Nakamori Ginzo looked surprised: "Xiao Wulang, you have really changed, well, Qingzi will be handed over to you!"

"Next time I have a chance to come to my house, I'll buy you a few drinks!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Moori's eyes flashed a strange color: "Okay, I will accompany you to the end, let's go, Qingzi, Yuanzi!"

Qingzi smiled when he heard this, and followed Yuanzi into Kogoro Mouri's car, and the group left!

Seeing Mori Kogoro leave, the onlookers under the Suzuki Building left one by one, but this matter will not end so easily.

The photos taken by the audience were uploaded on the Internet like snowflakes, setting off waves of enthusiasm.

The news newspapers worked overtime one by one to start writing news, hoping to take advantage of the popularity and make a fortune.

Kogoro Mori sent Sonoko and Aoko home respectively, and the two girls looked reluctant when they left.

Immediately afterwards, he sent Xiaolan, Huiyuan, and Conan back home, and found an excuse to ease Xiaolan's heart.

Then he turned around and headed towards his base!

He still needs to deal with the affairs of the dark organization. Kogoro Mori's plan today was to meet with Judy and Akemi Miyano to deal with the FBI and the dark organization.

In his opinion, Kidd's theft was just a trivial matter, and he could just deal with it smoothly.

It was because he didn't take it too seriously that Lupine III took advantage of it, otherwise he wouldn't have let both groups escape so easily.

Soon Mori Kogoro arrived at his base, and when he got off the elevator, he saw Miyano Akemi waiting beside him.

When Miyano Akemi saw Mori Kogoro, she immediately went up to meet him, caressing his body: "Xiaogoro, are you okay, I was really scared to death watching TV just now!"

Kogoro Moori patted Minmei's buttocks with his big hands, and his voice was crisp and clear: "What's so scary, it's just two little thieves, don't you trust me?"

"Yes, yes, I know you are the best, but I still can't help but worry when I see it. Don't do such risky things in the future!"

"Okay, I'll try my best!"

Mori Kogoro walked forward with his arms around Minmei's soft waist: "Has the thing I sent you arrived?"

"It's here, it was delivered last night, and there's still a letter, da! Look at the handwriting, it seems to be written by some woman!"

Miyano Akemi handed the letter to Mori Kogoro, the envelope was not opened, Akemi's face was full of curiosity...

These things were actually sent by Mine Fujiko. On the plane, she made a deal with Mori Kogoro, and Mori Kogoro bought information about brainwashing from the terrorist organization she once joined.

Fujiko's work efficiency is quite high, and they were collected and delivered on the same day. There are two full boxes of materials, which Mingmei helped to receive.

Mori Kogoro opened the letter, and immediately closed the letter with a glance.

This letter is full of sassy words, a prank by Fujiko, and it really fits this woman's personality.

As expected, Miyano Akemi on the side pouted: "You're quite affectionate, I still call you sweetheart!"

Mori Kogoro laughed dryly: "The fans are here! The fans are here!"

Fortunately, Mingmei's temperament is very gentle, but she didn't pay too much attention to it, so the two walked towards the monitoring room.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the state of Chianti and Cohen. All the weapons of the two were disarmed, and even the poison hidden between the teeth was taken off by Minmei's command when they were unconscious.

The two were guarded separately, and their condition was fairly normal.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to these two people any more, and he had to wait for him to develop a method of forced brainwashing, otherwise it would not be uncommon for him to be locked up for a lifetime.

Finally, under the guidance of Akemi Miyano, Mori Kogoro came to a secret room, which had only one door and a dusty computer inside.

It was the computer that he ordered his subordinates to move to Itakura Zhuo's villa before, and it has not been connected to the power supply until now.

According to the original book, it contains Takuo Itakura's unfinished software!

Kogoro Mori was very curious about what software Belmode and Rum were so concerned about.

He walked into the secret room alone. Mori Kogoro was extremely confident in his self-taught hacking skills, so he naturally switched on the computer without hesitation.

The screen flashed, and a self-destruct countdown setting that required a password appeared, and it only lasted [-] seconds.

However, the timed self-destruct device set by Itakura Takumi couldn't stop Mori Kogoro at all.

The timer self-destruct device was quickly cracked, and Kogoro Mouri opened the semi-finished software.

Not long after, his pupils shrank sharply, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

He finally knew what the ultimate goal of the dark organization was.

In this way, everything has become different, Belmode, the key Belmode!

In the secret room, Mori Kogoro looked gloomy and fell into deep thought for a long time! ! !

Chapter 0077 Minmei's Service

After a long time, Kogoro Mori deleted all the initial code of this software and destroyed all the hard disks of the computer.

He has already memorized the code of this software in his heart, so naturally he doesn't need to keep this computer.

Only then did Kogoro Moori open the door of the secret room, and Mingmei outside the door waited anxiously: "Xiaogoro, why did you stay for so long?"

"It's nothing, Itakura Zhuo is pretty good at computer skills, it's just a waste of time!"

He walked out with his arms around Minmei's slender waist. Although the understanding Mingmei was curious, she didn't ask any questions, but just leaned on Kogoro Mori's shoulder.

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