
The next morning, in the palace meeting hall, Fujiko Mine, who was sitting opposite Earl Keith, had a smile on his face.

She was wearing a black suit and skirt, black stockings, high heels, her hair was tied up, and she wore gold-rimmed glasses, giving her a somewhat intellectual aesthetic.

The beautiful woman was in a very happy mood at the moment, but Kogoro Mori standing beside him couldn't help yawning.

He was really overworked last night!

Earl Keith said: "Mao~Li~Detective~Detective, Miss Fujiko, this time the princess can successfully ascend the throne, thanks to the help of both of you!"

Earl Keith's voice was still trembling when he mentioned Mori Kogoro, and he still didn't dare to meet his eyes!

"Furthermore, Lupine's theft and Prince Gerald's coup were all resolved with the help of the two. I would like to express my highest gratitude to you in the next generation of Queen!"

After saying this, Earl Keith stood up and bowed respectfully to the two.

Mori Kogoro waved his hand, and Earl Keith sat down obediently like an obedient student!

"I don't know if the reward this time should be credited to the accounts of the two or still paid in cash?"

Feng Fujizi quickly said: "Of course it's cash, I can't trust the bank!"

Hearing this, Earl Keith clapped his hands, and four guards entered with four large suitcases.

The four guards laid the suitcase flat and opened it, and the full amount of dollar bills dazzled Fujiko's eyes.

Earl Keith chuckled lightly and said, "Because Mao~Li~Detective~Miss Fujiko worked hard this time and saved our lives, so I decided to double the reward this time, a total of [-] million US dollars , each box is [-] million!"


Seeing Earl Keith nodding, Fujiko Mine threw himself into Kogoro Mori's arms and shouted, "Kogoro, I'm rich! I'm rich!"

Mine Fujiko was bouncing up and down, it was too foul to hit someone with the ball!

But Fujiko Mine's expression changed, and he looked at Mori Kogoro from the stage: "Kogoro, as you said, I will give all the remuneration this time, and if it is doubled, I will give it all to me, right?"

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed his wine-red hair, and scattered his buns, he shook his head and smiled lightly: "I'll still lie to you, this little money is so excited, it's hopeless! "

Feng Fuerzi was not annoyed at all, instead, he leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, and said with a charming smile, "This is a reward for you!"

Seeing this scene, Earl Keith and the guards on the side felt that they were stuffed with a mouthful of dog food, and couldn't help but turn sideways one by one.

Mori Kogoro wiped off the lip marks on his face, and patted Fujiko's buttocks: "Fujiko, don't be too happy, the [-] million dollars plus the suitcase, at least [-] catties, Tired and exhausted you!"

Fujiko Mine immediately grabbed Kogoro Mori's arm, and acted coquettishly: "Kogoro, just use your big plane to help carry it, and I don't need your help when I return to Japan!"

Why does this sound so strange!big aeroplane? ? ?

Earl Keith and the four guards turned around in embarrassment, and Earl Keith said, "If it doesn't bother you, we can help deliver the cash to the airport!"

Mine Fujiko still trusted Earl Keith, so he nodded and agreed.

After receiving the reward, it's time to leave!

Kogoro Mori and Fujiko Mine walked out of the meeting room, and saw Queen Mira, Ran, and Haibara waiting outside.

Queen Mira and Xiaolan stood together, almost like a pair of twins, equally glamorous and compelling, making people reluctant to look away.

Chapter 0056 Dad's Big Airplane

Queen Mira took Xiaolan's arm and told her to go back and take good care of Mouri Kogoro.

She was completely in the tone of her sweetheart traveling far away and his wife entrusting others, which made the corners of Xiaolan and Huiyuan's mouths twitch from time to time.

Something must have happened between the two of them!

Seeing Kogoro Mori coming out, the two women glared at the same time, with a cold light in their eyes.

And Queen Mira is full of reluctance, there is a touch of sadness in her big eyes, and there is a bit of begging in her autumn-like pupils, as if she wants Kogoro Mori to stay, but she can't do it anyway. Did not speak!

This look makes people feel distressed.

Xiaolan felt a little pained with anger, this was completely a mirror image, but she didn't have such emotions, but Queen Mira did.

The more she looked at it, the more she felt that Queen Mira was too threatening. Fortunately, Kogoro Mori was leaving with her today.

Seeing Queen Mira's expression, Mori Kogoro was immediately annoyed!

Last night, Mira, who was extremely weak in battle, was too tired to hold on and fell asleep before mentioning her plan in the series of battles with her;

Afterwards, he went back to his room and fought again and again, and Mori Kogoro was too tired to fall asleep;

After waking up, he was dragged directly to the meeting room by Mine Fujiko to receive the reward, so he had no time to meet Mira at all.

No wonder Mira had this expression, she thought her sweetheart was really going to leave her!

Queen Mira forced a smile and said, "Since Mr. Mao Li and Ms. Fujiko have come out, let's go. I'll take you to the airport!"

Earl Keith said: "Your Highness, I'm afraid you can't go. The old ministers in the hall are waiting for your meeting. This meeting is very important!"

Queen Mira was stunned, and she breathed a sigh of relief after a long time.

She realized that she was already a queen, and she could no longer do what she wanted as she did before.

Mira chuckled lightly: "Maori-kun, it seems that I have no choice but to let Earl Keith see you off. You must take care of yourself!"

Mira trembled a little after speaking these few words.

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