiko stuck out his tongue when he said this, extremely playful.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, staring at Fujiko's red face with piercing eyes, full of affection, his acting skills exploded, like a jealous man.

"Fuji, I heard that Lupine has been pursuing you. What kind of man is he?"

Seeing Kogoro Mori's expression, Mine Fujiko couldn't help but his eyes were full of light, and he felt very complacent. It seemed that this great detective also bowed down under his skirt.

"Wow! Kogoro, are you jealous? Why do you keep asking Lupine?"

"That guy, who looks like a big horse monkey, thinks he is handsome, and is so narcissistic that he is hopelessly narcissistic. In fact, every time I see him pretending to be handsome, I feel quite disgusted!"

boom!There was a heartbreaking sound in the void.

"And he's stupid. Others say he has an IQ of [-]. In my opinion, he doesn't have one at all. It's easy to fool him."

"In fact, I have nothing to do with him. I have lied to him a few times, and he has come to rely on me."


Before Mine Fujiko finished speaking, there was a sound outside the door.

Ping bell bang bang! ! !

Then came the sound of footsteps.

Mine Fujiko took Mori Kogoro and ran out the door. The corridor was empty, except for a broken vase scattered on the ground.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing with satisfaction when he saw this scene, while Mine Fujiko said coquettishly: "Kogoro, it's all your fault, I must have been seen just now."

Chapter 0040

After coming out of the meeting room, Fujiko Mine, who had been taken advantage of, refused to stay with Mori Kogoro any more.

She quickly disappeared with two boxes of cash, and it is not known where she planned to hide the money.

Lu Bang, who turned grief and anger into strength, no longer intends to join forces with Fujiko. He decides to prepare well this time and teach the famous detective from Japan a lesson in order to win back Fujiko's heart.

And Mori Kogoro began to investigate the murder of the queen and the prince. All the files of this case were sealed in the hands of the royal guard.

According to Earl Keith's prompt, Mori Kogoro found the captain of the Royal Guard, and the two came to the weapon storage in the basement.

The captain of the guard introduced: "This is the palace's weapon storage place. Without the permission of our guard, even the royal family can't get the weapon."

The captain of the guard opened a cabinet, and there were two shotguns inside. The captain of the guard introduced: "All the weapons and bullets used on the hunting day are here."

Mori Kogoro flipped through the files he had just obtained, which recorded what happened on the day of the hunt.

It turned out that the hunt was Prince Gerald's idea.

Prince Jill and Prince Gerald had a hunting competition, and Queen Sacra just accompanied them to watch.

Before the hunt began, the Queen also specially gave Prince Jill a box of ammunition.

Only Prince Jill and Prince Gerald entered the entire hunting ground, while the queen and bodyguards stayed outside.

It was only in the middle of the journey that after the Queen dismissed her bodyguards, she went to rest alone under the cherry blossom tree she had planted herself as usual, and she was shot to death.

Kogoro Mori read the case file carefully, and found that the method of this case was exactly the same as the memory of his previous life.

He put on his gloves, picked up the shotguns of Prince Jill and Prince Gerald at that time, opened them and looked through them for a few times, and then he fully understood.

The evidence that is lacking today should be found in the queen's bedroom.

Mori Kogoro then turned to the queen's bedroom.

The queen's bedroom is next to the princess' bedroom. As soon as Mori Kogoro entered the queen's bedroom, he saw Princess Mila who was still wearing a light yellow dress.

Princess Mila was sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror, her eyebrows seemed a little sad, as if she missed her mother.

Mori Kogoro stood behind him, put his hands lightly on his soft shoulders, and comforted him: "Mira, don't be sad anymore, it has been found out that all this is Gerald's conspiracy."

"The deaths of your mother and brother were not accidental and suicide, they were all designed by Gerald."

"But Mira, don't worry, I have everything, I will solve all this for you, and make sure nothing happens to him."

Mori Kogoro reached out and hugged Princess Mira into his arms, trying to give Princess Mira strength.

But he didn't notice that during the speech, the 'Princess Mila' frowned slightly.

Then 'Princess Mila' stood up slowly, and turned to Kogoro Mori.

She closed her eyes, raised her little head, and made a gesture of wanting to offer a kiss.

Kogoro Mori didn't worry too much, and kissed her directly, the pink is as tender as jelly.

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