He looked at this pigeon egg diamond, and with his IQ, he still couldn't understand why women are so fascinated by such things.

Mori Kogoro said: "Little Judy, you are a bit naughty today!"

"Is there something you're hiding from me?"

Judy was a little nervous at once, but remembering Kogoro Mori's intelligence, she didn't intend to hide it anymore: "You know it all!"

"Of course, there was a man glaring at me from behind while we were eating. How could I not have noticed that he was the guy I met at the pier last time!"

Judy's face became a little panicked, she turned around and looked at Mouri Kogoro eagerly: "Kogoro, I didn't mean to hide it from you!"

"Well, let me tell you, that guy is called Akai Shuichi, he was my ex-boyfriend, but nothing happened between us!"

"I just want that guy to see what an excellent boyfriend I have found now, let him regret it, Kogoro, don't you mind!"

Kogoro Mori pretended to be a little angry, and Judy's face became more and more anxious.

She grabbed Moori Kogoro's left hand and put it on his proud left chest, and said quickly: "Xiaogoro, you know, I only have you in my heart now!"

Seeing Judy's expression on the verge of crying, Mori Kogoro didn't think about teasing her anymore, and instead spoke.

"It's very simple to make me not angry, then you must obediently listen to me today!"

Judy's face suddenly turned cloudy, and she nodded obediently.

Kogoro Mori looked at the inflatable water bed next to the private bath, and opened his mouth softly into Judy's little ear.

Immediately, Judy's face turned bright red: "Ah, why are you so bad!"

"Hey, does this count as bad? It's normal in Japan! You should have seen those little movies too!"

"But, doesn't this use my body as a bathing tool?"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "You rub the outside for me, and I'll rub the inside for you later, let's benefit from each other!"

"If you don't agree, I will be angry again!"

"Okay, okay, I promise it will be!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori felt hot, and he pulled Judy up from the bath, and he quickly lay down on the inflatable water bed.

And Judy took a washbasin and began to add shower gel, and the battle was about to break out!

... [-] words are omitted here ...

At night, on the sofa in the living room of Suzuki's home, Tomoko Suzuki looked at Kogoro Mori with some resentment.

Before Tomoko Suzuki said that he finally had a three-day vacation. Unexpectedly, Mori Kogoro and Xiao Ran went to the Kingdom of Wisbania, and they never came here.

Now that the holiday is over, Mori Kogoro just appeared, and Tomoko's small mouth is pouting, almost ready to hang a bottle of oil.

But Sonoko and Suzuki Jikichiro were sitting next to each other, and Tomoko didn't dare to reveal too much, but just said with concern: "Mori-kun, why do you look so bad, you should pay attention to rest!"

Sonoko also nodded: "Yes, Uncle Mao Li, you look very pale, but even so, you are still handsome!"

Sonoko laughed crazily after he finished speaking.

Mori Kogoro laughed dryly, there is an extra super juicing girl, there is no other way!

On the side, Suzuki Jikichiro said with a strange expression: "Sonoko, this is the great detective you mentioned?" His tone was full of distrust.

Sonoko quickly introduced, "That's right, Uncle Mori is the most powerful detective in Tokyo, and he is known as the God of Detectives!"

Tomoko also echoed: "The last time our Suzuki family's dark star was saved thanks to the Maori detective."

"Detective Maori is very powerful. If you ask him to act today, you can rest assured."

At this time, Xiaolan's voice sounded in the corridor.

"Yuanzi, we're here to see you!"

Led by the housekeeper, Xiaolan, Conan, and Huiyuan entered the living room, and Sonoko immediately greeted them with joy.

"Father, are you here too?" Xiaolan looked surprised.

"Well, after accepting Yuanzi's commission, I always want to serve some snacks, so come here and see the situation first!"

Ran and Haibara sat next to Kogoro Mori, while Conan stood aside with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking pensive.

When Conan saw Xiaolan today, he always felt that she had changed, but he couldn't tell, so he kept thinking.

At this moment, Suzuki Jikichiro said: "In that case, Detective Mori, I would like to ask you."

"Last night, Phantom Thief Kidd walked in the air and walked all the way to the front of my museum in mid-air. May I ask what trick he used?"

While speaking, Jijiro Suzuki turned on the TV and replayed the video from last night.

He has watched it no less than twenty times today, and he still doesn't understand what method Kaitou Kidd used.

Conan also raised his head and looked at the screen, but he couldn't figure out what the trick was.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Oh, you said this, it's actually very simple, the tricks often used in magic, as long as you make good use of the characteristics of light and darkness, you can easily do it!"

"As we all know, it is impossible for a person to stand directly in mid-air. If there is no support at the bottom, or there are steel wires on the top."

Conan immediately questioned: "But Uncle, Police Officer Nakamori and I have looked at the left and right buildings where Kidd appeared, and we didn't see any traces of steel wires at all!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "I didn't say that there are steel wires on the left and right buildings. Don't you think it's a bit weird after watching this video?"

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