But Kaito Kuroba has been trained, and his five senses are stronger than ordinary people, so he heard these words verbatim.

In an instant, Hei Yu was so angry that he was trembling all over, his face under the mask was extremely livid, at this moment he only wanted to kill someone!

Unforgivable!Mori Kogoro touched Aoko's butt and said her butt felt good!Simply unforgivable!

He looked at Mori Kogoro with hatred in his eyes, comparable to killing his father and enemy.

But even in the face of such a situation, Kuroba Kaito couldn't reveal his identity.

He also had to keep calm and act according to the original plan, which was a great torment for this seventeen-year-old boy!

'Suzuki Jikichiro' almost gritted his molars and said: "Listen to me, this Kaitou Kidd has already infiltrated our team, and Helicopter No. [-] has been infiltrated by him. It is inevitable that my surveillance system will He will be hacked in to see."

"So now turn off all the lighting in the museum for me to prevent Kidd from seeing it, and also, take the [Blue Miracle] back to the museum!"

Hearing this order, the staff in the car began to operate one by one, and the [Blue Miracle] on the eaves turned upside down and entered the secret room, while the entire museum was plunged into darkness.

'Suzuki Jikichiro' then said: "Detective Mori, I will temporarily give you the command in this car. I stayed up all night last night, but I came up with a brilliant idea. I will definitely win this duel!"

"As long as I keep the [Blue Miracle], this PK will naturally be considered my victory, and then the headlines will be mine, hahahaha!"

I have to say that Kidd's acting skills are still good, and he can act so well under such a shock, even Kogoro Mori admires it!

Naturally, Kogoro Mori would not stop Kidd, he must get the stolen goods if he catches the thief!

Besides, when he steals the gems and then suddenly appears, under the great joy and sorrow, his expression will definitely be wonderful at that time.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Mr. Suzuki, don't worry!"

'Suzuki Jikichiro' glanced back at Aoko again, and hurried out of the signal car!

And in Shiodome Park in front of the Suzuki Building, beside the shabby-looking jeep, an old man in a khaki army coat and a soft felt hat is smoking a cigarette, his horse face is full of excitement .

As soon as Qian Xingxing read the information on the phone, he threw down the cigarette in his hand and stomped it out.

"Lupine, let me see where you are going to escape this time, and I will definitely catch you."

After saying that, he walked out of Shiodome Park and walked towards the Suzuki Building surrounded by crowds.

Among the crowd, Ginzo Nakamori looked at the helicopter in the sky with a binoculars, but heard his subordinate report: "Police, all the lights in the museum have been cut off, what should we do?"

Nakamori Ginzo frowned immediately, turned his head to look at the figure of Kaitou Kidd who was still walking in the air, and quickly ordered: "Take a few people inside to check the situation, and report any abnormalities through the walkie-talkie immediately!"

His subordinates nodded quickly, and not long after, five police officers entered the Suzuki Building.

Conan, who ran down from the Yanggu Building, also guessed Kidd's intention of walking in the air. He saw five police officers entering the Suzuki Building, and followed them quickly after staring at him.

In the OB van, Qingzi turned his head to pretend to be angry, Mouri Kogoro put his arms around Qingzi's soft waist and coaxed the thin-skinned girl in a low voice.

"Qingzi, don't be angry, uncle is wrong, he shouldn't have done such an exaggerated thing to you just now!"

"But who is Qingzi, you look so cute and dress so beautifully, uncle can't control it all of a sudden, please forgive me!"

Hearing these words, the corners of Qingzi's mouth slightly curled up, feeling very proud, she turned around arrogantly: "What else?"

"Also, you shouldn't say that your butt feels great in front of Qingzi. Uncle won't say it in the future!"

"You still said!!!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, Qingzi, I'll take you to arrest Kidd, and apologize as an apology, how about it?"

Hearing this, Qingzi's eyes lit up: "Uncle Mao Li, do you know where Kidd is? Great, as long as he is caught, no one will laugh at my father."

Aoko's eyes burst into flames, and he pulled Mori Kogoro outside with great enthusiasm.

Chapter 0071 Mature Xiaolan

On the roof of the Yanggu Building, Yuanzi, Xiaolan and Huiyuan are eating snacks and watching the show, all three girls look relaxed.

The figure of the strange thief Kidd was walking in the air, and the three women didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, Mori Kogoro had already figured out his tricks, and the three girls saw the helicopter following closely above, so they lost their sense of novelty!

Xiaolan took a closer look: "Papa has hit everything. I can see the two steel wires on Kidd's back!"

Yuanzi took a sip of his drink, and then said: "When did my uncle's reasoning go wrong? Don't worry about Kidd. With uncle around, he will definitely not be able to steal [Blue Miracle]. Xiaolan, I have something to think about." ask you!"

"Will you really change so much after being a princess for a day? I always feel that you have matured a lot!"

When Huiyuan heard this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiaolan, she also felt the same way.

Xiaolan's heart trembled suddenly, and she became extremely nervous. Her long-cherished wish was filled with joy these days, and the sadness between her brows had already been thrown into the sky when she was constantly rushing to fight as she transformed into a female knight. outside.

Unexpectedly, Yuanzi discovered some clues.

Xiaolan laughed twice: "Is there? Have I become mature? Why didn't I feel it myself! I just went there to experience the difficulty of Princess Mira. How can there be any changes!"

Yuanzi's eyes flashed brightly: "You can't lie to me, Xiao Lan, did your mysterious boyfriend go to the Kingdom of Visbania with you? What did you do there!"

Yuanzi's expression at the moment is extremely frivolous, like a playboy who molested a good family, with beaming eyebrows and an excited expression on his face.

Xiaolan's pretty face immediately flushed, and she quickly said, "Yuanzi, what nonsense are you talking about! I lived in the palace for a few days, my father was with me, Xiao Ai can also testify, there is nothing wrong !"

Huiyuan on the side nodded, and Yuanzi pouted suddenly: "It's boring, I thought your mysterious boyfriend followed!"

After hearing this, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, but neither she nor Yuanzi saw that the pupils of the little loli Huiyuan kept shrinking, Xiaomeng's face was full of shock, and finally she looked at Xiaomeng with horror. orchid!

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