Wearing a blue traffic police uniform and hat, Miyamoto Yumi and another female traffic policeman stood next to a broken jeep, which was towed away by a crane. Yumi wrote on the floor with chalk.

The girl standing with Yumi has a pair of beautiful cat eyes and twin ponytails, very playful and cute.

With such obvious double ponytail features, Mori Kogoro recognized it at a glance, it should be Naeko Miike.

Miike Naoko said: "Senior, this is so ridiculous, why would someone park the car here."

Yumi threw away the chalk, clapped her hands, with a sneer on her face: "I'll let him know the fate of provoking the Transportation Agency."

"However, senior, why can't we find this license plate?"

"Ghost knows, maybe some illegal organization used the car, hey, Kogoro!"

Yumi's face was suddenly full of surprise, and she threw herself into the arms of Mouri Kogoro with small steps.

He dribbled the ball into someone again, and the ball bounced twice, which was too much.

Miike Naeko on the side looked at the two in surprise, and she recognized that the man embracing Yumi was none other than the famous Mori detective in Tokyo.

This is really astonishing. It's big news that the big detective Maori is in a relationship with his senior.

"Yumi, you are on patrol right now!"

"Yeah, just now I asked someone to tow away an illegal unlicensed car!"

Yumi rubbed her small head against Mori Kogoro's chest in attachment, but soon she realized that there were juniors by her side, and she wanted to make some impression, so she got up reluctantly.

Kogoro Mori looked at the broken jeep going away, and mourned for Zenigata in his heart. The car was clearly an Interpol bus, so it was naturally Koichi Qiangata's, but he didn't say anything.

Yumi pulled Mori Kogoro to Miike Naeko's side: "Kogoro, let me introduce you, this is Miike Naeko who transferred from Kabado Police Station to the headquarters, and is my junior."

Mori Kogoro nodded to Miike Naeko, and Miike Naeko's face flushed. This female traffic policeman seemed to be particularly prone to blush.

Yumi became vigilant, and quickly introduced: "Naeko, this is my boyfriend, Mori Kogoro, you should know him, he is known as the savior of Tokyo, our super detective."

Mori Kogoro said modestly, "It's all nonsense in the news, it's not that powerful."

At this moment, Yumi's walkie-talkie rang.

"There was a traffic accident on Banshan Avenue, please ask the nearby police officers to deal with it."

"Repeat, there is a car accident on Banshan Avenue, please ask the nearby police officers to deal with it."

Hearing this voice, Yumi pursed her lips: "Why, it was so hard to meet Kogoro, and another accident happened."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "If there is an accident, just deal with it. It's not easy to meet me."

He pulled Yumi's body, and said in a low voice: "And I heard Miwako say that you agreed to Yumi, next time I will call Miwako and Chengzi, and we will meet together, and the scene will definitely be very interesting!"

Yumi's face immediately turned red: "Kogoro, you are too bad, I ignore you, Miaozi, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, she walked to the patrol car, Naeko Miike quickly followed, and the patrol car drove away after a while.

Mori Kogoro chuckled to the parking lot and drove his car away. He thought of the girl on the plane under the moonlight last night.

As soon as the steering wheel was turned, he went to Nakamori's house. It seemed that it was time to care about his old colleague.

Mori Kogoro came to Nakamori's house. It was a single-family house with a total height of three floors and a small yard.

He rang the doorbell, and Qingzi opened the door not long after.

Seeing Moori Kogoro appear, Qingzi's face was full of surprise, but he couldn't help whispering: "Uncle Maoli, why are you here? My father is still at home!"

Nakamori Ginzo's voice came from the back room: "Qingzi, who is it?"

Mori Kogoro went straight into Nakamori's house and changed his shoes at the entrance.

Qingzi quickly closed the door and replied, "It's Uncle Mao Li!"

As soon as Mori Kogoro entered the living room, he saw Ginzo Nakamori lying on the floor with a dejected face, looking at the yard in a daze.

Nakamori Ginzo turned his head, with a look of surprise on his face: "Xiao Goro, why are you here?"

"I heard that you were ordered to reflect at home, so I came to see you. Why, you are not welcome. Didn't you ask me to have a drink last night?"

Nakamori Ginzo shook his head: "What's the matter, I just feel that I have been very unlucky recently. It is obvious that Lu Bang appeared in the sky last night. This can also be blamed on me. The people above are really hard to describe."

Mori Kogoro sat cross-legged on the floor: "Look at it, it's all the same. When I was a policeman, I couldn't stand it so I resigned!"

Chapter 0081 Doing Such a Thing in Front of Dad

Ginzo Nakamori sighed: "Speaking of which, I really admire you. After you resigned, you became a detective, unlike me, who caught Kidd for eighteen years, but still didn't catch him. "

Seeing Aoko by his side, Nakamori Ginzo didn't say any more, he stood up and said, "Xiao Goro, you haven't eaten your lunch yet, but my meal is ready, you can eat here at noon, let's have a drink. "

"You have beaten Kidd twice, today you have to teach me the secret of recognizing Kidd."

Speaking of this, Nakamori Ginzo excitedly pulled Mori Kogoro to a low table beside him.

Nakamori Ginzo's wife died early, and there were only father and daughter in the family, so it was more casual where to eat, and it was normal to eat on this low table.

Qingzi obediently brought out the dishes from the kitchen, as well as two jugs of sake.

As soon as Mori Kogoro sat on the futon, Nakamori Ginzo immediately poured sake by his side with a warm expression on his face.

The two clinked glasses, Nakamori Ginzo drank a cup of sake in the shape of a teacup, and immediately yelled.

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