When Qingzi saw the pistol, he immediately panicked: "What! Officer, you have been deceived. The old man next to you is Kaitou Kidd, and the man next to me is Kogoro Moori, a famous detective in Tokyo."

But the police officer was unmoved at all, and instead pointed his gun at Kogoro Mori, with a smirk in his mouth: "Phantom Thief Kidd, let's catch him without a fight, Mr. Suzuki, you go first!"

Seeing this, Qingzi stood directly in front of Kogoro Mouri, and stretched out his hands to protect Kogoro Mouri: "No, you can't shoot. If you shoot, you will hurt the good people by mistake!"

There was a warm look in Mori Kogoro's eyes, and a sad look in the eyes of 'Suzuki Jikichiro'.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and pulled Aoko behind him: "Silly girl, what can you do, now is the time for men to play!"

At this moment, Conan, who was lying on the sliding board, slid out of the corridor, and he said weakly: "Uncle, that police officer is Kidd, and the other police officers were all knocked out by him just now!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly.

A strange look flashed in the eyes of the police officer with the gun, and he smiled and said, "Yoxi! It seems that you just acted lightly, and you can still wake up, you little brat!"

After that, the gunshots rang out instantly!

boom! ! !

The flames flashed, and a bullet fired at Kogoro Mori.

The gun fighting technique and gun drawing technique were displayed in an instant, and a Desert Eagle suddenly appeared in Kogoro Mori's hand. The bullet came first and hit the bullet in mid-air.

Kogoro Mori would naturally not be polite to anyone who dared to shoot at him.

He directly took out another Boretta pistol, with both guns in hand, and took advantage of the firepower to shoot at the police officer.

But what surprised him was that the police officer's physical fitness was far superior to that of ordinary people. He kept twisting his body and dodged all the bullets.

This is why Mori Kogoro thought he was an ordinary person and made a mistake in his prediction.

When 'Suzuki Jikichiro' saw the scene of the two fighting each other, a lot of sweat broke out on his forehead. He looked around the hall, spotted a window, and rushed out against a window with [Blue Miracle].

Ping ping pong!

'Suzuki Jikichiro' crashed out of the window, sending a cloud of smoke into the air.

Not long after, a young man using a white paraglider appeared, it was Kaitou Kidd.

The onlookers below shouted repeatedly when they saw this, Kidd's fans showed crazy looks one by one, and kept shouting his name.

And the police officer who escaped Kogoro Mori's bullet saw 'Suzuki Jikichiro' crashing out of the window, so he found a window and crashed out in the same way.

After a while of changing clothes, another young man with a white paraglider appeared.

Two Kidds appeared strangely in the night sky!

Seeing the two Kidds gliding outside, Mori Kogoro frowned, and he went straight to the window and looked down.

Very well, there is no one under the museum!

Mori Kogoro held his breath, stood in front of the wall between the two windows, and punched out a half-step punch with all his strength.

Thirty-six Dao Beng Jin were tormenting, directly blasting the entire wall into powder!

Then he rushed in front of the human-powered plane, aiming the man-powered plane at the blasted gap.

This human-powered aircraft is made of large-aspect-ratio wings and light-weight materials. It is designed with a bicycle transmission and a glider, and its stability is extremely high.

Suzuki Jikichiro used it to travel around the world for a week, and Mori Kogoro naturally wouldn't worry.

He kissed Qingzi's pink lips: "Qingzi, call your father and ask him to bring someone here to clean up the mess!"

"Uncle, it's dangerous, don't go!"

"Don't be afraid, I'll be fine!"

Kogoro Mori turned directly onto the human-powered plane, and Aoko also rushed forward when he saw this, with the air of living together and dying together.

There was only one place for the human-powered plane, and she sat directly in Kogoro Mouri's arms, hugged Kogoro Mouri tightly, and refused to let go.

The situation was urgent, and Mori Kogoro didn't care to put her down, he stepped on the pedal with his legs desperately, and the speed was so fast that he flew up.

The propeller turned quickly, generating a forward thrust, and the human-powered plane flew out immediately, heading towards the direction where the two Kidds were.

"No way, it's already flying into the air, and you can still chase it out. This guy is too heaven-defying!" This is what the police officer disguised as 'Kidd the Thief' said!

"Who the hell are you, why are you imitating me!" Kaito Kuroba, holding [Blue Miracle] in one hand, glared at the man who was exactly like him.

'Phantom Thief Kidd' laughed lightly: "Little brother, we are also considered colleagues. I have a grudge against Mori Kogoro. As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. If you count it this way, we are friends. It is normal for me to help you." !"

And the crowd watching from the bottom were stunned when they saw such a change, how could there be two Kidds in the sky, and how could there be a plane chasing them out!

This picture is really comparable to a Hollywood movie, it's so exciting!

The host of the TV station was very excited to see such a big scene. He watched the pictures relayed by the helicopter and continued to explain this: "It's unbelievable that [Blue Miracle] actually brought out two Kidds, who is the real one?" Yes, who is fake!"

"My God, I'm not mistaken, the person chasing behind on the human-powered plane is our big detective from Tokyo, Mori Kogoro!"

"Is today the second scene of Maori Detective VS Phantom Thief Kidd? It's an honor to be able to broadcast this scene live!"

"Our Maori detective will definitely defeat these two Kidds!"

The audience standing in front of the TV became excited when they heard Kogoro Mori's name. There were more and more people in front of the TV, and the ratings of the selling TV station soared again today!

Chapter 0073 misleading posture

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