Huiyuan immediately complained: "Uncle, Miss Fujiko is a pervert, she always wants to take off my clothes and do strange things, and I'm afraid she will come to me in the middle of the night when I sleep alone."

"Uncle, I'm scared, I want to sleep with you!"

Little Lolita's acting skills are quite good, Xiaolan was deceived, so she didn't say much.

"Oh, that's right, then Xiao Ai can sleep here, there is an uncle protecting you, don't worry!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Xiaolan, and met his big bright eyes. The next moment, the two of them smiled at the same time, and they couldn't understand why!

"Lan, you can also rest here, anyway, the bed is big enough, it's more than enough for the three of us to rest together!"

"Yeah!" Xiaolan nodded slightly.

And Kogoro Mori walked towards the bathroom that came with the room and began to wash up.

He didn't dare to go directly to the bed, it wouldn't be a volcanic eruption to be smelled by these two ladies!

Kogoro Mori walked out of the bathroom after washing up, turned off the light in the room, and the room was plunged into darkness.

He gently climbed onto the bed, lay down between the two women, stretched his arms, and the two women leaned over.

The little loli Huibara rubbed against Mori Kogoro's chest, yawned and slowly fell asleep.

But Mori Kogoro's heartbeat has always maintained a relatively fast speed.

In the dark, he was waiting quietly.

Chapter 0055 use your big plane

It wasn't until the sound of gentle and even breathing came from the side that Mori Kogoro's heart came alive.

Once Pandora's box is opened, it can never be closed again!

He directly exchanged for a Sleeping Talisman, pasted it on, and immediately no worries.

The girl on the side hugged Kogoro Moori tightly, wishing to rub Kogoro Moori into her body.

Her heartbeat was so loud in the dark that Kogoro Mori couldn't ignore it.

The girl remained motionless and pretended to be asleep. She had already fully mastered this skill and performed it extremely proficiently.

Mori Kogoro put his left arm around the girl's soft waist, stroking the smooth skin, and slowly whirled, and soon the girl's breathing became heavy.

And Mori Kogoro drew out his fiery right hand, stroked towards the area where the death-preventing gold medal was located, and began to play with it.

Even though it was dark all around, Mori Kogoro, who had night vision, still had a panoramic view of the girl's shy little face.

Smelling the familiar natural body fragrance, Mori Kogoro turned over and kissed the girl gently on the lips.

With such a big movement, the girl's whole body tensed up, her body was so stiff that she couldn't move at all.

Her pupils kept shrinking, her heartbeat kept accelerating, and she was extremely nervous!

It's going crazy, there is a third person on the bed!

If they are discovered, they will be ashamed to see others!

Mori Kogoro knew the girl's scruples, but he didn't point out the fact that the other person would not wake up.

On the contrary, with a big heart for mischief, he deliberately made all kinds of big moves and made all kinds of big noises, which made the girl even more frightened.

The girl couldn't help stretching out her hand to grab Mori Kogoro's waist, and twisted it hard, it was really painful!

Mori Kogoro let go of the girl's mouth, and gasped.

hiss! ! ! !

The girl patted Mori Kogoro's chest lightly, and said in a panic, "Bah! What if I'm found out?"

Mori Kogoro rubbed the place where he was pinched, then grabbed the girl's hands and pressed his plain hands on the pillow, his face was close to the girl's pretty face.

So close, the girl saw Moori Kogoro's star-like eyes.

Mori Kogoro's eyes were full of determination: "If we are discovered, we will announce it. Nothing can stop us!"

Hearing this, the girl's eyes were full of tenderness, and she hugged Mori Kogoro's neck emotionally, and kissed him.

At this moment, it was the girl who launched the attack instead, forcing Kogoro Mori to fight.

And how could the old driver be at a disadvantage, his fiery big hands began to walk on the girl's body, climbing to the soft and heavy place.

The girl's bare hand is unconsciously grabbing Kogoro Mouri's back!

This kiss made the girl's face turn red and her head go numb, Mouri Kogoro let go of the defeated girl's mouth, and kissed the place that was almost bitten by the sea snake.

The proficient kissing skills were displayed, and mist gradually appeared in the girl's eyes.

And Mori Kogoro's eyes gradually turned scarlet, and the clarity in his eyes gradually disappeared.

He didn't need any reason at the moment.

Not long after, a forbearing and fierce war song was played in this guest room!

This battle song resounded through most of the night, and finally calmed down in the early morning!


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