Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Huiyuan occupied the best viewing positions. Seeing the two Kidds flying out, the smashed wall, and the human-powered plane chasing after them, the three girls all exclaimed repeatedly.

Little Lolita Huiyuan was the first to spot it with sharp eyes: "Uncle is in the plane, no, there is a girl in Uncle's arms, who is that?"

Yuanzi quickly said, "It looks exactly like Xiaolan, it's Qingzi!"

Xiaolan stared at the manpower plane, her beautiful eyes were full of worry, but soon Xiaolan's face changed and became extremely gloomy.

There seemed to be a magic flame burning from behind her. She punched the wall of the guardrail, and the wall was directly cracked, making Hui Yuan and Yuanzi's eyebrows twitch!

"Damn it, my father, who attracts bees and butterflies, got together with Qingzi only after leaving for a while."

It's no wonder that Xiaolan is angry. On the human-powered plane, Aoko sits on Mouri Kogoro's lap, and this human-powered plane needs someone to constantly step on the pedals to provide power.

Therefore, as Mori Kogoro continued to step on it, Aoko's body sitting on his lap kept rising and falling, just like the female upper pose. It is difficult for people not to misunderstand the picture.

Qingzi's body was constantly pushed and bumped into Kogoro Moori, and a pair of young pigeons bumped into Kogoro Moori's chest one after another.

Qingzi's face was flushed, and she quickly said, "Uncle, let me step on it for you!"

With Qingzi's weak strength, if she stepped on it, the plane would not crash.

"Need not!"

Mori Kogoro thought of his own Ant-Man robot, and quickly sent several Ant-Man robots to help turn the pedals, freeing his legs instantly.

With master-level piloting skills, he is also very handy in controlling the plane. The human-powered plane flew in the direction of Kidd who was carrying the treasure.

Looking at the two fleeing Kidds, Mori Kogoro knew that the one who just shot him was Lupine.

The Walter pistol he used had already revealed his identity.

It's just that Mori Kogoro didn't expect that he handed Lupine to Zengata two days ago, and today he suddenly appeared to cause damage.

This was caught off guard, so he fell into a disadvantage.

I have to say that Koichi Sengata is really useless!

Seeing this, Ginzo Nakamori at the bottom quickly ordered through the walkie-talkie: "Listen, all helicopters, surround these two Kidds for me, and don't let any of them go!"

These privately hired pilots flew towards Kidd hesitantly, forming a faint encirclement circle!

Several Ant-Man robots helped to turn the pedals, and the human-powered plane carrying Mori Kogoro and Aoko was so fast that it took off, and soon caught up with Kidd.

Seeing Kogoro Mori approaching behind him, Kidd's cheeks twitched: Is this guy a pervert?Why is the physical strength so terrifying, carrying two people faster than me!

But Kidd had no choice at all. He had to hold the paraglider with one hand and the gemstone with the other, so he couldn't fight back.

At this time, Lupine said: "Little brother, do you need help? If you need it, how about I get half of the harvest!"

Kidd glanced at him, and didn't talk to him at all. Instead, he controlled the paraglider and turned around, trying to separate from the impostor.

Lupine also wanted to follow, but he just twisted the direction controller of the paraglider, and the white paraglider suddenly fell apart.

Lupine's body fell down uncontrollably.

"Damn, Jiyuan, you cheater, where did you buy this thing, you cheated me to death!"

At this moment, a helicopter of Suzuki's family flew by quickly, and a ladder was thrown towards Lupine. Lupine quickly reached out to grab the ladder.

Daisuke Jiyuan poked his head out of the helicopter window holding the scissors. The scissors were placed on the rope of the ladder, and he shouted: "Who did you just say is a scam?"

Lu Bang resolutely admitted: "I, I say myself, I am the cheater, Jiyuan, you are so handsome!"

Only then did Daisuke Jigen put the scissors back.

Mori Kogoro yelled: "Lu Bang, why don't you follow Zenigata to prison to serve your sentence, and why are you here?"

Seeing that Jigen Daisuke was also exposed, Lu Bang didn't pretend anymore. He lifted off the white suit he was wearing to reveal his true face.

A man with a monkey face in a red suit, a yellow tie, and a pair of tight white suit pants appeared on the ladder.

"Mori Kogoro, I'm here to avenge the Kingdom of Visbania. Also, Fujiko is mine, you'd better stay away from her!"

"Today I will let you taste the taste of fiasco. You can't keep this [Blue Miracle]!"

All the audience below were stunned when they saw this change.

However, the host of Nikmai TV was as excited as if he had been beaten into chicken blood: "The truth has come out, and one of Kidd is actually Lupine III pretending to be!"

"Lupine the Third, that great thief who is well-known in the world, no matter what he likes, he will definitely get it."

"It's unbelievable that one [Blue Miracle] actually attracted two super thieves."

"Today is the Detective vs. Thieves session. It should be Maori Detective vs. Lupine & Kidd."

"But I still believe that even in the face of such a powerful enemy teaming up, our Maori detective will never lose!"

Kidd also had a strange look on his face when he saw Lupine appear. To him, this is a senior, a master of the world of thieves!

Mori Kogoro ignored the helicopter driven by Daisuke Jigen, and turned to Kidd to fly instead.

The top priority is to get back the [Blue Miracle], not entangle with Lupine.

But obviously Lupine would not let Kogoro Mori go so easily, he laughed wantonly: "Kogoro Mori, if you want to recover [Blue Miracle], you have to pass me first!"

The big horse monkey quickly climbed up the ladder and got in through the window.

When he returned to the helicopter, he opened the cabin door and said, "Let you taste the big guy I prepared for you!"

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