His beautiful eyes glared at Mori Kogoro with a touch of coquettishness: What a big pervert!

In the end Mingmei still did not refuse, and obediently served Mori Kogoro, which was really a great challenge for the conservative Mingmei.

hiss! ! ! ! !

The taste here is irresistible.

The night wind kept pouring into the car, and Mori Kogoro was in an extremely happy mood. He finally knew the joy of driving with one hand.

Chapter 0078 Minmei’s Service 2

In the black car in front of Mingmei's apartment, Mori Kogoro patted Mingmei's buttocks, smiled lightly and said, "Well, for the sake of your good attitude of admitting your mistakes, I will forgive you this time! "

Mingmei's beautiful eyes in the passenger seat were red, and she gave Kogoro Moori a blank look, and she pursed her mouth and said nothing.

"Next time Akai Shuichi goes to your flower shop again and again, call me immediately! My woman, don't allow others to pester you!"

Seeing this domineering Kogoro Mori, Mingmei's heart trembled slightly, and her eyes softened.

The two got out of the car, and Minmei walked towards the apartment with her arm around Mori Kogoro.

As soon as she entered the apartment, Minmei immediately rushed to the bathroom and began to wash up.

And Kogoro Mori entered the study, and the things sent by Fujiko Mine were in the study.

He sat at the desk and looked through the materials sent by Fujiko, and it really had a similar principle to the Hydra brainwashing device he got.

Relying on sleep deprivation to make them tired, occupying the five senses, repeating it like singing, and pouring ideas into the minds of the brainwashed people in a force-feeding manner.

However, humans are irrational animals after all, and they have emotions.

If the subconscious mind can be awakened and the mind can be manipulated, the effect of brainwashing will be greatly enhanced, and the result will be twice the result with half the effort.

Soon, Mori Kogoro, who had one eye and ten lines at a time, read all the two large boxes of materials and memorized them all in his mind.

He rubbed his temples, suddenly remembered the letter Fujiko had given him, and turned it out of his pocket.

Sure enough, it was a little weird, just now I was afraid that Mingmei would see the contents inside, so I didn't read more, but now I feel that the letter paper is uneven.

Mori Kogoro opened it and aimed it in the direction of the light.

A faint light came through, and a few words were written on it: "Xiao Wulang, save me!"

Mori Kogoro's eyes narrowed slightly, his face full of surprise.

He immediately dialed Mine Fujiko's number, but the call was never connected!

Difficult!Could it be that Fujiko sneaked back into a terrorist organization for these materials and was caught?

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's head kept spinning. He recalled the episodes he had seen in his previous life, and immediately called Nakamori Ginzo.

Not long after, Nakamori Ginzo answered the phone.

"Yin San, Police Officer Qian Xing is by your side, let him answer the phone!"

In the Metropolitan Police Department, Nakamori Ginzo handed the mobile phone to Qian Xingxing, and Qian Xingxing said, "Detective Maori, what do you want me for?"

Mori Kogoro immediately asked: "Officer Zenigata, is the gem that Lupine wants to kill a cherry sapphire?"

Qian Xingxing was shocked for a moment: "Detective Maori, how do you know, this is what I plan to talk about tomorrow, did Lupine give you a fight?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro felt relieved, so Fujiko would not be in any danger.

It turned out that it was Lupine who did it. It seems that this guy won't do well if he doesn't teach him a lesson.

"It's okay, Officer Qian Xing, you should have a good rest!"

After finishing speaking, Kogoro Mori hung up the phone.

This phone call made Qian Xingxing feel a little depressed, and the information he had learned so hard was said lightly by Mori Kogoro, really upset!

"Kogoro, who are you calling?" Akemi in a white bathrobe came in.

She has a graceful figure, exudes moisture all over her body, her long black hair is still a little wet, and her fair calves are moving slowly, looking extremely alluring.

"Confirm something with the police, nothing."

Mori Kogoro got up with a smirk, and when he came to Mingmei's side, he smelled a fragrance.

He hugged Mingmei from behind, his big hands rolled around her waist and abdomen, his head was pressed on Mingmei's shoulder, and he kissed the fair nape of her neck, the skin just after taking a bath was extremely smooth.

"Mingmei, it's been cleared up so quickly, it seems like there are some bad intentions for me!"

Hearing this, Mingmei's little face gradually blushed, she reached out and grabbed the skirt of her clothes: "You bastard, you want to play tricks again, I asked you to eat!"

"What's for dinner, it's so late, I just want to eat you!"

As soon as the words fell, Kogoro Mouri grabbed Mingmei with a big hand.

Mori Kogoro hung Mingmei upside down on his shoulders, like a king of the mountain robbing a good house, and immediately two soft masses pressed against his back heavily.

Mingmei kept exclaiming, and Mori Kogoro patted her buttocks, feeling extremely proud.

The two quickly entered the bedroom, and after a while, another melodious movement was played in the bedroom!

More than three hours later, near zero, the battle came to an end.

Mori Kogoro smirked and said, "Did you remember the disguise technique I just taught you?"

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