"This guy travels between Japan and the United States. In Japan, he often accepts missions in Tokyo and Yokohama. In the United States, he is active in several southern states, such as Texas and New Mexico."

"He told all the organization bases he knew."

"Combined with the information you provided us, the organization forces in the entire central part of Japan and the southeastern part of the United States have been initially cleared."

"But it's a pity that all the fish caught later are small fish, so I can't ask for more information!"

Hearing the success of the battle, Mori Kogoro also nodded.

But Judy frowned: "Xiao Goro, I have something to tell you. The day before yesterday, that Calbados died, and died in our FBI's cell."

Mori Kogoro's face remained unchanged, as if he had expected it: "It seems that this organization is very powerful. I'm afraid some of you in the FBI have been infiltrated by it. Judy, you must be careful in what you do in the future!"


After finishing the business, Judy's small face became softer, and her beautiful eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and freed his left hand to wrap his arms around Judy's waist from behind.

His big hands went up, grabbing a heavy soft thing, and he immediately smirked: "Judy, you are so eager to find me, you can't just talk about this, where are we going now?"

Judy's face turned red in an instant, and she gave Kogoro Mori a white look, but she didn't struggle.

"What are you thinking, bad guy? Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

"We've already done that, but we haven't gone through the necessary procedures between boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't care. Today happens to be my vacation. I want you to accompany me!"

Wayward Judy is quite playful.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, I'll be with you all day today, tell me, where do you want to go!"

Judy said: "I heard that there is a new sushi restaurant opened in Cupido, and the taste is very good. Let's go there to eat sushi, and then we will go shopping in the mall and play video games!"

"No problem! I will listen to you today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned the steering wheel and headed towards Kubado City.

As soon as the two came to the sushi restaurant, it wasn't long before they sat down when Kogoro Mori noticed a peeping gaze.

But Judy's expression was normal, she smiled at Yanyan, and she picked up the sushi and fed it to Kogoro Mori herself.

From time to time, she carefully wiped the grains of rice from Mori Kogoro's mouth with her fingers, just like a good girlfriend.

Mori Kogoro immediately understood what Judy was thinking, he was angry and funny, but he obediently cooperated.

His big hands were always around Judy's shoulders, or on her thighs, without any shyness.

And in the corner of the sushi restaurant, a man watched this scene with lightning-like eyes, and his dark green eyes were silent.

Chapter 0064 Bold Ocean Horse

This curly-haired man in a green knit hat is naturally Shuichi Akai, who lives nearby and usually comes here for lunch.

Judy brought Kogoro Mori to this sushi restaurant for dinner, purely because she wanted to show affection to Kogoro Mori in front of her ex-boyfriend, and to be angry with the ex-boyfriend who abandoned her at the beginning.

Sure enough, the effect is outstanding, even if the character is as introverted as Akai, when he saw this scene, he felt countless anger in his heart.

Especially when he saw Mori Kogoro's big hand grabbing Judy's snow-white thigh, he was even more jealous.

That was a place he had never encountered before!

Mori Kogoro sensed the gaze behind him and also knew Judy's plan. He couldn't help feeling that women are narrow-minded, but he cooperated very well.

Kogoro Mori interlocked fingers with Judy from time to time and smiled at each other;

Or pick up the sushi and feed it to Judy by hand, and carefully pick out the sashimi that she doesn't want to eat;

Or intimately share a straw for a drink!

The dog food was continuously spilled, and people around couldn't help but look at the couple with admiration, but it caused countless critical blows to Akai Shuichi.

He pinched the chopsticks in his hand in half, and he had no appetite to continue eating.

To be honest, Shuichi Akai and Judy have broken up for more than five years, and after the two had just established their relationship five years ago, they broke up again because Shuichi Akai wanted to sneak into the organization.

The two of them haven't even had an ordinary date, and nothing has happened. In fact, their relationship is very shallow.

Akai Shuichi didn't know why he was so angry, but he was burning with anger right now!

Perhaps this is human nature, Akai Shuichi still enjoys Judy's admiration for him deep in his heart.

Now that she sees Judy empathizing with someone else, she loses her psychological balance and gradually becomes jealous.

After lunch, Mori Kogoro took Judy's hand and left, but the peeping eyes kept lingering behind the two of them, apparently Akai Shuichi also followed.

Kogoro Mori drove to the large shopping mall in Akihabara, and Judy urged him to play video games as soon as he got out of the car.

But Mori Kogoro had a thought and pulled Judy to another place.

This is a Cartier jewelry store, the white counter is neat and bright, with jewels.

"Kogoro, what did you bring me here for?"

"Of course I will buy you jewelry!"

A look of surprise appeared on Judy's face when she heard this.

The clerk of this jewelry store came up to greet him, Mori Kogoro took out another black card from his wallet, the clerk took a look at it and immediately went back to report.

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