"Xiao Wulang, you gave me so much money, do you have any unreasonable thoughts about me!"

Mine Fujiko glanced at Xiaolan triumphantly, and instantly gained the upper hand.

It was the first time for Xiaolan to hear this, and she immediately became furious: "Dad!"

The little hand pinched the waist of Mori Kogoro, and immediately twisted vigorously.

Mori Kogoro cried out in pain, and quickly said: "Lan, it hurts, let it go, the family card that Dad gave you contains more than this amount of money!"

"Yeah?" Hearing this, Xiaolan let go of her hand and took out the black card from her wallet. Fujiko's eyes lit up instantly.

"Dad, how much money did you put in this card?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said nothing, but Mine Fujiko, who had experienced people, couldn't help but said: "The top black card issued by Mitsubishi Bank of Japan is a credit card with no upper limit, and the number of issued globally does not exceed ten. It's incredible to think that there is one in your hand!"

"No upper limit?" Xiaolan was still a little confused, she didn't even know that the black card she used to buy vegetables had such a big background.

Feng Fujizi said: "Yes, there is no upper limit on the amount. Only those who belong to the political leaders of big countries and billionaires are eligible to apply for the black card. The amount can be used unconditionally. As long as the bank has enough savings, you can use as much as you want! "

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's not that exaggerated. The unlimited quota is just a propaganda slogan, and the real quota is not that high. At most, you can use [-] billion yen!"

"That's enough!" Xiaolan's eyes widened, holding this unpretentious black card in her hand, she suddenly felt a little hot in her palm!

She immediately threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and hugged Kogoro Moori tightly: "Father, you are so kind!"

"Hey, I remember I told you before!"

Xiaolan rubbed her small head against Mori Kogoro's chest: "I thought you were joking with me, but it turned out to be true!"

She raised her small head and kissed Mori Kogoro's cheek at once. One kiss was not enough, and she kissed him several times in a row. Her big eyes looked at Fujiko triumphantly, as if she was demonstrating.

Hearing the amount of [-] billion yen, Mine Fujiko was in a bad mood, and he worked hard to get [-] billion yen.

And this girl has [-] billion in pocket money alone, [-] billion to [-] billion, the gap is too big!

No wonder it is a little money in the mouth of Mori Kogoro!

Mine Fujiko's eyes turned red when she looked at Xiaolan, and she began to calculate the possibility of kidnapping Xiaolan in her heart.

As long as the password of this black card is set out, and the money is taken out, she can completely wash her hands and stop being a snitch!

Chapter 0059

However, Mine Fujiko's expression did not escape Mori Kogoro's eyes at all.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly: "Miss Fujiko, don't move any thoughts that shouldn't appear!"

Fujiko Mine immediately recalled the horror of Mori Kogoro, even the three of Lupine were not his opponents.

Moreover, he always suffers from being with him, so he gave up this idea.

Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's buttocks: "Xiaolan, you go to the bedroom to rest, Dad has something to talk to Miss Fujiko alone!"

Xiaolan obviously didn't want to leave, so she pouted.


Hearing Mori Kogoro's firm tone, Xiaolan got up obediently.

She would never refuse any request from Mori Kogoro, just like last night and the night before.

Not long after, Xiaolan entered the bedroom.

Mori Kogoro got up from the sofa and walked towards the bar counter.

He took out several bottles of wine, including colorless distilled wine, dark red wine, orange-yellow cocktail, and green high-strength wine...

Fujiko Mine turned her beautiful eyes, and followed her to sit on the swivel chair in front of the bar, leaning sideways, leaning on the bar with her head in her arms, a deep gully and a large white greasy area suddenly appeared on her chest, extremely alluring.

She looked thoughtful: "Xiao Wulang, do you want to buy me a drink? Looking at this posture, it seems that you know how to mix wine?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Know a thing or two."

He opened the bottle, and the aroma of the wine overflowed immediately.

The technique is as gorgeous as a butterfly flying, and the golden wine draws an arc and pours into the shaker.

Then the shaker started to dance in the air, and after it fell, it was thrown up again. The lid was not closed, and the wine didn't spill out at the same time as it was flying.

At the same time, the mouth of the jug is poured with various kinds of wine from time to time.

It's simply breathtaking. Seeing this miraculous bartending skills, Mine Fujiko is completely artistic enjoyment.

She looked at Kogoro Mori with a focused face, and couldn't help showing a hint of obsession in her eyes.

No man has ever given her this feeling!

The shaker shook for a long time, and finally landed firmly in Kogoro Mori's hands.

He poured the wine into the glass, and the wine slowly poured down, and it was scattered and divided into countless layers, and there was a world in the glass.

This glass of wine is like a golden vortex, mixed with various colors in the middle, like an ancient battlefield, where the gods and demons are at their best.

Mine Fuji let out a long breath: "Xiao Wulang, you are really surprising, it seems that nothing can stop you!"

"Does this glass of wine have a name?"

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