"Xiaolan, you haven't told me about your becoming a princess for a day. I didn't expect such a fairy tale to happen to you!"

Sonoko pulled Xiaolan and began to ask questions, while Conan couldn't help listening to him...

He obviously sensed some kind of change in Xiaolan, which must be related to the two-day trip to the Kingdom of Visbania. Conan naturally wanted to know more information.

But before he could hear the conversation between the best friends, his body rose into the air.

Mori Kogoro pulled Conan over by the collar: "Little devil, I heard from Anxi that you are not at home these days, and you went to Dr. Ali to play games and won't you come back?"

"I was worried that you were bored and enrolled you in math summer camp. You let me down so much!"

Conan immediately rubbed his head with a dry smile: "Uncle Maori, it was Dr. Ali who held me back and refused to let me go home. I didn't even know it happened."

"Dr. A Li is too lonely, he wants me to accompany him, and all of you have gone abroad, so I didn't go home!"

Conan poured all the sewage on Dr. Ali's body. Seeing Kogoro Mori's expression softened, he continued to speak with a look of annoyance.

"If I had known that my uncle had signed me up for the math summer camp, I would have definitely attended it. What a pity!"

Mori Kogoro then laughed lightly: "It turns out that you also think it's a pity, Conan. Fortunately, Uncle, I found the largest education group in Tokyo. Their math summer camp has many sessions, one session is three days."

"You can participate in any session you sign up for. It's okay before this spring break. Uncle will send you there tomorrow."

"Conan, you have to study hard and impress all your classmates when you go back to school!"

Mori Kogoro caressed Conan's dog's head and smiled very proudly.

Conan's expression froze in an instant, with a look of lovelessness, his little face lost all blood and became extremely pale.

He was completely spurting blood in his heart, wishing he could slap himself a few times.

Why are you so cheap!Why are you so cheap!

Chapter 0067 Delicate and lovely friends

The little loli Haibara at the side couldn't help laughing when she saw Conan's self-closing expression.

Conan didn't even bother to eavesdrop on the communication between Xiaolan and Yuanzi, he was so gloomy that he just wanted to find a corner to be quiet.

On the other hand, Kogoro Mori picked up the little loli and rolled it up contentedly, and spent a few days with Conan, the little devil, leaving only himself, Xiaolan, and Huiyuan at home. It was such a fun day!

As for whether the aura of Conan Reaper's primary school students will bring misfortune to those math summer camp students, that's not what Mori Kogoro considers.

Mori Kogoro had a smile on his handsome face, stroking his brown hair with his big hand.

Happiness is contagious. Haibara was in a great mood when he saw Mori Kogoro, and a smile appeared on his face.

She rubbed Kogoro Mori's big hand like a kitten.

But Tomoko Suzuki on the other side of the sofa frowned when she saw this scene, she couldn't believe it, she actually ate the vinegar of little lolita!

Tomoko Suzuki had a thought, and then folded his hands on his chest and said, "Maori-san, while there is a little time now, the report of the company you invested in before has come out, and I have something to report to you!"

The commercial queen's aura exploded, with an inviolable look.

She immediately got up and walked to the study on the second floor of Suzuki's house. Mori Kogoro immediately understood Tomoko's intentions, put the little loli on the sofa, and got up immediately.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan knew about Kogoro Mori's investment, so they didn't have any doubts.

On the contrary, it was the first time Yuanzi heard about it, so he asked Xiaolan suspiciously.

Mori Kogoro followed Tomoko up to the second floor, watching her back from behind.

From bottom to top, black high-heeled shoes, purple stockings wrapped slender and slender legs, brown suit skirt wrapped buttocks undulating with walking, upper body wearing a dark red shirt, cuffs pulled to the elbow, A piece of jade arm was exposed, showing a capable look.

Suzuki Tomoko seemed to sense the fiery gaze behind her, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, her pace slowed down, and her twisting speed also slowed down, as if seductive, showing the femininity of a woman.

The two entered the study one after the other. The door of the study was made of pineapple wood, which was extremely heavy. Once it was closed, no sound could be heard from outside.

After Mori Kogoro came in, he turned around and closed the door, and then quietly locked it.

Before he turned around, he felt a hot soft body hugging him behind him, and the soft lips kept kissing his neck, itching, and the pair of soft things were also unreservedly pressed against his solid back superior.

As soon as he pulled the woman on his back, he saw that Tomoko's hot little face was full of charm, and there was mist in her beautiful eyes, obviously already emotional.


Tomoko even called Mori Kogoro's name with a humming sound, so delicate!

Kogoro Mori hugged Tomoko's soft waist, and Tomoko's beautiful legs wrapped in purple stockings were clamped around Kogoro Mori's waist, and the whole body hung on Kogoro Mori, like a spider spirit.

Mori Kogoro kissed Tomoko's mouth, while holding her and walking towards the agarwood desk.

He put Friends on the desk, and said out of breath, "Friends, this time we have to make a quick decision!"

The domineering and masculine tone could not be rejected at all, and the big hand quietly covered the purple stockings, and began the sabotage.


Not long after, a stormy variation was played in the study!

An hour later, on the long western food table in Suzuki's house, Mori Kogoro cut the steak on the plate into bite-size pieces with a knife and fork in hand, and then placed them in front of Huiyuan, who smiled sweetly back.

And Yuanzi asked the housekeeper next to him: "What's the matter, won't my mother come to eat?"

The old butler said: "Madam said, don't wait for her. She just got advice from a Maori detective and is urgently making a business plan. She told us not to disturb her!"

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