"Miss Fuji, it seems that your information is not very reliable!"

Fujiko laughed lightly: "Really? Then I must have made a mistake!"

She didn't argue any more, but the astonishment in her eyes became more and more intense. It's really scary to start so many companies in such a short time!

The more he got to know Mori Kogoro, the more surprised Mine Fujiko was.

Things that ordinary people can't do at all are so simple in front of him.

This man is too powerful!

Fujiko Mine flipped through this article lightly, stretched out his little hand, and instead hugged the little Lolita into his proud chest, and the little Lolita's head sank deeply into the softness.

Mine Fujiko has always been jealous of Haibara, especially after learning about the relationship between Mori Kogoro and Haibara, curiosity is like a kitten that scratches people, constantly driving her, making her want to find out after all.

Mine Fuji laughed softly: "Xiao Ai? Can my sister help you take a bath?"

The little loli Huiyuan immediately supported the domineering place with both hands, and shouted in panic: "Sister Xiaolan, come and save me, or I will be smothered to death!"

Seeing this, Xiaolan hurriedly got up to rescue her, but Mine Fujiko quickly avoided, and immediately water splashed everywhere, and a big battle broke out in the bath, and the water surface was full of spring.



In the Queen's bedroom, Queen Mira's snow-like body kept turning red like a piece of warm jade.

She stood in front of the tall and stable standing mirror, holding the edge of the mirror with both hands, her face was flushed, her eyes looked at herself in the mirror in a daze, and she was panting heavily.

Queen Mira in the mirror is beyond description.

Her legs were a little weak, her body was shaking constantly, and her whole body exuded an astonishing sense of beauty.

The body seemed to be salvaged from the bottom of the water, a black hair was wet and stuck to the forehead, and the brows were slightly frowned, bringing a ray of weakness.

The pores on her body were all open, and the sweat seeped out, and a strange fragrance was exuded in the bedroom, which was extremely mysterious.

Queen Mira only felt that her soul was constantly changing, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, constantly flying upwards, flying into the mysterious and beautiful realm.



And the battle in the Shiraishi bath naturally ended in Mine Fujiko's defeat.

Her fighting skills are good, but she can't win against Xiao Lan, who has a broken physique. Her right hand is buckled behind her back, her shoulders are grabbed, and she looks like she was caught by a miss.

This scene, however, is very evocative. Two domineering bodies in the water are pressed against each other tightly, and there is a cute little loli on the side.

Feng Fujizi exclaimed coquettishly: "Sure enough, the tiger father has no dog daughter, Xiaolan, your karate is so good!"

Xiao Lan yelled, "Miss Fuji, Xiao Ai has already said that she doesn't like you touching her. I hope you will keep a distance from her in the future!"

Fujiko Mine, who was caught by mistake, naturally admitted obediently: "OK! OK!"

Xiaolan immediately let go of Fujiko's right hand, then pulled Huiyuan out of the white jade bath, and walked towards the locker room.

Mine Fujiko in the bath stretched his arms, with a depressed look on his face: "Why do you feel like you've been bullied these past few days!"



At the same time, there was a loud shout in Tokyo International Airport.

An uncle with bandages all over his body was jumping left and right in the airport, constantly searching: "How is it possible! How could it be possible to disappear in a blink of an eye? He was here just now!"

Qian Xingxing grabbed the passer-by beside him and kept shaking him, so he couldn't see that he was injured at all.

"Did you see the three people who were tied up here just now?"

"No, no, no!"

Qian Xingxing shouted to the sky in grief and indignation: "Lu Bang!"

The sound made the three people hiding in the three adjacent suitcases tremble with fear.

Jigen Daisuke said aggrievedly: "Lu Bang, is this the best way to escape you said?"

Lupine in the suitcase next to him said, "Hey hey, there's nothing you can do about it. Just be patient and keep your voice down. If the old man hears it, he'll die."

Daisuke Jigen continued: "I don't know how to shrink my bones, how can I be patient?"

"And the teacher is taller than me, I can't stand it anymore, how can the teacher bear it?"

"It's okay, I can do it!" Ishikawa Goemon replied, and then stopped talking.

Lupine repeatedly comforted: "Hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer, and you'll be safe when you get on the conveyor belt."

After a while, the luggage was sent to the conveyor belt by the laborious staff and transported to the carousel.

Suddenly three adjacent suitcases exploded at the suitcase carousel, which startled the passengers who came to pick up their luggage.

After identifying the location, Lupine pulled Jigen Daisuke and Ishikawa Goemon out of Tokyo International Airport.

Chapter 0054 four beautiful legs

Under the night, beside the Tokyo Bridge, the calm river flows.

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