Arriving at the flower shop, Akemi kissed Mori Kogoro goodbye, then turned and walked into the shop.

The florist Nakakoshimizu Nanatsuki has already started working there.

And Mori Kogoro drove towards the Metropolitan Police Department!

Many police officers had already gathered in the meeting hall of the Metropolitan Police Department, including Officer Megure and his subordinates, and Officer Megure kept talking on it.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, Miwako's eyes lit up. If she wasn't still in the meeting, she would have jumped into Mori Kogoro's arms.

Police officer Meguro said from the top: "I believe everyone has heard about the Suzuki Building incident last night. Lupine disguised himself as Kidd, stole the helicopter, and used weapons of mass destruction, causing great harm to the citizens of Tokyo." Great panic, very bad impact."

"All of this is undoubtedly his invitation to our Metropolitan Police Department!"

At this time Qian Xingxing walked up: "Lupine's real goal is the well-known cherry sapphire."

Officer Meguro quickly introduced: "This is the only Lupine full-time investigator in the IPCO Interpol, and he is also the police department of our Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. However, he has been arresting Lupine abroad for many years, and he is not in the country all the year round."

Miwako immediately asked: "Police, I heard that Lupine often plays tricks on others, how can we be sure that this cherry sapphire is his real target?"

Qian Xingxing raised his mobile phone: "He has sent emails, but he has never been able to reply."

Police officer Mu Mu looked surprised: "So you are still netizens!"

"Well, it's been five years!"

The group of police officers quickly gathered together and took Koichi Qiangata's mobile phone to watch it.

Mori Kogoro came forward, and Qian Xingxing glanced at him: "I just don't know how Mori Detective knows Lupine's real target!"

Kogoro Mori naturally didn't answer him, and Qian Xingxing asked police officer Megure in a low voice: "Mumegure, can I recruit some people from your subordinates to help?"

"Of course no problem, I just don't know if they can do it!"

Hearing this, Miwako Sato turned around immediately: "Police, may I also join the ranks of arresting Lupine."

Miwako's eyes are burning with fighting spirit, Lupine dared to shoot my man with a gun, it is absolutely unforgivable!

Miwako wanted to avenge Kogoro wholeheartedly, and Kogoro's brow was sweating while watching.

Hearing what Miwako said, Takagi turned around quickly and said, "Police, I also want to join this operation."

Qian Xingxing nodded: "Okay, then you guys can come and help."

Mori Kogoro frowned: "Shouldn't the task of arresting the thief belong to the second investigation department? Where's Police Officer Nakamori?"

Police officer Meguro explained: "Last night's action was coordinated by Nakamori. It had such a bad impact, and the people above held him accountable. He has been shutting himself at home for the past few days to reflect, so this case has been cooperated by our first department. "

"I see!" Mori Kogoro sympathized with this unlucky Nakamori Ginzo, and it seemed that he could visit him at his home later.

After the meeting was over, Miwako dragged Mori Kogoro into her office.

"You guy, it's too worrying. You didn't tell me when you went abroad, and you made such a big deal when you came back!"

Miwako seemed a little angry, Mouri Kogoro hugged her gently from behind: "I don't want you to worry, besides, didn't anything happen?"

"Why do you join Koichi Sengata's action team? The old fellow Qiangata is unreliable. I have already caught Lupine once before, and he can't stand it. Otherwise, you will act with me later."

"No, I promised him in front of Police Officer Mumu, and I can't leave my post without authorization."

Mori Kogoro recalled that in the original book, Mikazu was extremely embarrassed by Lupine's electric shock, so he said, "Well, I will also go to the operation of Toto Bank in the afternoon, and I will protect you when the time comes."

"Don't look down on people, I'm going to be a member of the police department too, I don't need you to protect me."

"Yes, yes, my Miwako is the most powerful."

Chapter 0080 Miike Miaozi

Miwako was wearing a small light blue suit, a white hip-wrapping skirt, her elastic legs wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, exuding the playfulness and cuteness of a little woman.

After being with Mori Kogoro, she also began to pay attention to dressing up and became more and more beautiful. The title of the Flower of the Metropolitan Police Department is well-deserved.

Mori Kogoro's big hand holding Miwako became restless, and began to walk on her elastic body, and soon climbed to a soft place.

Mei Hezi's face was flushed, and her small hands kept resisting: "Xiao Goro, stop making trouble, I'm going to arrest Lu Bang this afternoon!"

"Let me tell you, it's absolutely impossible to face each other in the office, so you should give up on it!"

"You bastard, did you listen to me?"

Miwako broke away from Mori Kogoro, and said, "Da Semo, I wanted to tell you some good news, but now I don't want to tell you."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Okay, I won't do anything anymore. What good news do you have?"

He turned his head, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Could it be that you succeeded in lobbying, Yumi and Chengzi both agreed!"

Immediately a look of surprise appeared on Meihezi's face.

Seeing this expression, Mori Kogoro knew that he had guessed right, with a slightly lewd smile on his face, it seemed that the Qiangqiang foursome would soon be realized.

Thinking of that scene, Mori Kogoro was still a little excited, he stepped forward and hugged Miwako, kissed her and said with a smile: "Miwako, you are so capable!"

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, you go to Dongdu Bank to be careful, and don't get too close to Takagi!"

"Understood, big vinegar jar!"

In my memory, Lupin was disguised as Takagi, and Mori Kogoro naturally wanted to remind Miwako, but obviously she misunderstood.

After saying goodbye to Miwako, Mori Kogoro walked out of the police station, and as soon as he came outside, he saw two beautiful figures.

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