Takagi She still wanted to grab Miwako's arm, but seeing a look of disgust flashed in Miwako's eyes, she took a step back to avoid it, leaving him in vain.

Gao Mushe was not embarrassed, and continued to run outside, holding the hands of the special police outside to cheer them up.

As for Moori Kogoro, whom Miwako had been thinking about, he was driving in the direction of Toto Bank in a black car, stepping on the accelerator.

Master-level driving skills were deployed, Lexus rampaged all the way, the speed continued to soar, but it did not hit half of the car.

Kogoro Mori in the car had a contented attitude. His white suit hadn't been buttoned up yet, and his exposed masculine chest muscles gave him a sense of unruliness.

The strong wind continuously poured into the car, washing away the smell on his body.

Kogoro Mori was delayed by a big battle just now, so he was only a few minutes late.

He looked at the several missed calls on his phone, and they were all from Mei Hezi.

The phone was turned to silent just now, and he was still fighting, so he didn't see it.

Now it might be a bit tedious to drive there according to this distance, Mori Kogoro was distracted, while driving, he edited a text message and sent it to Miwako.

When Miwako heard the phone ringing, she immediately took it out to check.

Seeing the text message from Mori Kogoro, she frowned slightly, and her eyes became quiet.

Chapter 0084

Mori Kogoro recalled Qingzi who was like a little horse, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He didn't expect that Qingzi would become so bold in the end that it was almost impossible for him to escape, which made him late.

It's also thanks to Mori Kogoro who pasted a sleeping charm on Nakamori Ginzo's body, otherwise Aoko would wake up the confused policeman when he was hugged and hung directly above Nakamori Ginzo like a koala in the end of.

Kogoro Mori held his head and thought about it: It seems that when Mira comes to Japan in two months, he can call Xiaolan and Qingzi, and the picture will definitely be very interesting.

In Nakamori's home, Aoko, who had been healed by Mori Kogoro, was already able to move without hindrance.

She changed into home clothes, fetched a bucket of water, and started cleaning the living room.

At this moment, she exuded the gentle temperament of a Japanese woman, and began to wipe the wooden floor in the living room with a damp cloth.

Qingzi wiped it extremely seriously, she didn't miss every board, even the boards in the corridor near the yard, she wiped it once.

Finally, Qingzi came to the low table, the food on the low table had been removed long ago, only the drunk Nakamori Ginzo was still lying on the table.

Qingzi couldn't help but blushed, and hurriedly cleaned up the dining table.

At this moment, Nakamori Ginzo woke up. He opened his eyes in a daze, looked around drunkenly, and saw his daughter struggling to wipe the table.

Nakamori Ginzo was stunned, and said, "Qingzi, where is Kogoro? Where has he gone?"

Qingzi's heart rose in an instant, and he pretended to be calm and said, "Uncle Mao Li is gone, Dad, what's wrong?"

"How did he walk so fast, I haven't asked him to recognize Kidd's secret technique? Hey, why is it four o'clock?"

Seeing that Nakamori Ginzo didn't notice anything unusual, Qingzi gradually felt relieved, and shouted loudly: "Father, how dare you say that you drank a whole pot of sake even though you obviously don't know how to drink? Drunk, lying on my stomach from lunch until now, leaving Uncle Maori here."

"Dad, you are so rude!"

Nakamori Ginzo suddenly laughed dryly: "Is that so? Hey, your Uncle Maori won't mind, I have been friends with him for more than ten years."

Qingzi couldn't help but cast a blank look at his father, threw the wet cloth into the bucket, turned around and left with the bucket in hand.

In Toto Bank, Miwako Sato informed Qian Xingxing after receiving a text message, and left alone.

Qian Xingxing wanted to stop it, but he didn't say anything more when he heard that it was Kogoro Mouri's idea.

Not long after Miwako left, Takagi Tsutomu, who had gone out to boost morale, returned to the bank vault door.

And Xingyi Qiangata picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "From now on, all nearby streets will be blocked, and no vehicles will be allowed to pass through. Except for the security personnel in the bank, the rest will use channel B to talk, and report any abnormalities immediately!"

The dense police officers outside became vigilant one by one.

Time flowed slowly, and the time marked in Lupine's notice email to Qian Xing passed four o'clock in the afternoon, and nothing happened.

The chunky manager let out a long sigh of relief: "Great, Lupine didn't come, it seems that the diamond is saved!"

Qian Xingxing made a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and walked towards the gate of the vault: "Never let the prey you fancy, this is Lupine III."

Gao Mushe was stunned: "Could it be that Lu Bang is in the vault now?"

"Isn't there a plot like this in the movie? The thieves dug a tunnel directly to the bottom of the vault to steal, so naturally the people on the ground would not be alarmed."

Qian Xingxing turned his head and looked at the manager: "For the sake of caution, open the door of the vault and make sure whether the diamond is still there."

The dumpy manager hurried to the front of the vault door and started turning the combination lock.

Not long after, the round iron gate weighing more than ten tons was opened.

Koichi Qiangata, Takagi Tsutomu and the two special policemen all drew their guns, looking at the situation inside the vault, everything inside was normal.

The chunky manager immediately trotted in, took out two keys, opened one of the cabinets, took out a box, and put it on the side table.

He flipped through the box, and immediately felt relieved: "Fortunately, the cherry blue diamond is still here!"

Qian Xingxing said, "It's strange, it's been three minutes, why hasn't Lupine appeared yet!"

At this time, Takagi She spoke, and it was Lupine's voice.

"Maybe it's because everyone's watches have been set three minutes ahead."

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