"Maoli-kun, how do you know your daughter's body so well?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro froze. He laughed twice and quickly argued: "Didn't I say that? My memory and observation skills are very good. I can never forget everything. Is it normal to remember?" ?lets change a topic!"

Mori Kogoro kissed Queen Mira's pink lips in one breath, and the old driver showed his kissing skills, kissing her so complacently that he had no time to think more, so he gave up.

And his fiery right hand poked in from the skirt of the silver dress, and pushed aside the ruby ​​necklace in the soft gully, while his left hand began to walk along Queen Mira's waist.

The little girl Mira never encountered such a situation, her body stiffened, her little face was flushed, and her big eyes were full of mist.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro was even more excited, and the flames in his heart continued to ignite.

Not long after, the queen's bedroom resounded with stirring music, and the maid outside the door gradually blushed.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

And in the royal bathroom of the palace, there are only Xiaolan and Huiyuan, who are soaking comfortably in the bath.

The whole body of the bath in the bathroom is made of white jade, pure white, and the hot water is clear and transparent.

The entire bath was as big as a swimming pool, and the dense water vapor kept rising, and two small heads popped out.

Huiyuan squinted his eyes comfortably, and took a sip of the drink next to him: "It's really extravagant. You have to heat up the whole pool of water in a bath, and then pour it out together. The people in the palace really enjoy it!"

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "If Dad hadn't helped Princess Mira ascend the throne, we wouldn't have enjoyed such treatment."

Huiyuan asked curiously: "Where's uncle? Where did he go!"

Xiao Lan said: "He, it seems that he went to find the queen, said that he has something to discuss, and finally wants to say goodbye."

Huiyuan frowned slightly, and said, "Sister Xiaolan, it's so late, don't you worry? That Queen Mira has bad intentions for uncle!"

"You must know that she is now the female version of the diamond queen. Both her parents have died, and she is also a queen. She has an entire country as her dowry!"

"If she spends all her money to save her uncle and makes him the king, maybe he will fall here!"

There was a bit of sadness in Little Lolita's words, but she was still as smart as ever, and her guess was almost in line with the actual situation.

But Xiaolan didn't answer this question, with a mysterious smile on her face, she seemed to have a lot of confidence in Kogoro Mouri, and little Lori was a little confused.

At this time, a delicate female voice sounded, and Fujiko Mine appeared in the bathroom wrapped in a scarf: "Although Mira is the queen, the title of diamond king and fifth child is more suitable for Maori detectives. Mira is not as good as him!"

Fujiko Mine walked to the side of the bath, and lifted the scarf, revealing his domineering figure instantly.

She walked slowly into the white jade bath, while little Loli lowered her head resentfully.

Xiaolan's big eyes were full of surprise: Hey!It can grow so big!

Huihara asked, "Miss Fujiko, what do you mean by that?"

Feng Fujizi laughed lightly: "It's literally! You two are too disrespectful, you don't even call me to take a bath!"

While saying this, Mine Fujiko raised a beautiful leg and gently placed it on the edge of the bath.

A beautiful leg like white jade appeared on the white jade, and a pair of small hands slowly scrubbed it.

From Xiaolan and Huiyuan's eyes, this scene is extremely beautiful, and the two blushed involuntarily.

"Detective Maori is a director of Boeing, owns his own private jet, and has separated from his wife. He is a diamond king."

Xiao Lan suddenly looked confused: Airplane? ? ?

"But after my investigation, I found that he is not that simple at all. He is completely a top-end luxury version of the diamond king. Queen Mira's kingdom is not comparable to the Maori detective's business empire!"

"With his assets, buying a territory and becoming emperor himself is a piece of cake."

Chapter 0053 Beautiful Baths

Both Xiaolan and Huiyuan looked stunned, as if they had heard something from the Arabian Nights, they had no idea what Fujiko Mine was talking about!

Seeing the expressions of the two, Mine Fujiko couldn't help showing surprise on his face: "Don't you know? It's interesting, Detective Maori didn't tell you!"

"According to my investigation in the past two days, there are a total of [-] companies under the name of Maori Detective. The companies are all over the world, and most of them are high-tech companies with great potential."

"Such as artificial intelligence, virtual games, electric vehicles, genetic programming companies, etc., which have become popular in the world recently, the bosses behind the scenes are all Maori detectives."

"Not to mention that he still has shares exchanged with giant companies such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon. According to my speculation, Mori Detective should have been the richest man in Japan long ago!"

"He is the real diamond king, and Queen Mira is simply incomparable."

"The money I earn from completing the entrusted tasks through hard work is not worth a fraction of him!"

"But wait until I turn Maori detectives into my servants, so that I have countless money to enjoy."

Fujiko Mine laughed, her eyes sparkled, while Xiaolan and Hui Principle rolled her eyes at the same time.

Another coquettish slut who plots against Mori Kogoro!

"However, one of you is his daughter, and the other lives in his house. How can you not know these things?"

Fujiko asked suspiciously, but Xiaolan frowned: "Miss Fujiko, did you make a mistake?"

"My father spends most of his time in the office and is busy with various cases every day. How can he have the energy to start a company?"

Hui Yuan also didn't believe it at all: "Uncle isn't very short of money these days, but most of his income should be from entrustment."

"And we only went abroad once a year, and it was just to visit Hawaii. How could uncle start a company all over the world!"

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