Hearing such a weird reason, Ginzo Nakamori and Conan rolled their eyes to the horizon, looking extremely speechless.

At Maori's house, the little loli Huiyuan was watching TV. At this moment, the bathroom door opened, and Xiaolan, who was covered in steam, came out.

Xiaolan is wearing fixed pajamas for sleeping, a white camisole and blue shorts, full of femininity.

His jade feet shook when he stepped into the living room, his beautiful legs seemed to be a little weak!

At this moment, Xiaolan is like a ripe peach, exuding a special charm all over her body, and there is a touch of blush on her cheeks, which makes people's hearts move, and her beauty is beyond words.

Xiaolan soon came to the sofa, and was relieved to see that little Lolita had a normal expression.

Huiyuan said: "Why have you been washing for so long, you just missed a lot of interesting scenes!"

Xiao Lan couldn't help feeling guilty for a while: "What picture?"

"An accident happened again at Suzuki's house. It seems that he has confronted the Kaitou Kidd. The TV was still broadcasting live just now!"

"Nani!" Xiaolan quickly took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and there was a missed call from Yuanzi on it, so she quickly dialed it.

Chapter 0063 Su Bo's Father and Daughter

After the call was connected, Yuanzi suddenly became excited. The two girls chatted on the phone for a long time before Xiaolan knew what happened.

"Lan, who are you calling so late?"

After Xiaolan hung up the phone, Mori Kogoro also came to the living room. He changed into his pajamas, sat on the sofa with a hair dryer in his hand.

Mori Kogoro patted his thigh without saying a word.

Xiao Lan tacitly rested her head on her lap, spread out her hair, her face was full of smiles.

"Oh, it's Sonoko. Sonoko said that her uncle and the Kaitou Kidd have waged a war, and Kidd will go to the Suzuki Museum at twelve o'clock tomorrow night to steal gems."

"Yuanzi wants to entrust Dad to help, grab Kidd!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "That's right, no problem, let's go and have a look tomorrow night!"

After he finished speaking, he turned on the hair dryer, and the hot air was blowing on Xiaolan's beautiful hair, and he kept fiddled with it with his big hands.

Xiaolan reached out and hugged Kogoro Mouri's waist from behind, looking at Kogoro Mouri with big eyes, with a sweet smile appearing on her face from time to time.

Mori Kogoro was also smiling all over his face, and from time to time he lowered his head and rubbed Xiaolan's white forehead. After a while, the two began to compete with each other!

The scene was simply explosive!

Hui Yuan beside the sofa looked stunned, what's wrong with this world, why can't he understand it all of a sudden?

After Xiaolan's hair was dried, it was time to rest.

The three of them were a little tired after flying for more than ten hours.

Kogoro Mori turned off the TV, and dragged two girls, one big and one small, into the room.

The three of them still slept in the same way in the bedroom. Mori Kogoro was lying in the middle, and the two girls were sleeping on the left and right respectively, hugging and sleeping.

It was late at night, and the three of them slowly fell into a sweet dream! ! !

At ten o'clock the next morning, under Judy's apartment, Mori Kogoro leaned on his car and waited.

This is not the apartment Judy lived in before, but a new one.

Hearing that Belmode had mastered the members and addresses of the FBI, the FBI agents all moved to the new address.

And Judy also resigned as an English teacher at Didan High School.

Mori Kogoro hadn't waited long when he saw a blond beauty with red lips and all kinds of styles at the door of the apartment.

There was a light blue coat over the dark red dress, which was uneven, and there was a deep groove on the chest, which seemed to be able to suck people's souls in.

As soon as Judy saw Mori Kogoro, she shouted excitedly: "Kogoro!"

She ran over quickly, and then bumped into Kogoro Mouri's arms, with such force that Kogoro Moori took a few steps back.

Full of softness, it's okay to hit someone with the ball!

American women are bold, and Mori Kogoro just stopped with his arms around her slender waist, and soft red lips were printed on her mouth.

Mori Kogoro responded without any hesitation, using his kissing skills, kissing Judy dizzily, and then let go of his mouth.

"Xiao Wulang, you have finally returned to China, I miss you so much!"

"Let me see, Kogoro, why did your complexion become so bad?"

Judy held Kogoro Mori's face and began to observe carefully.

Mori Kogoro laughed dryly, this morning he had just finished an extremely dangerous encounter, he dropped his helmet and armor several times, it was natural for him to look pale.

He quickly said, "Is your complexion bad? It should be because you have encountered too many things in the Visbania Kingdom these days, and you haven't had much rest. You haven't slept enough!"

"It's all right, Judy, let's get in the car and talk!"

The two got into the car, started the car, and headed towards the address Judy said.

In the car, Judy was still leaning on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, her pretty face was full of joy, and she kept telling about the progress the FBI had made in the past few days.

"Kogoro, the Calvados you gave us is a big fish, and we got a lot out of it."

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