But there was a light in her eyes.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said with a smile: "Hey, he's even shy now. I don't know which guy said he wanted to go to a hot spring hotel together when he was in Japan. If Fujiko didn't come to my house suddenly, maybe you would It worked!"

"Oh! Woman!"

"Don't say it!" Mira felt ashamed when she heard this, and quickly reached out her hand to cover Kogoro Moori's mouth, but Kogoro Moori grabbed her hand.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Okay, stop making trouble, I came here tonight to say goodbye to you, I have already decided to return to Japan tomorrow!"

Mira was stunned for a moment, the smile on her pretty face gradually disappeared, and the blush on her little face also gradually faded, and for no reason, she felt a pang of sadness in her heart...

The big eyes seemed to be watery, but they were suppressed by it, and then forced a smile, pretending to be calm and breezy: "Oh! I'm leaving!"

With such an expression, Mori Kogoro felt a little distressed.



Mori Kogoro didn't want to return to China so soon, but Judy and Miyano Akemi kept calling him to urge him.

Judy wants to tell Mori Kogoro about the FBI's information about Calbados and their progress in dealing with the dark organization.

Miyano Akemi didn't know what to do with Itakura Takumi's computer.

He also needs to deal with the Chianti and Cohen held in the base.

In addition, according to Mori Kogoro's speculation, Moriarty, the director of the ghost ship battle, may have already arrived in Japan.

All of this needs to be resolved by him, and he naturally cannot take a leisurely vacation here in the Kingdom of Visbania.



Queen Mira knew that this day would come sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to come so soon. She tried desperately to suppress the tears in her eyes, but she couldn't.

Tears fell like a burst bank, she threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and said, "Mori Mouri, I know my request is too much, but, but can you not leave, just stay here with me! "

"As long as there is Maori-kun, I won't be afraid, I won't be afraid, I can't even imagine what life would be like without you!"

"I don't have any relatives anymore, and I don't want to lose you anymore."

"Maori, please stay. As long as you stay, we will get married. I will pass on the throne to you. You will be the king of the Visbania Kingdom, and I will be your queen!"

Queen Mira raised her tearful eyes and looked at Kogoro Mori beggingly, making Kogoro Mori couldn't help but tremble.

He reached out to wipe off Queen Mira's tears, then held up this little angelic face that was exactly the same as Xiaolan's, and kissed it gently.

It is impossible for Japan to give up, but it is not without a way to have both.

Chapter 0052 Queen P

On the magnificent bed in the queen's bedroom, a pair of Bi people hugged each other tightly and kissed deeply.

One is the well-known detective Maori Kogoro, and the other is the Queen Mira of the Kingdom of Visbania, who has just ascended the throne today.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Queen Mira's delicate body, and Queen Mira responded enthusiastically. This feeling was completely different from Xiaolan's.

how to say!The same is very exciting and exciting, but there is no sense of tension and taboo, and it is more because of the desire to conquer caused by the queen.

Kogoro Mori saw the tenderness in Queen Mira's big eyes, and looked at the person walking out of the middle ages in her arms, so he naturally knew what to do next!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, it was Earl Keith.

"Her Royal Highness, I want to report on the guarding of the palace!"

Queen Mira was startled, managed to calm down her breath, and then said, "Count Keith, I'm a little sleepy. I'll leave it to you to be responsible for the defense, and report to me tomorrow!"

Earl Keith frowned slightly outside the door, but he was not suspicious, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Ah! Hiss..."

But soon he heard Queen Mira's exclamation from inside, and he couldn't help but speak again: "Your Highness, are you alright?"

"It's okay, I just kicked my foot against the edge of the bed, Earl Keith, I'm going to rest, you go first, we'll talk tomorrow if we have anything to do!"

Earl Keith ordered the maids on the left and right to look after him carefully, then turned and left.

Queen Mira patted her big hand on her chest, and said softly, "Big villain!"

But Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, let go of his hand and said, "Your Highness, I don't see that you are so good at deceiving people. Did you hurt your foot? Let me check it!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro grabbed Queen Mira's calf and lifted it up. The calf was soft and boneless, white and smooth.

He took off the pair of silver high-heeled shoes, turned them over and threw them on the side of the bed, grabbed these two little feet, and began to observe carefully.

It's really strange, the two little feet of Queen Mira are exactly the same as Xiaolan's feet, they are the same.

The same delicate and playful, the toes are round and cute, it can be used as a foot model.

Just as Mori Kogoro was holding Queen Mira's little feet to observe carefully, Mira's face was blushing. She didn't know what was so good about it, so she couldn't help but softly shouted: "Mori-san!"

Mori Kogoro let go of his little feet, put his arms around Queen Mira's waist again, and said with a light smile, "Mira, I found that you not only have the same appearance and hairstyle as Xiaolan, but also your feet are exactly the same."

"No, I have to look elsewhere!"

Mira's face turned red immediately, why would it be weird to mention Xiaolan at this time?and……

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