"But I'm not staying. On the contrary, I'm here to ask if you would like to live with me in Japan? Believe me, I can take good care of you in Japan!"

"You queen is not happy with what you are doing, or you can just let it go, pass the throne to Keith, and fly away with me!"

There was hesitation on Mira's face, she pondered for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Maori-kun, I can't do this, I'm the only one left in the royal family now, the glory of the Giuliati royal family can't just ruin my hands like this."

"And the Kingdom of Visbania has just ushered in a new queen, and the turmoil has just subsided. I can't abandon my people and go to Japan!"

Kogoro Mori pretended to be distressed, and Mira frowned, and her joyful mood gradually sank.

"Troublesome, it seems that there is only a third way!"

Mori Kogoro clapped his hands, and suddenly a figure stepped out from the shadows.

When Queen Mira heard that there was a third person, she quickly let go of Mori Kogoro's body, turned around and wiped her tears.

When she turned around, her expression became awe-inspiring and inviolable, which made Kogoro Mori furious.

Seeing the person who appeared, Queen Mira suddenly exclaimed: "Hey, Xiao Lan, haven't you left yet? Me and your father..."

"This is not Xiaolan, this is a robot!"

As soon as Mori Kogoro finished speaking, the robot pulled off the disguise mask on its head, which was full of metal, which shocked Queen Mira.

She threw herself into Kogoro Mori's arms in panic.

"Don't be afraid, I made this robot and it won't hurt you!"

"Do you still remember the tricks of Lupine's thieves who disguised themselves as another person? I also know the method of making the disguise mask. You only need to put a disguise mask on the face of the robot I created, and you can easily pretend to be Another person!"

"And this robot has high force and artificial intelligence, and can become bigger and smaller!"

Following Mori Kogoro's introduction, the Ant-Man robot began to show itself, bowed and saluted, enlarged and shrunk, and was able to speak, which made Queen Mira's eyes brighten and she kept exclaiming.

Mori Kogoro continued to speak: "Mira, you go up and look into the eyes of this robot."

Mira trusted Kogoro Mori completely, so she stepped forward obediently.

Mori Kogoro said silently: "Number 101, unbind and rebind!"

The robot's pupils glowed red, and it instantly scanned Mira in front of him.

Queen Mira suddenly exclaimed: "Maori-kun, what's going on, how do I feel that I can control it!"

"Of course, I have bound it to your brainwaves. From now on, you are its master. Through nerve conduction, you can order and control it in your mind!"

"You let it put the mask back on!" Mira obeyed obediently.

Looking at the face that ordinary people can't distinguish, Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Mira, from now on you will have a clone, anyway, you don't like to be a queen, you can let this robot pretend to be you sitting in the palace , and then go live in Japan with me!"

Upon hearing this proposal, Queen Mira's eyes lit up immediately, as if she felt that it was extremely feasible.

She manipulated the robot and experimented with its artificial intelligence, had no problem communicating with it, and could manipulate it herself if necessary.

In the end, Mira looked at the ant-man robot that had shrunk to become almost invisible to the naked eye in his palm, and opened his mouth wide, his face full of amazement.

Mira fell into Kogoro Mori's arms: "It's so cool, Mori-kun, how did your head grow, and how did you make such a powerful robot!"

"However, the domestic situation is not yet stable, Mr. Mao Li, I have no choice but to go with you now, you wait for me for two months."

"Two months later, when I have everything under control, I will go to Japan to find you!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, but agreed.

"Okay then, but I will miss you very much after two months apart!"


"Maori-kun, how long can you stay here this time?"

"There are still urgent matters in Japan, and we will start again later!"

There was a look of reluctance on Mira's face, but it was much better than the sad look before.

Mori Kogoro sat on the throne with Queen Mira in his arms, and then gently kissed Mira's lips.

The parting was imminent, but Queen Mira was extremely emotional, so she responded enthusiastically.

Mori Kogoro walked around Mira's body with his hands, enjoying the softness and silkiness.

This kiss made Queen Mira's face steaming, and Mori Kogoro's warm breath hit Queen Mira's earlobe, causing countless goose bumps.

Mori Kogoro spoke in a low voice, and made an unreasonable request.

Mira's face turned red when she heard it, and she resolutely hit Kogoro Mori's chest with her small fist.

However, under the fiery and firm gaze of her lover, Queen Mira finally succumbed.

She stood up slowly, then knelt down in front of Mori Kogoro.

At this moment, in the luxurious palace, Mori Kogoro is sitting on the supreme throne, and the queen of a country obediently bites her. The sense of conquest brought by this is indescribable.

Not long after, the battle song was played again in this palace!



And in the private plane on the stratosphere, Xiaolan and Huiyuan were eating lunch.

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