Sonoko shook his head and explained to Mori Kogoro: "Oh, my mother is like this, she doesn't care about anything when she starts working."

"Uncle, Xiao Lan, don't mind, we eat ours!"

"It's okay!" The instigator, Mori Kogoro, smiled lightly. Tomoko, who was resting in the study, might take a long time to recover. This small body has not been exercised, and his combat effectiveness is really not good!

Sonoko clasped her fists with both hands and supported her chin, her amber eyes shone brightly, and she looked like a nympho again.

"Speaking of which, uncle, you are really amazing. I wonder why my mother has such a good vision in the past six months. Every company she invests in is a unicorn."

"I just found out after hearing what Xiaolan said. So it's all thanks to you!"

"Uncle is so smart, has great ability to solve crimes, and can make money so much, he is simply the most perfect man!"

Sonoko looked at Kogoro Moori's handsome face, and his heart became more and more fiery: As long as the uncle is taken down, there is no need to worry about the management of the Suzuki consortium. Uncle Mouri can handle everything, killing two birds with one stone!

She silently made a decision again in her heart, and the fire that must be won appeared in her eyes.

And Xiaolan, who was sitting next to Kogoro Mouri, hugged Kogoro Moori's arm, as if declaring sovereignty: "That's it, don't you look at whose father it is!"

Xiaolan pressed on Yuanzi with a strong momentum, Yuanzi obediently admitted his love, and Xiaolan raised her snow-white jade neck like a winning rooster.

As for Conan on the side, when he heard the news for the first time, he looked at Kogoro Mori with a strange look on his face.

Conan had no idea that Uncle Maori had such an amazing business talent.

After dinner, Mori Kogoro greeted everyone and set off. The group walked out of Suzuki's mansion, got in the car and headed towards Suzuki Building.

Countless people were already waiting in the street below the Suzuki Building, and the reporters of the TV station were also ready for the real-time broadcast.

When Maori and his party came here, they saw the police officer Nakamori who was in charge of the case.

This guy is teaching his face-scratching secrets to the police again.

Yuanzi said, "Xiao Lan, Uncle, I have already prepared the best place to watch a movie. It is on the roof of Yanggu Building next to Suzuki Building."

"Snacks and drinks are prepared up there, and it is only more than [-] meters away from [Blue Miracle]. We can sit and watch how Kidd appears!"

Mori Kogoro said: "You go up first, I will talk to Police Officer Nakamori, and I will go to you later."

After finishing speaking, he headed towards Zhong Mori police officer, while Yuan Zi, Xiao Lan, Hui Yuan and Conan went to the roof of Yanggu Building.

Chapter 0068 Kogoro's Evil Attempt

It's just that Moori Kogoro hadn't walked in front of Police Officer Nakamori when he heard a soft and waxy female voice.

"Uncle Maori!"

He turned around and saw a girl coming happily. This girl had the same face as Xiaolan, but her hairstyle was a little different, fluffy and disheveled. It was Aoko Nakamori.

Qingzi is wearing a light blue one-piece skirt tonight, wearing small white shoes, and wearing white tube socks on her beautiful legs. The absolute area between the skirt and tube socks is very eye-catching, and the whole person is full of youthful vitality.

Even in the middle of the night, you can still see Qingzi's smiling face like a flower.

She was overjoyed to see her sweetheart whom she hadn't seen for a long time, if she hadn't caught a glimpse of her father at the side, she might have thrown herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

"Uncle Maori, why are you here?"

"I accepted the entrustment of Suzuki's family and came here to arrest Kidd today. Why did you show up here?"

"My classmate Koizumi and I went to the movies together. After we parted, we saw a group of people around here. I asked passers-by and found out that Kidd would appear tonight. I thought that my father might be here, so I came over to have a look!"

At this moment, Nakamori Ginzo saw Mori Kogoro and his daughter, and hurried over: "Qingzi, why are you with Mori Detective?"

"We just ran into each other just now. Uncle Mao Li was also one of the members who arrested Kidd today!"

A look of joy flashed across Nakamori Yinsan's eyes immediately, but he remained calm on the surface.

In the previous few encounters, he had already been impressed by the wisdom of Mori Kogoro.

But after all, the two have been at loggerheads for so many years, Nakamori Ginzo couldn't bear to admit that he is not as good as Mori Kogoro.

"Qingzi, it's very dangerous here. Dad will arrest Kidd later, but he can't take care of you. You should go home quickly!"

At this moment, Kogoro Mouri smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, Yinsan, I will take care of Qingzi later, she is my niece after all, I will definitely not let her have any accidents!"

After all, Kogoro Mori had to be more polite to Ginzo Nakamori, so he showed some kindness because he wanted to hit someone's daughter.

Nakamori Ginzo was very surprised when he heard this. Every time he and Mori Kogoro met, they were always in a confrontational situation, but this time Mori Kogoro spoke so politely.

With Nakamori Ginzo's intelligence, he couldn't think of Mori Kogoro's evil plan at all. He turned his head and instantly turned to the wrong place.

His big hand grabbed Moori Kogoro's face with lightning speed and pulled him up.

"How could Kogoro Mori say such a thing, you are Kidd the Phantom Thief, don't think I won't recognize you if you are disguised as a Maori detective!"

"Hey, why can't you take off the mask?"

Qingzi rushed forward to pull Nakamori Ginzo away: "Father, you are so rude!"

And Mori Kogoro slapped Nakamori Ginzo's hand off with his big hand, and angrily took out a handkerchief to wipe his face, showing kindness to this stubborn guy is really good.

"Hey, you are really Kogoro!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said, "Sinzan, you haven't changed a bit in all these years!"

Only then did Nakamori Yinzo realize that he had made a mistake, and he rubbed his head in embarrassment and laughed dryly: "Oh, it's all because of that old man from the Suzuki family, who has been refusing to cooperate with our police, and the sound of the helicopter above made my head a little confused .”

Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked up at the sky. Dozens of helicopters were still circling in the sky, and beams of light shot down from above, sweeping across the audience continuously.

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