Xiaolan caressed Huiyuan's little head, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Ai, you didn't wake up in the middle of the night last night, did you?"

Huiyuan replied: "No, I slept soundly last night, I haven't slept for such a long time in a long time."

Xiaolan's face suddenly became a little weird. There was so much commotion last night that Huiyuan didn't notice it at all.

Especially in the end, they were all lying on Hui Yuan's body, and they couldn't wake up from such a movement, which is really strange!

But if Xiao Ai can sleep like this every time, that would be great!

Seeing that Hui Yuan's expression didn't look fake, Xiaolan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, she was lucky not to be discovered!

And Huiyuan turned his head to look in the direction of the bedroom: "Uncle is too good at sleeping, he has slept for four hours now, it's time for lunch and he still hasn't woken up."

Xiaolan smiled sweetly: "Don't worry about Dad, let him rest, he must be very busy these two days."

It's just that Xiaolan and Haibara don't know that Mori Kogoro is still working hard at this moment.

Chapter 0058 Xiaolan's black card

In the magnificent and solemn palace, Queen Mira was leaning on the throne, her eyes were blurred, her face was blushing, there was a touch of unique style between her eyebrows and eyes, and she exuded a lazy atmosphere.

Her beautiful white legs, parted left and right, hang from the handle of the throne.

Queen Mira didn't even have the strength to lift her feet.

Her skin was a bewitching red, shining like a piece of warm jade, possessing a peculiar sense of beauty.

Queen Mira murmured: "Maori-kun, wait for me, I will definitely go to Japan to find you!"



At two o'clock in the afternoon, the little loli Huiyuan was sitting on the massage sofa chair, reading fashion magazines in the sunlight outside the window.

She was constantly making marks with a marker pen, and was going to kill Mori Kogoro when she returned.

The little loli murmured, "Damn it, after sleeping for so long, it's so disgusting to be with Big Nailan all the time and not with me when we came together!"

Haibara glanced at Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan who were sitting on the loveseat beside them. The two were watching a movie under the quilt, looking very intimate, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

On the loveseat, Xiaolan was half lying on Kogoro Mouri's chest, and Kogoro Mouri was holding Xiaolan's soft waist. The two snuggled together, looking extremely harmonious.

Huiyuan always felt that after this trip to the Kingdom of Visbania, the relationship between the father and daughter has deepened a lot.

Therefore, little Lolita is planning whether she should disappear for a few days, and let Kogoro Mouri taste the taste of regaining what was lost, so that he will cherish herself even more!

"Dad, this guy is so funny!"

Hearing Xiaolan's coquettish laughter again, Huiyuan shook his head annoyedly, closed the magazine, jumped off the sofa with short legs, and then headed towards the bedroom behind.

Little Lolita was going to take a nap, but when she came, she was out of sight and out of mind.

Mori Kogoro has used the Teleportation Talisman for the last time this month, and the next Teleportation Talisman cannot be used until it is fully charged.

As soon as she came back, she was invited by Xiaolan to watch a movie. Xiaolan also said that the air conditioner on the plane was very cold, so she covered the two of them with a thin quilt.

Under the quilt, his little hands fumbled around Mori Kogoro's body, but Huiyuan didn't notice.

Now that little loli Huiyuan walked into the bedroom, there were only Kogoro Mori and Xiaolan in the entire cabin.

Xiaolan's heart became alive, and the little hands under the quilt began to feel restless.

But soon this little hand was grabbed by Mori Kogoro: "Lan, don't be naughty, watch the movie obediently!"

"Hmph!" Xiaolan pursed her lips, and slapped away her fiery hand on Bai Jie's thigh.

"Dad, have you been successful in investing with Aunt Tomoko? Ms. Fujiko said that you have many companies under your name and that you are the richest man in Japan. Is this true?"

Xiaolan didn't believe it at first, but after seeing the private plane, she was shaken and couldn't help asking.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Well, the investment is quite successful. It's not like the richest man. There are still some invisible consortia in Japan."

"But this is all for Xiaolan, you can live a better life!"

Xiao Lan's face showed a look of satisfaction, but she soon spoke again, and Tu Qiong saw: "In that case, Dad, let me handle all your property. I was in charge of our family's money before!"

Xiao Lan understands that when a man has money, he becomes bad.

Especially for a handsome man like Mori Kogoro, who is smart, has high strength, and becomes very rich, those women can't be like Fujiko Mine, rushing forward!

Kogoro Maoli was a little dumbfounded, and said, "Xiaolan, Dad can't remember how many companies he invested in. I don't have the energy to take care of these properties, so I leave them to professional managers."

"You are only a high school student. How can you manage so many companies? If you really want to, Dad will transfer you to another company for fun!"

Hearing Xiaolan stuck out her tongue, she gave up the idea.

"Wow, you father and daughter have such a good relationship! It's really enviable for a daughter to be so close to her father at such an age!"

Fujiko Mine poked his head out from the side and looked at the two of them.

Seeing that the time alone with her father was disturbed again, Xiaolan was a little unhappy.

Immediately, he stabbed Fujiko and said, "Miss Fujiko is not in the room looking at her suitcase, why are you free?"

Feng Fujizi smiled and said: "Of course I'm free. I can trust the Maori detective. After all, he gave me half of the remuneration here! It's a full [-] million US dollars. How much is it in Japanese yen?"

"Oh, I see, it's [-] billion yen!"

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