"But don't think that you can win like this, prepare a helicopter for me immediately, or wait to die with me!"

Prince Gerald took out a red remote control switch from his arms, grinning grinningly.

This switch is a remote-controlled bomb, and Prince Gerald asked the guards to install bombs in various hidden places in the palace under the guise of renovating the palace.

But this time he brought more than [-] soldiers, thinking that Princess Mira could not escape with her wings, so he didn't think about detonating bombs and blowing up the palace!

Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly changed, and all his subordinates rebelled at once, so Gerald took out the bomb switch.

Mori Kogoro said: "Just press it, it's okay, let's see if you can detonate this pile of parts!"

Mori Kogoro waved his hand, and several robots came out with bags of bomb parts.

These bombs were all dismantled by Mori Kogoro and disassembled into these parts.

Seeing these familiar bomb parts, Gerald was stunned and couldn't help but press the red button.

The scene was peaceful, not even a loud fart sound.

Prince Gerald wept with a mournful face: If you don’t bring such a bully, why are you gone!

The guards who threatened to bribe are gone; the soldiers who paid a price are gone, and now there are no bombs, what else can we do?

Finally, Kogoro Mori gave an order, and dozens of soldiers rushed forward and subdued Gerald.

Then they were escorted to the dungeon of the palace, where they stayed with the group of light-skinned pigs, and the farce of the coup d'état came to an end.

Afterwards, General Hyde and his personal guards in the command vehicle were replaced by disguised Ant-Man robots, and all soldiers were directed to escort Princess Mira to the National Mall.

The queen's parade and coronation ceremony were held as scheduled.

Under the care of Mori Kogoro, under the witness of the citizens of Visbania, and under the auspices of the archbishop, Princess Mira was officially enthroned as queen in the National Plaza.

She donned the crown to deliver the proclamation, then sat in Congress to sign the Constitution.

At this point, the Kingdom of Visbania has ushered in a new queen.

Chapter 0051 I haven't been a queen yet


The enthronement ceremony finally came to an end. Queen Mira put on the crown, held the scepter in her hand, and mastered the supreme authority of the Kingdom of Visbania.

The first order she gave was to send all those involved in the coup, including Prince Gerrard, General Hyde, and the guards in the palace, to the darkened mine to mine ore, and they would never come out!

Originally, Queen Sacra's original intention was to fear that the over-exploitation of ore would cause the surface to collapse and damage the territory that the people had lived for generations.

But when Mira learned that the black technology company under the name of Kogoro Mori has the technology to mine ore without damaging the landscape, she readily adopted Kogoro Mori's suggestion.

After all, this ore is a wealth of wealth, enough to become the economic pillar of the Kingdom of Wisbania.

Mila naturally knows how to adapt. Although she has no ambition to expand her territory, her goal is to lead the people to live a better life.

On the night of his ascension to the throne, the night sky of the entire Visbania Kingdom continued to explode with fireworks, and the citizens fell into carnival.

That night, a queen's dinner was set up in the palace, and Mira personally accompanied them to deal with ministers, generals, and councilors.

After the queen's dinner, the members of the Congress and the ministers of the kingdom left one by one, and Earl Keith sent them out.

All day long, Queen Mira's performance has been impeccable. Whether it is winning the trust of the people or winning people's hearts, she has done it perfectly, as if she was born to be a queen.

However, there was no genuine smile on her face anymore!

She always smiled politely. After the dinner, accompanied by the maid, Queen Mira went back to her room to rest.

She entered the room alone, which was Queen Sacra's bedroom, and now it is her bedroom.

Queen Mira stepped on exquisite silver high-heeled shoes, wearing a silver dress with a very long skirt, extremely gorgeous, wearing a golden crown on her head, like a fairy tale character who came out of the Middle Ages.

She came to the side of the bed, fell heavily backwards, lay on the soft bed, let out a long breath, a trace of exhaustion appeared on her little face.

"You're exhausted today, Mira!"

Hearing this familiar male voice, Queen Mira immediately got up from the bed, turned her head and looked over, and saw the handsome Mori Kogoro in a suit and leather shoes by the window, her eyes were filled with joy.

Mori Kogoro still held a document in his hand, turned around and walked towards the bed.

"No, I can't call you Mira now, it should be Her Royal Highness the Queen."

A wry smile appeared on Queen Mira's face: "If possible, I really don't want to be a queen. I face these old guys with smirks all day long, and I have to calculate and calculate. It's too tiring!"

Mori Kogoro handed her the document in his hand: "Da, this is for you, it should help you!"

"Time is limited. This is what I investigated for you today. The list of ministers and parliamentarians who colluded with Prince Gerald. You can't use these people too much."

"There is also a list at the back, which is the available material I found out."

Queen Mira took the document and flipped through it, her eyes suddenly brightened.

She immediately got up and hugged Kogoro Mouri tightly, leaning against Kogoro Mouri's chest with her soft chest: "Mr.

She looked at the thick stack of lists, and her pretty face was full of emotion. Obviously, she thought that Kogoro Mori had been running around investigating it all day long.

"Maori-kun, without you, I would definitely not be able to beat my uncle, nor be this queen. Tell me, how should I thank you? Now the entire kingdom is mine, so just ask for anything you want!"

Queen Mira waved her little hands back and forth, with a grand expression on her face, but Mori Kogoro chuckled: "It's simple, just promise yourself, I haven't been a queen yet!"

Hearing this, Queen Mira's pretty face blushed immediately, and she picked up her small fist and hammered Mori Kogoro's chest: "Damn it, what are you doing? How do you say it so vulgarly!"

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