"How is that girl Yueshui?"

"She has a very high level of comprehension. She has already mastered [-] to [-]% of her disguise technique, and she has also mastered spear and driving skills very quickly."

"That's good, but when it comes to the disguise technique, I have to find a time to give you a tutorial. The disguise technique I taught you before still has some flaws."

The four members of the Lupine Group I met recently are all masters of disguise, and their disguise is at the master level in the system evaluation, which is at the same level as Belmode's disguise, and Mori Kogoro can't easily see through.

And Kuroba Kaito's Yi Rongshui principle is above Lupine and the four, and he has the true biography of Heiyu Pirates.

Mori Kogoro's disguise technique is a perfect level disguise technique obtained from the system, and there is a risk of being seen through by people in the dark organization.

However, combining what Yukiko taught him and the disguise skills he had traded from Fujiko, his disguise technique has successfully advanced to the master level.

This is based on his own learning and promotion, and he is naturally not restricted by the halo of the villain, so Mori Kogoro wants to pass it all on to Mingmei.

It is with such successful examples that Mori Kogoro wants to create a brainwashing technique himself.

He also wanted to prove that he was definitely not inferior to that Moriarty who could use hypnosis to brainwash and kill people.

With his heaven-defying intelligence, although this goal is difficult, it is only a matter of time before it is completed!

"Okay, Mingmei, wait for me in the car outside first, I'll go to the sixth floor, and we'll go back together later!"

Miyano Akemi nodded obediently, then moved her legs and walked outside.

Not long after, Mori Kogoro came to the laboratory below.

The gray-haired old man in a white coat stood beside him with a respectful expression on his face.

Dr. Jiang Gu looked at the mighty Kogoro Mori, and couldn't help but seep sweat from the back of his head. He swallowed a bit, and then said: "Boss, all the human experiments in the past two months have failed. None of those who took the drug survived!"

Mori Kogoro nodded, and then said: "Stop all human experiments, the direction of the experiment is wrong."

"Restart drug testing, vigorously deduce the derivative properties of drug A, and I will send you the specific directions later."

Dr. Egu looked stunned, but Mori Kogoro didn't explain too much, and he left the base directly after giving his orders.

In fact, after Kogoro Mori read the purpose of the software, he understood the real purpose of APTX, and had a guess about the identity of the boss of the dark organization.

That's why he ordered Dr. Jiang Gu to stop his wrong research.

Sometimes on the wrong road, stopping is a kind of moving forward!

On the road to Akemi's house, bright and dark neon lights kept passing by Mori Kogoro's face, his eyes were serene.

Akemi Miyano stared closely at the preoccupied Kogoro Mori's face with her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help reaching out to grab his big hand.

"Kogoro, are you alright?"

Mori Kogoro looked at Minmei's blue eyes full of worry, and put aside the thoughts in his mind.

He grabbed Mingmei's little hand with his backhand, and said with a light smile, "What can I do! It's all right, don't worry about it!"

"That's good!"

Mingmei was relieved to see Mori Kogoro back to normal.

But not long after, her expression changed again, and there was a hesitant expression on her beautiful little face.

"what happened?"

"Xiao Goro, I have something to tell you, don't mind it!"

"It's okay, just say it!"

"Didn't I tell you a while ago that there was a man who was always wandering around in my flower shop? He disappeared for a few days, and then reappeared."

Hearing Mingmei's description, Mori Kogoro immediately knew who it was, and it was Shuichi Akai who followed him and Judy this afternoon.

Speaking of which, Akai Shuichi's two ex-girlfriends were all robbed by him, which is really interesting!

"The man still wrapped himself tightly as before, but I seem to recognize him."

"Xiao Goro, I told you, don't be angry!"

"His name is Akai Shuichi. His identity is very complicated. He is the person who entered the organization undercover by the FBI. He is also my ex-boyfriend. I don't even know how he got here!"

When Mingmei said this, her little face was full of nervousness.

"Oh! Ex-boyfriend!" Mori Kogoro said in a strange tone.

Mingmei hurriedly said: "Xiao Wulang, don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with him anymore, we are already people from two worlds, besides, I only have you in my heart!" Mingmei said this confession Pretty face is still a little red.

Kogoro Moori naturally knew that Mingmei was alone in her heart, and she took it for the first time by herself, and she was stained with blood again for herself.

The beauty is deeply affectionate, how can I not know.

However, he frowned on the surface, and said, "There is still an ex-boyfriend pestering you, no, I'm angry!"

"How could this be?"

Mingmei's expression was bewildered, and she was at a loss: she confessed immediately after discovering Akai, isn't that okay?

There was an evil smile on Mori Kogoro's face, and he said, "It's easy for me not to be angry, Mingmei, just agree to my request!"

Hearing this, Miyano Akemi was still a little confused.

But when her head was pressed between Kogoro Mori's legs, she understood Kogoro Mori's plan.

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