After the passionate kiss, Qingzi's delicate body has already turned into soft fingers, her little face was flushed, and she collapsed limply in Maoli Kogoro's arms.

But Mori Kogoro's big hands were still restless, walking up and down Aoko's graceful body, covering Aoko's two beautiful legs in white socks.

"Uncle, you are really necrotic!"

"I can't help it! Uncle said he couldn't control himself! But, Qingzi, do you like it?"

"Ah! I hate it, I hate it, it's dead!"


Under the command of Mori Kogoro, the human-powered plane slowly flew towards the Suzuki Building.

Under the Suzuki Building, the audience was waiting, none of them left, and they all waited eagerly, as if waiting for the return of a hero.

They watched the human-powered plane slowly land on the square, and two figures in the cabin of the plane rolled over.

Among them, when Mori Kogoro was still holding the famous gemstone—the Blue Miracle, the whole square immediately erupted in bursts of cheers.

Without organizing, the audience spontaneously shouted Kogoro Mori's name, and they chanted for the winner!

As for Kidd, it has long been forgotten.

"Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!"...

The flashes are constantly on to capture this precious picture.

The host of Nichimai TV was very excited, and the tip of his nose was a little red: "Detective Maori has done it, our pride in Tokyo has done it, he is not afraid of the international thief Lupine's sniping, he alone fights two big thieves, defeating Lupine, Defeat Kidd and take back this [Blue Miracle]."

"[Blue Miracle] is indeed a miracle, this night, let us cheer for Mori Kogoro!"

As soon as Mori Kogoro returned to the ground, seeing the flashing lights that kept lighting up, he protected Aoko under his body.

I have to say that the reaction of the reporters in Tokyo, Japan is very sensitive.

Police officer Nakamori quickly led a team to come, and his police officers isolated the group of reporters, and they were able to survive.

"Qingzi, are you okay, why did you follow along?"

Police officer Zhong Mori looked at his daughter with concern, and Qing Zi repeatedly said that it was fine, so he was relieved.

Xiaolan, Yuanzi, Huiyuan and the others also rushed over, and the three girls looked at Kogoro Mouri's body, and they were relieved after making sure that nothing happened.

Nakamori Ginzo turned to Mouri Kogoro, "Kogoro, where's Kidd?"

"This guy abandoned [Blue Miracle], then got into the river and escaped, and now I don't know where he swam to!"

"Officer Nakamori, what about Lupine and the others? I just got his plane down!"

At this time, the dusty Sengata came over with a dark face: "Lu Bang escaped, and Ishikawa Goemon came to meet them, and I almost suffered a big loss!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but cast a contemptuous glance at Sengata Koichi: "Officer Sengata, I personally handed Lupine and the others to you three days ago, why did you let them run away?"

Qian Xingxing rubbed his head and smiled dryly: "It was a bit of an accident, but I already have his information, and I will definitely be able to re-arrest him soon!"

Nakamori Ginzo said: "Qianxing Police Department, Lu Bang's use of weapons of mass destruction this time is already considered a terrorist attack. Fortunately, no one was injured or injured. Qianxing Police Department, you have to go to the hall with me to make a report .”

"No problem, I still need to ask for support from the agency. This time, I must solve Lupine in Japan!"

Chapter 0076 the key Belmode

At this moment, Conan and Jijiro Suzuki appeared, and Jijiro Suzuki's pet dog Lupine also followed him.

Both the old man and his dog were stunned by Kidd, and then thrown into Shioliu Park.

They woke up to the sound of Gatling's gunshot.

Mori Kogoro handed the [Blue Miracle] to Suzuki Jikichiro.

Suzuki Jikichiro took the gem and quickly thanked him: "Detective Mori, thanks to you being here this time, I didn't expect my gem to attract Lupine III. It seems that I really bought it right!"

The old man laughed loudly as he spoke, stroking his pet dog's head with his big hand: "Lu Bang, soon you will meet the thief with the same name as you!"

"Wang! Wang! Wang!"

Conan, on the other hand, looked frustrated, and he was still angry at his mistake in reasoning.

At the very beginning, he noticed that something was wrong with the policeman Lupine disguised as, but in the end he made a mistake in his judgment and mistook him for Kidd. At this moment, Conan was in annoyance.

Mori Kogoro said: "Mr. Suzuki, I will pay for the repair of the wall in your museum, and I am really sorry for using a human-powered plane to chase people without authorization!"

Hearing this, Sonoko immediately jumped up and put his arms around Maoli Kogoro's arm: "Uncle Maoli, what are you kidding, you don't have to pay for this, you helped us defend the [Blue Miracle], and we still have to give you What about commission fees, right, uncle?"

When Qingzi saw Sonoko hugging Mori Kogoro's arm, he couldn't help pouting slightly, and this expression fell into Xiaolan's eyes.

Suzuki Jikichiro laughed heartily: "That's right, Sonoko is right, besides, my plane has an extra honor of chasing two thieves away today, how could I mind!"

"However, Detective Maori, how did you do it? You can step on the human-powered plane so fast, which completely broke the record. I also saw the last kick, which is almost like a fancy plane. It's really amazing!"

Mori Kogoro said modestly: "Luck, luck, it's just that you step on it a little harder, it's just a coincidence."

At this time, Qian Xingxing walked up to Mori Kogoro: "Detective Mori, tomorrow I will hold a meeting at the Metropolitan Police Department about arresting Lupine, and you must attend!"

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, this time Lupine really provoked him, he nodded and said: "No problem, I will be there tomorrow!"

Then he glanced at the reporters and audience who were isolated by the police, and was still taking pictures of himself, and quickly greeted the girls: "Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, we should go!"

Kogoro Mouri, who was about to leave, caught a glimpse of Aoko who hesitated to speak, and said to Nakamori Ginzo: "Ginzo, you have to report back to the Metropolitan Police later, I'll help you send Aoko back!"

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