"Dad, don't meet this woman again!"

"Agreed, this woman is a pervert, I think uncle, you'd better not get in touch with her again."

Looking at the two girls who were jealous, Kogoro Mori laughed heartily, stretched out his hand to gently caress the heads of the two girls, then took the little hands of the two girls and walked towards the taxi lane.

Not long after, the three of them got into the car, and the car headed towards the Maori Detective Agency.

Back at home on the third floor, the room was empty but extremely warm.

A smile suddenly appeared on Xiaolan's face. When she was in the Visbania Kingdom, she missed this warm little family very much.

However, Xiaolan still has a good impression of the Kingdom of Visbania, especially Princess Mira's bedroom, which is a place she will remember forever!

If there is a chance, Xiaolan also wants to go to the Kingdom of Wisbania with Mori Kogoro.

There is no one at home. Conan, the little devil, has been living in Dr. Ali's house these days in order to avoid Uncle Anxi.

But now he is not at the doctor's house, but with Sonoko.

At this moment, the two of them were looking at the collection in the Suzuki Building Museum. Standing next to them was an old guy with a big bald head, gray eyebrows, and a gray beard.

Conan looked at the seventy-two-year-old man beside him with a look of amazement, and he still looked energetic.

"Hey, so many medals and awards, the European Golf Open, the U.S. Cup Open in Yotte, the Grassland Buggy Open, the human-powered plane around the world for a week..."

"What is the origin of this old man, he is so powerful!"

And Yuanzi said: "Uncle, are you sure that Kaitou Kidd will come today?"

Jijiro Suzuki laughed boldly: "Of course, I have the best bait in the world here."

"Did you see the goddess statue outside the top eaves? That is a pure gold goddess statue built to pray for the protection of the goddess of the sea in the age of pirates."

"The gem held in the right hand of the goddess statue is a blue miracle that evolved from tears of the mermaid and can prevent shipwrecks. How could the gem Kaito Kidd let it go!!!"

"Are you right? Lupine!"

"Woof! Wang!" A yellow-haired dog barked a few times.

Conan suddenly became speechless. This dog has the same name as the international thief Lupine.

Suzuki Jikichiro then said: "And just after I bought the first page headlines of all the newspapers in Tokyo and declared war on Kaitou Kidd!"

"That guy sent me a text message, saying that he would come to my museum to survey the terrain tonight, and he said he would walk here. I want to see how this guy walks here to steal gems?"

Suzuki Jikichiro handed the phone to Sonoko, and Conan quickly found a chair and stood up to watch it together.

It was written on the phone: Since Mr. Suzuki kindly invited me, then I will be disrespectful. I will go to pick up the blue miracle on this Wednesday night, but I will conduct a terrain survey the night before.

By the way, in order to be worthy of the name of Blue Miracle, I will walk over to take this gem!

way of walking? ? ?

Seeing this, Sonoko and Conan frowned.

Suzuki Jikichiro said: "Okay, we have to go out, I plan to leave no one in this museum, my surveillance has covered the inside and outside, no matter who this Kaitou Kidd is disguised as, It's all clear at a glance, this time I must catch this little thief!"

After all, the three of them walked out of the museum in the Suzuki Building with a dog named Lupine.

The outside was already full of crowds. Countless residents read the newspaper and knew about the Suzuki Consortium VS Kaitou Kidd, so they came here one by one to watch the excitement, causing enormous pressure on the police.

Ginzo Nakamori was sweating on his forehead, and he was constantly grabbing the faces of his own police officers, for fear that they would be disguised by Kidd.

In front of the Suzuki Building, there are two towering buildings, one on the left and one on the right. A bright and huge full moon hangs high above them, swaying the moonlight.

Because Suzuki Jikichiro likes to be noticed by everyone, he deliberately put this [Blue Miracle] gemstone on the eaves of the museum, so that people outside can see it.

This group of spectators just wanted to see how the Kaitou Kidd stole the gem in full view, so they refused to leave at such a late hour.

Sonoko and Conan are sitting on the best viewing platform, the blue miracle is just around the corner! ! !

Yuanzi looked bored: "Damn Xiaolan, you won't take me with you even after you kidnap Uncle Maoli. If you knew I would have followed Uncle Maoli, you wouldn't have to be caught by Uncle Maoli to watch this boring game!"

"Phantom Thief Kidd, cut, the guy who was defeated by Uncle last time, just a little thief!"

Conan said with a dry smile: "Sister Xiaolan didn't kidnap uncle to go out, she went abroad to help the princess, and uncle chased after her to find her."

"But I talked to my uncle on the phone. The matter of the Visbania Kingdom has been settled. They seem to have returned to Tokyo tonight!"

Yuanzi's eyes lit up immediately: "Really? Great, I'll call Xiaolan now to see where they are!"

Yuanzi dialed the phone expectantly, but all the phone calls were busy.

In the bathroom of Maori's home, Xiaolan's cell phone ringing on top of her clothes kept ringing, but Xiaolan ignored it at all.

The bathroom was full of dense water mist, Xiaolan stood by the bathtub and asked softly, "Dad, is the water temperature enough?"

Kogoro Mori, who was in the bathtub with a happy face, nodded: "Well, the water temperature is just right, Xiaolan, you can come in now!"

"Don't worry, Dad, let me give you a massage first!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Massage? Just relax. Speaking of which, Xiaolan, your massage skills have improved a lot now!"

Chapter 0061

"Why don't you pinch me like you did before? You didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

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