Immediately afterwards, the door of the rest room opened, and the female store manager of the specialty store came out, bowed respectfully and said, "Dear guest, is there anything I can do for you?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Take out your PANTHRE-DE-CARTIER series of jewelry and have a look!"

The female store manager immediately showed joy. This series is the most expensive series in the brand, and each item is worth tens of millions. It seems that a big order is going to be made today.

After the female store manager gave an order, the assistant store manager quickly entered the inner room to open the safe, and took out trays of jewels with other shop assistants, and put them on the counter for Kogoro Mori and Judy to choose.

Jewelry instantly poured into Judy's eyes, and her emerald green eyes became brighter and brighter. Sure enough, women are not immune to jewelry at all!

Although Judy is an FBI agent, she spent all her salary on bullets for training, and never entered a jewelry store.

Seeing such a beautiful necklace now, her eyes are gradually becoming infatuated.

But when she saw the price, she immediately frowned: "Xiao Wulang, this is too expensive, let's go!"

She took Kogoro Mori's arm and was about to leave, but Kogoro Moori pulled him back instead.

Mori Kogoro kissed Judy's little hand, and Akai Hideichi in the clothing store across from him felt chest tight again!

"Listen to me now and pick the one you like the most!"


Mori Kogoro chuckled, "Of course it's true."

Only then did Judy turn her gaze to these jewels, and was instantly attracted by the pigeon egg diamond necklace in the middle.

The store manager explained in a timely manner: "Guest, your vision is really kind. This is the most precious necklace in our store. It is the pinnacle work of our chief jeweler, Master Martin, and it is called Angel Heart!"

"The whole body of the necklace is made of platinum, and the pear-shaped diamond in the middle is a full 54.37 carats. For a beautiful lady like you, wearing such a necklace is perfect!"

Judy's heart was a little moved by what was said, but her heartbeat stopped suddenly when she saw the price below, it was ten million, one hundred thousand million...

This piece of angel heart actually costs [-] million yen, which is more than [-] million when converted into RMB, and more than [-] million when converted into US dollars!

Judy immediately shifted her gaze to the other jewels beside her.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but chuckled, put his arms around Judy's slender waist, and said to the store manager, "Swipe your card, I want this angel heart!"

Judy kept opening her mouth to stop her, but Kogoro Mori ignored her at all.

The black card was handed out again, and there was a crisp sound of successful transaction from the POS machine.

The hearts of all the women present were trembling, and they all looked at Judy enviously, and Kogoro Mori with green eyes, wishing to recommend themselves as bed mats!

Such a handsome man is still so rich, and he is so willing to spend money for a woman. It is such a rare treasure that you can't even find it with a lantern!

The female store manager handed back the black card a little excitedly, and said, "Dear guest, this Angel Heart belongs to you now, you should wrap it up..."

"Don't be so troublesome!"

Mori Kogoro directly reached out to pick up the necklace, and then put it on for Judy himself. The pigeon egg hung on Judy's chest, shining brilliantly.

Mori Kogoro said domineeringly: "My woman should wear the most beautiful jewelry!"

Hearing this, Judy's heart beat faster and faster, her eyes were full of fascination, and she directly stepped forward and threw herself into the arms of Kogoro Mouri, offering a passionate kiss.

Under the jealous gazes of all the women in the store, and under Akai's nearly mad eyes, the two kissed deeply and indulgently, without being disturbed by the outside world at all.

When the passionate kiss stopped, there was still a gleam between their lips.

Akai, who has excellent eyesight, felt his eyes go black after seeing it!

Judy's face was flushed with tenderness in her eyes: "Xiao Goro, I love you!"

Then Judy whispered: "I don't want to play video games anymore, Kogoro, let's go to the hot spring hotel!"

She licked her lower lip, and she was so charming!

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a big ocean horse from the United States, but it is bold enough.

Mori Kogoro nodded naturally, and walked out of the jewelry store with Judy in his arms.

All the clerks behind him bowed and shouted: "Welcome customers to come next time!"

Akai Shuichi insisted on continuing to follow Mori Kogoro and Judy until they entered a hot spring hotel called "Song of Midsummer".

His whole body suddenly petrified, and he naturally knew what adult men and women entering here represented.

Shuichi Akai, who had been standing outside the "Song of Midsummer" for a long time, finally left sadly.

Today, the knitted hat on his head is a bit coquettishly green!

Chapter 0065

In the indoor private bath of the hot spring hotel, Judy and Mori Kogoro wrapped in bath towels, and in the large wooden pool, the two took a bath.

Even wrapped in a bath towel, it was almost impossible to conceal the whiteness of Judy's chest that was about to come out.

Judy's short blond hair was tied up, revealing two small ears, and the black-rimmed glasses were removed, making her delicate face even more beautiful.

It's just that Judy's little face was a little red. Even though she and Mori Kogoro had the closest relationship, she was still a little shy in the face of this scene.

Mori Kogoro smirked and took Judy's little hand, and pulled it into his arms. His smooth and beautiful back was pressed against Mori Kogoro's chest.

And his big hand climbed up without any scruples, grabbing the area where the angel's heart was, and the back of his hand was soft to the touch.

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