Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "You can call it the Devil's Graveyard, try it!"

"The devil's cemetery? Gin is used as the base, and Cohen, Chianti, and rum are added, and there are many other wines that I can't recognize. The tastes are mixed enough, Kogoro, your appetite It's really not small!"

Fujiko Mine raised her wine glass, blinked at Mori Kogoro with her beautiful eyes, her charm was self-contained, her charming beauty was innate, natural and pure to attract people's hearts.

Mine Fujiko drank the cocktail down his throat, his little face flushed instantly, and tears welled up in his beautiful eyes, with all kinds of flair, his little hands kept fanning the wind on his mouth, and he said, "Why is it so hot?"

"Who told you to drink in such a hurry!"

"But it's amazing, every level is so distinct, Kogoro, if you go to work in any bar, I will definitely join you!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro had a few black lines on his forehead, then shook his head and said, "Miss Fujiko, I want to ask you something?"

Mori Kogoro spoke in a low voice, Fujiko Mine's complexion suddenly changed, and he looked rather ugly: "What do you want to find a way to brainwash?"

Hearing her answer, Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Miss Fujiko really has great powers, and she also understands this aspect."



Earlier, in the royal palace of the Kingdom of Wisbania, Mori Kogoro sat on the throne enjoying the Queen's service, just when his heart was surging.

Mori Kogoro opened the favorability treasure box that Xiaolan brought him.

It's a pity that the king and the emperor are two different concepts. The items opened in this treasure chest are not satisfactory. It is a Hydra brainwashing device in Marvel.

Originally, Kogoro Mori was overjoyed, thinking that he could use this equipment to deal with Cohen and Chianti, brainwash them and let them go again.

In this way, it can reverse infiltrate into the dark organization!

It's a pity that Xiao V poured cold water on it. Due to the villain's halo, this set of equipment cannot be used.

Mori Kogoro's task of breaking the ring has not yet been completed, so naturally there is no way to use the props obtained in the system to deal with the people in the dark organization.

Although he has certainty about Rum's identity, the leader of the dark organization has no clue.

However, the emergence of this brainwashing device reminded Kogoro Mori.

Stones from other mountains can be used to find jade. In this world, there is not only a dark organization and a criminal group.

Especially Mine Fujiko, this woman also worked for a mysterious terrorist organization.

If you can get the information about brainwashing in that terrorist organization from Mine Fujiko's channel, then study the Hydra brainwashing equipment and learn the essence of it.

Mori Kogoro is confident that he can create an effective brainwashing method, and then he can start the plan.

To be honest, Cohen and Chianti are no longer of any use value, and the information they know is basically being asked by Minmei.

It is gratifying to succeed in brainwashing, but it is not a pity even if it fails.



Kogoro Mori looked rather ugly when he saw Fujiko Mine, as if the word brainwashing brought back bad memories for her.

He stretched out his hand to grab Fujiko's little hand, and comforted him gently, and Fujiko's complexion improved.

Fujiko Mine shook his head, as if he was about to refuse.

"Fifty million dollars, Fuji, tell me, I'll buy it from you with fifty million dollars, don't worry, I won't use it to do bad things!"

Fujiko Mine was stunned, and then a light flashed in his eyes.

Seemingly afraid that Kogoro Moori would regret it, she quickly said, "Deal! Wow, I didn't expect these things to be sold for money. It's really a big profit!"

"Xiao Wulang, you are so cute, you give me money like this, do you fall in love with me?"

Kogoro Mori understood that the most effective way to deal with Fujiko is to throw money at him!

The money is thrown down, and the effect is remarkable.

"Of course, who doesn't like a beautiful woman like you, Fujiko?"

"You're so sweet, Kogoro, I don't know how many people you've told this to!" Fujiko Mine rolled her eyes at Kogoro Mori.

Chapter 0060 Xiaolan's Massage

At around nine o'clock at night, outside Tokyo International Airport, Mori Kogoro helped move the suitcases to the car called by Fujiko.

Mine Fuji smiled and said: "Xiao Wulang, thank you so much, I will deliver what you want soon!"

After saying this, Fujiko Mine blew a kiss, then turned and entered the car.

Mori Kogoro said: "Fuji, if you have nowhere to spend your money, just buy my company's stock. It will definitely go up. It is much more reliable than your blind investment."

Fujiko Mine chuckled and said, "Xiao Wulang, you are so bad, you still want to earn back the money you gave me, so I won't invest in your broken company, but it's okay to invest in the little girl behind you!"

Xiaolan looked at Huiyuan suspiciously, and Huiyuan had a look of panic in his eyes, and quickly gave Fujiko a wink, and Fujiko didn't continue to speak.

"Goodbye, Kogoro, I will miss you, and I will make you fall under my skirt next time we meet!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and laughed.

Bu Erzi started the car, the car speeded up instantly, and drove away in the distance.

Both Xiaolan and Huiyuan stared at the direction the car was heading away with chills on their faces.

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