From time to time, her little hands grabbed the hem of Kogoro Mori's suit, but Kogoro Mori didn't stop at all.

At this time, the picture of Kaitou Kidd walking in the air last night appeared on the screen.

'Suzuki Jikichiro' turned his head to look at Mori Kogoro with a smile on his face, with a hint of teasing in his eyes, he seemed to think that Mori Kogoro would not be able to see through his tactics based on this video.

The strange thief was very complacent, he didn't realize that Qingzi's body was trembling slightly, and he didn't even realize that the girl he liked was being treated lightly in front of him.

Kogoro Mori pretended to look at it for a while, and then said with confidence: "As I expected, the problem must have occurred on the helicopter, and Kidd's accomplices must have sneaked into the helicopter to cooperate with him." Already!"

While belittling Aoko, he repeated his reasoning at Suzuki's house.

Everyone in the car quickly turned their heads to listen carefully. Facing the gazes of countless people, Qingzi was so nervous that she could hardly breathe, and the gazes of the crowd also brought her a strong stimulus.

Such a bold thing was something she had never experienced in her short seventeen years!

However, everyone was attracted by Kogoro Mori's reasoning, it was dark under the lights, no one noticed Aoko's abnormality, even Ginzo Nakamori was no exception!

After listening to Mori Kogoro's words, everyone showed a sudden realization expression.

'Suzuki Jikichiro' had an ugly face, and Kogoro Mori had everything he said.

But Nakamori Ginzo quickly grabbed the skirt of 'Suzuki Jikichiro': "You should hurry up and order the helicopter to come back. As long as any plane does not fly back, it must be Kidd and his accomplices!"

"This time, we must catch Kidd!"

'Suzuki Jikichiro' quickly and firmly said: "No problem, I will order all the planes to come back!"

You can quickly edit text messages with your big hands in your pockets, and click send!

Konosuke Terai, the old housekeeper on the No. [-] plane, saw this text message: "The plan has changed, act in advance!"

He immediately drove the helicopter to the sky where Kidd appeared last night!

boom!A cloud of pink smoke appeared in the sky, and under the bright moonlight, a pure white figure suddenly appeared!

Phantom Thief Kid has reappeared between the two buildings.

The audience below became excited one by one, shouting Kidd's name frantically.

And the TV station's broadcast also started instantly, and the host said excitedly: "What's going on? It's three or four hours before Kidd announced yesterday, and Kidd actually appeared."

Everyone in the OB truck looked at the monitoring screen where Kidd appeared, and Qingzi's whole body went limp, almost falling on Kogoro Mori!

Ginzo Nakamori was full of fighting spirit: "Yo Xi, Kidd showed up early, this time I will definitely catch him!"

"Mr. Suzuki, I leave the matter of the plane to you!"

After finishing speaking, Ginzo Nakamori rushed out of the OB truck and ran out to preside over the overall situation!

And Conan, who was on the roof of Yanggu Building, saw this scene and acted quickly, and used urine escape as an excuse, and rushed down the building directly.

Seeing Nakamori Ginzo rushing out, Aoko breathed a sigh of relief. She reached out and hammered Kogoro Mouri's arm, then hugged Kogoro Mouri's bad hand again, and said in a low voice, "Uncle Mouri, you It's really necrotic!"

The pupils of 'Suzuki Jikichiro' on the side continued to shrink, with a shocked look and a distorted expression.

WTF! ! !what's going on?

How could Aoko be flirting with Mori Kogoro!

This must not be true! ! !

Seeing the old man's strange gaze, Qingzi didn't dare to speak anymore, but his arm around Kogoro Mori still didn't let go.

On the other hand, Mori Kogoro had a king mocking the bronze smile on his face, this feeling is simply too cool!

Chapter 0070 feels great

'Suzuki Jikichiro' couldn't help asking: "Detective Maori, what's your relationship with this female classmate?"

Mori Kogoro didn't answer, but only returned with an adult's smile, and his big hand put his arms around Aoko's soft shoulders without hesitation, Aoko didn't refuse at all.

This scene pierced Kuroba Kaito's heart like a sharp arrow, "Suzuki Jikichiro" looked at Aoko with a sad face: "Student, don't you think the age gap between you and Moori detective is too big? You How can you fall in love with this man who can almost be your father!"

The tone of his voice was a little changed. I think this scene stimulated him too much!

Aoko's face suddenly turned cold, and he stared at 'Suzuki Jikichiro' with beautiful eyes: "Old man, we are just meeting for the first time. I am free to whoever I like, and I don't need outsiders to control it!"

This made Kuroba Kaito want to take off his mask to show his identity.

And Mori Kogoro's face darkened: "Mr. Suzuki, you should pay more attention to [Blue Miracle], Kidd is now walking towards the museum, as for the matter between me and Aoko, I don't care about you." Don't bother!"

Hearing this, Kaito Kuroba suddenly realized that the dummy doll he had arranged had been attracting everyone's attention for a while, and if he didn't take the opportunity to steal [Blue Miracle], he would have no chance!

The top priority should be to steal this azure gem, win this duel, slap the big detective in the face, and then tell Aoko about the incompetence of Moori Kogoro, so that Aoko will not be caught by this The man lied!

At this time, the staff quickly said: "Detective Maori, boss, the monitoring screen of Helicopter No. [-] suddenly disappeared. According to the monitoring of other aircraft, Helicopter No. [-] has been entrenched directly above Kidd!"

'Suzuki Jikichiro' said: "It seems that Kidd and his accomplices are on this helicopter, order all the planes to keep an eye on this No. [-] aircraft!"

'Suzuki Jikichiro' turned around, and saw the scene that made him sad again. Aoko's whole body was nestled in the arms of Mori Kogoro, and Mori Kogoro had his arms around his slender waist.

Qingzi whispered, "Uncle Mao Li, this old man is too strange, why bother so much!"

"Who knows! Maybe he's been single for too long, just leave him alone, anyway, we won't meet again in the future!" After finishing speaking, Kogoro Maoli deliberately pecked Aoko's cheek, and said in a low voice: "Speaking of it Qingzi, your ass feels great, uncle likes it very much!"

When Qingzi heard this, his little face turned red hot, and he couldn't help but slapped Maoli Kogoro's chest with his little hand: "Ah! Uncle, you are really necrotic, how can you say it, I ignore you!"

Although Kogoro Mori and Aoko Nakamori lowered their voices, none of the staff in the car could hear them.

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