The Kaitou Kidd, who was standing in the void, began to walk in the night sky. Under the lights of the helicopter, he walked towards the museum step by step in mid-air.

Also, as the trailer said, he came here on foot!

Chapter 0062 Xiaolan with a guilty conscience

Seeing the live broadcast in Huiyuan in the living room, Phantom Thief Kidd was walking in the air, his brows raised slightly.

I didn't expect this little thief to have such a skill!

Separated by a wall and blocked by a psychedelic array, little Lori didn't notice what happened in the bathroom at all.

Covered by mist in the bathroom, Xiaolan's face was flushed, her eyes blurred, and the water from the shower head was flowing down, making her snow-white body more and more crystal clear.

She leaned against the wall with one hand, caressed her proud chest with the other, and separated her two white jade legs.

Let the water wet his head, wet his long hair, fall on his snowy back, and then flow down.

Xiaolan couldn't stop trembling all over, exuding an astonishing sense of beauty!

She kept shouting, "Oh Dusang! Oh Dusang!"

The voice is so delicate that it is almost unbearable!


In the OB truck far away from the Suzuki Building, Jijiro Suzuki picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Don't be fooled by this guy, he must be tied behind his back with a black balloon or a small steel wire, and the surrounding helicopters will go up to confirm !"

The helicopters in the sky turned, and the pilot's voice came over the intercom.

"This is aircraft No. [-], and I'm right above Kidd, and he has nothing on his back!"

"How is it possible?" Suzuki Jijiro didn't believe it at all.

"This is aircraft No. [-]. Kidd is now above Shiodome Park. He is striding forward and will soon arrive at [Blue Miracle]!"

"This is aircraft No. [-], Kidd has come to the sky above the Suzuki Museum!"

Seeing Kidd approaching in the video and bad news coming from the walkie-talkie, Suzuki Jikichiro's face became extremely gloomy.

The staff quickly asked: "Mr. Jijiro, are you going to use that device!"

Seeing that Kidd and the [Blue Miracle] gem were only ten steps away in the video, Suzuki Jikichiro could only order angrily: "There is no other way, take back [Blue Miracle]!"

With an order, the mechanism was activated, and the [Blue Miracle] held by the goddess turned over from the eaves of the museum and retracted into the museum.

And the Kaitou Kidd in mid-air had a sneer on his face.

"Ladies and gentleman, this is the end of today's performance. I have already surveyed the terrain. At twelve o'clock tomorrow night, I will take [Blue Miracle] here!"

After finishing speaking, there was a bang, and the explosion sounded again, and a cloud of pink smoke appeared in the night sky. The smoke dispersed, and Kaitou Kidd just disappeared out of thin air.

A soccer ball pierces the sky and hits nothing!

Conan on the rooftop frowned. He kicked the ball tentatively just now, so it's not surprising that he didn't make any achievements.

But did Kaito Kidd just disappear?

Nakamori Yinsan shouted: "Damn it, he escaped again!"

On the other hand, Yuanzi sat on a chair by the roof, resting his chin in thought, completely ignoring what happened just now!

With Kidd's disappearance, the crowd below gradually dispersed.

After a while, Nakamori Ginzo and Conan followed Suzuki Jikichiro and entered the museum to check whether the blue miracle had been stolen.

When the three of them came to the secret room of the museum, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that the blue miracle had been taken back.

Ginzo Nakamori said in a very serious tone: "Mr. Suzuki, I think you have nothing to do, leave the next thing to our police, and just wait for the result quietly!"

"Tell your helicopter not to fly tomorrow, let our police helicopter come, we will definitely catch Kidd!"

Suzuki Jikichiro put his hands behind his back, shook his head and mocked: "Don't think about it, this is impossible, I have heard of your name for a long time, you have hunted Kidd for so many years and have not made any progress, now it is up to me !"

Nakamori Ginzo's face turned black immediately.

"Kidd will definitely fall into my hands in the end. Tomorrow, I will rent out all the surrounding buildings, and then send out several times more helicopters and guards than today!"

"If this guy has the guts to appear from the sky again, I will definitely arrest him with my own hands! Wahahaha!"

Hearing Jikichiro Suzuki's wild laughter, Ginzo Nakamori's expression turned ugly.

Conan couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, why do you insist on arresting Kaitou Kidd!"

Suzuki Jikichiro's wild laughter stopped abruptly, and he shouted repeatedly: "Kidd, Kaitou Kidd, hearing his name reminds me of everything that was taken away by him before!"

"Let me tell you, in the past few decades, I have won countless honors and trophies. Every time I win, I will definitely make the headlines on the front page of the newspaper, but there is an exception!"

Hearing this, Conan's head was full of black lines: "No way?"

"Yes, it's my honor of flying around the world in a human-powered plane, but the Kaitou Kidd squeezed out the headlines."

"Not only that, he also occupied the first and second pages of the newspaper, and pushed me to the third page!"

"This is a shameful humiliation. Do you understand this kind of humiliation?"

Jijiro Suzuki grabbed Officer Nakamori's lapel and shook it frantically.

"I guess I'll be back on the front page only when I get Kidd!"

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