Then she turned around and walked towards the palace hall, but when she turned around, there seemed to be a few drops of crystal clear tears running across her cheeks and falling on the ground.

Kogoro Mori's heart trembled when he saw this scene, and he couldn't help being stunned.

At this moment, Earl Keith said, "Detective Maori, the car is waiting outside, we can start now."

After saying that, Earl Keith led the way, and Xiaolan, Huiyuan, and his two sons and three daughters followed.

Xiaolan turned her head to see Moori Kogoro who was stunned, frowned and said, "Dad, we should go!"

"Oh!" Mori Kogoro realized and followed.

When several people got into the car, behind the window of the palace, Queen Mira beside the curtain was already sobbing.

She watched the figure enter the car with tears in her eyes, and then the car drove out slowly.

Farewell, my love!



At the Kingdom of Visbania International Airport, Xiao Lan saw this very large private jet that stood out from the crowd, and her little face was full of excitement.

Xiaolan hugged Maoli Kogoro's arm tightly, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Father, is this big plane really yours? When did you buy it? Why don't I know?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I bought it almost a month ago, and I haven't used it since I haven't used it, so I haven't mentioned it to you!"

"As for how it came about, didn't Dad say that he had made some investments with your friend and auntie? He made a lot of money, so he bought it!"

"In the future, Xiao Lan, you can take this plane wherever you want to play!"

Xiaolan said with a dazed face, "Dad, have you made a lot of money?"

"That's right! I asked Xiaolan before if you want to move? I originally wanted to move to the villa area, but you said you didn't want to move, so I didn't mention it again!"

"So it's useless to make money from investing. It's best to live together as a family!"

"That's right!" Xiaolan nodded, but soon exploded, and the little housekeeper's attribute suddenly appeared: "But Dad, you are a waste of money!"

"Why didn't you tell me about buying such an expensive thing?"

Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand and stroked Xiaolan's head: "Is it expensive? It's not that expensive! There's even a discount at Boeing's headquarters, and it only cost a little money!"

Little money! ! !

When Xiaolan and Huiyuan heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched, and Fujiko Mine beside him laughed coquettishly: "Now you believe it, Detective Maori is a super rich man!"

"Okay, don't worry about these details, it's time for us to board the plane!" Mori Kogoro dragged Xiaolan and Haibara to the plane, and even yawned...

"I'm a little sleepy, I have to get a good night's sleep when I get on the plane!"

Hearing this, Xiaolan's eyes seemed to flash brightly.

The four came to the plane, Xiaolan looked at the extremely luxurious cabin, dragged Huiyuan and couldn't help but look left and right.

Mine Fujiko watched the four cash suitcases pushed into his room, and thanked the four guards who brought them up.

As for Mori Kogoro, he entered his bedroom with a yawn and locked the bedroom door behind him.

Not long after, the Boeing plane took off under the watchful eyes of Earl Keith, and flew towards Japan.



In the palace hall, on the highest golden throne, Queen Mira, who was dressed in golden and luxurious clothes, sat on it, holding her chin in a daze.

The cabinet meeting was over, the ministers and elders had left, and she was the only one left in the entire hall.

Earl Keith walked into the hall and reported, "Her Majesty, the Maori detectives have left!"

Queen Mira was stunned when she heard this, and then said, "Keith, I want to be alone here for a while, you and the guards should leave!"

"This..." Earl Keith frowned, but seeing Queen Mira's expression, he still didn't say much.

Earl Keith walked out of the palace, waved his hand, and the guards closed the door of the main hall, and then left.

After the gate is closed, no one will see it again, so naturally there is no need to pretend!

Mira, who was sitting on the throne, could no longer suppress her emotions, tears filled her eyes instantly!

"Hey, if you cry any more, you'll turn into a little cat! I didn't see you shed so many tears last night!"

Hearing this impossible voice, Mira's eyes widened immediately, and she immediately turned her head to look, only to see a figure behind the throne, it was Kogoro Mori.

With a benign smile on his face, he winked at Mira.

Mira immediately got up from the throne and threw herself into Kogoro Mori's arms, rubbing her small head against Kogoro Mori's chest, with a look of ecstasy: "That's great, Mr. Mori, you didn't leave, it's really too much!" All right!"

Chapter 0057

Mira hugged Kogoro Mori tightly, exhausting all her strength, for fear that Kogoro Mori would disappear again.

She shed tears excitedly, and said, "Mr. Mao Li, are you willing to stay? What I said last night is true!"

Mori Kogoro reached out to wipe away the tears on his face, and said with a light smile, "Don't cry, little cat!"

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