Both of them grabbed the fuselage to fix themselves in a daze, not knowing what happened.

The host at the bottom shouted: "My God, what did we see? There are only two propellers left on the helicopter driven by Lupine III, and it is still emitting thick smoke. Lupine's helicopter is heading towards the river. fall!"

"What did Detective Maori do? He just flew a human-powered plane and beat Lupine's helicopter. It's a miracle!"

In the crowd, Qian Xingxing rubbed his hands and rushed towards the landing point of the helicopter excitedly: "Lu Bang, I'm here, I will definitely catch you."

When the audience saw that the helicopter that sprayed bullets was shot down, they couldn't help cheering one by one. The threat to life disappeared. They kept shouting the name of Kogoro Mori, and the cheers gradually became one.

"Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!"

The three women on the Yanggu Building were relieved when they saw this.

Yuanzi laughed loudly and said, "I knew that no one in this world can beat uncle, even Lupine is no exception!"

And Kogoro Mouri, who was driving the human-powered plane, had a thought, and more than [-] Ant-Man robots worked together.

The human-powered plane continued to speed up and rushed in the direction of Kaitou Kidd.

The speed of the plane was extremely fast, surpassing that of ordinary helicopters, and the audience below were even more amazed.

And Kidd couldn't help complaining, his paraglider could only rely on the wind, and he couldn't fly very fast at all. He hadn't flown far before he was chased by the plane behind him.

Mori Kogoro asked: "Qingzi, can you see if there are any extra bricks?"

Aoko immediately bent down and began to search hard. Her face kept rubbing down along Kogoro Mori's chest, her hands were trembling under the cabin, her butt gradually slipped from Kogoro Mori's lap, and she curled up. stand up.

In the end, Qingzi's small face was buried under Maoli Kogoro's crotch, and then he said in surprise: "Uncle, I found it, and there is still a brick!"

Xiao Nizi didn't notice anything fell on her face at all, so she took out the brick in surprise and asked for credit to Kogoro Mouri.

"Good job!"

Mori Kogoro took the brick, pulled Aoko up and let him sit on his lap, and stared intently at the white paraglider that was getting closer.

Seventy meters... fifty meters... thirty meters... ten meters

The distance between Mori Kogoro and Kidd was getting closer and closer, and he shouted directly: "Kidd, if you still want to run, then don't blame the brick in my hand for being merciless!"

Hearing this, Kidd felt chills. He had very good eyesight. He just witnessed the scene of Mori Kogoro smashing the helicopter down with a brick. seriously injured!

And Qingzi in Maoli Kogoro's arms shouted: "Smash him to death!" "Smash him to death!"

These words made Kidd want to cry even more!

Chapter 0075 Charming under the moonlight

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Kidd was naturally unwilling to try the power of Mori Kogoro's brick.

He glanced at his location, which was above the river next to Shiodome Park.

Kidd immediately said, "Okay, since Detective Maori is so persistent in pursuing him, I'll return this [Blue Miracle] to you, but you have to pick it up!"

After finishing speaking, Kidd threw the [Blue Miracle] in his arms vigorously, and threw it to the side, while he himself turned around and glides.

If it is ignored, then [Blue Miracle] will sink directly into the river, and it will have to be salvaged hard, and the stones that hit the bottom of the river may be damaged, which is not beautiful.

Mori Kogoro made a decisive decision, turned the direction, and drove the manpower plane towards the jewel.

The Ant-Man robot pulls the wings at the same time, the direction of the wings is downward, and the thrust of the propeller and the force of the wind are injected.

The whole plane plummeted from the sky like a goshawk preying on it!

The speed of the plane continued to increase, and under weightlessness, Aoko's scream pierced through the entire night, and his jade arms hugged Mori Kogoro's waist tightly.

Mori Kogoro hugged Aoko's soft and delicate body tightly with one hand, and opened the other hand, looking at the blue gem with blazing eyes.

Finally, when it was about to reach the surface of the river, the human-powered plane finally caught up with [Blue Miracle].

Kogoro Mori directly picked up [Blue Miracle] with his big hand, and then the human-powered plane turned around, setting off a large wave of water and then flew towards the sky.

Only then did Qingzi pant heavily, and tremblingly said, "I'm saved!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head and glanced at the direction Kidd was fleeing from, only to find that there was only a white paraglider floating in the air.

As for Kidd, he had already taken the opportunity to disappear without a trace.

This guy probably dived into the water again and escaped. Mori Kogoro took Aoko with him, but he had no choice but to leave her and dive into the river to continue tracking, so he had to let Kidd go.

The human-powered plane flew higher and higher, straight into the sky, and passed over the building, and no one below could see the scene of the cabin.

Qingzi had just experienced a rapid descent, his face was pale with fright, his hair was wet with sweat and stained on his forehead, which made Mori Kogoro feel a little distressed.

Mori Kogoro brushed his messy hair to the back of his temples, and stroked Qingzi's soft back with his big hand: "You silly girl, why are you so afraid and follow me!"

"I'm worried about you!" Qingzi looked at Mori Kogoro, his face was full of concern, this little face looked so pure and beautiful under the moonlight.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being a little dazed, looking at Aoko's bright eyes, he gently kissed Aoko's pink lips, as soft as jelly!

The warm breath poured into Aoko's mouth and nose, making Aoko a little intoxicated, her heartbeat continued to speed up, her jade arms hugged Mori Kogoro tightly, and she responded awkwardly.

The two kissed under the starry sky. This scene is extremely romantic and harmonious.

Mori Kogoro's heart was extremely hot, as if a flame was burning, his big hand started to walk around the girl uncontrollably.

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Xiaolan and the others are still waiting below, he will definitely make Qingzi work hard here, but it's a pity that he can only live with his hands and mouth now!

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