Koichi Qiangata reacted immediately: "You adjusted our watch when we were shaking hands just now."

"Bingo!" 'Takagi She' lightly threw a bomb in his hand, and countless hypnotic gas was released from it, instantly fascinating all the people in the vault.

Lupine wearing a gas mask came to the table and took the cherry blue diamond lightly.

However, Qian Xingxing's physique was far superior to that of ordinary people, and the hypnotic gas that could stun everyone did not have much effect on him, so he struggled to get up again.

"Uncle, what are you doing getting up? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

"Hey, I've expected this situation a long time ago, so I added some ingredients when I adjusted your watch!"

After saying that, Lupine pressed a button, and Zenigata suddenly twitched.

His body kept swaying, and his whole body was scorched black from the electric shock.

But even so, Qiangata Xingyi still did not lose his fighting power. He struggled to get up like a spider: "You boy, stop for me, don't run, I will catch you."

Naturally, Lupine ignored him and ran away on his own.

At the same time, many Lupines appeared inexplicably on the street outside. The special police who had been surrounding Dongdu Bank were attracted by each Lupine, and immediately dispersed to arrest them.

They didn't even notice a person jumping out from Dongdu Bank.

Wearing an old-fashioned kimono, Ishikawa Goemon only felt a little sad. Something happened in the dimension, so he was arrested as a young man, and his arms were full of Lupine's disguise mask.

Relying on his superb skills, Ishikawa Goemon put a Lupine mask on the head of anyone passing by, and put a mask on every person passing by.

The instigator of so many Lupines is Ishikawa Goemon.

As for Lupine, he got into the sewer smugly, and ran in the underground tunnel extending in all directions. He planned to rely on the Mihua Station subway to leave.

But before running a few steps, Lupine heard a voice.

"You're so slow, Lupine!"

At this time, Kogoro Moori and Miwako Sato emerged from the shadows.

Miwako pointed a gun at Lupine III with her right hand, and Mori Kogoro had a playful smile on his face.

On the other hand, Lu Bang looked stunned. It's hard to imagine that the escape route he had thought of was actually penetrated by someone. It's really amazing!

Chapter 0085

Kogoro Mori listened to the chaotic voices above, and from time to time a special police officer shouted that Lupine had been caught, and he raised his eyebrows: "It should be your companion Goemon Ishikawa who is covering up."

"This time, you learned how to behave. You don't need a car or a helicopter. Then there is only one way to escape, and that is the subway at Mihua Station."

"It's just that the subway is too far away from the bank. If the police finds out, the subway station will be blocked soon, and you can only escape through the sewer."

"So early in the morning, I sat here and waited for the rabbit, and I really gained something."

Lupine couldn't help applauding: "You really deserve to be a great detective, so you can also find out, but I can't give you this cherry blue diamond."

Kogoro Mouri had a playful smile on his lips: "Oh, is there something else hidden?"

Lu Bang said with a straight face: "Detective Maori, you still remember Fujiko, she was captured by a terrorist organization, if I don't bring this diamond to exchange her back, Fujiko's life may be in danger."

Hearing this, Sato Miwako also frowned. It would be a bit difficult to deal with the fact that this matter has something to do with human life.

Lupine had a sincere look on his face: "Detective Maori, you certainly don't want Fuji to die like this."

Seeing Kogoro Mori's hesitant expression, a hint of deceit flashed in Lupine's eyes, and he stuck his big hand into the skirt of his shirt, about to throw out a hypnotic bomb.

But Mori Kogoro's movements were even more serious. Before he was seen, he had a pistol in his hand, and the bullets shot out, tearing the suit on Lupine's arm.

Lupine's heart was full of awe, and he didn't dare to make other moves.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said: "Of course I don't want Fuji to die like this, but one yard counts for one yard. You came out to spoil my business last night, and you came out with Gatling to shoot me. You should pay for it." How do you count?"

Mori Kogoro pointed his pistol at Lupine, a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Lu Bang became anxious immediately, and quickly explained: "I can't say that, I just want to hit the wing, and the bullets are all blank, they can't kill anyone."

"Besides, aren't you okay? You also smashed my helicopter, causing Jiyuan and me to almost die, and it's still a loss for me."

Lu Bang knew how good Kogoro Mori's spear skills were, and he felt that he couldn't beat Kogoro Mori, so he wanted to use his words to escape.

But all this is in vain!

Mori Kogoro sneered: "Oh, you were at a disadvantage when you shot me with a gun, so let's do it this time, and I will suffer instead."

As soon as the words fell, Mori Kogoro moved a heavy object out from the shadow behind him.

The golden gun exudes a fierce aura, and Miwako and Lupine are stunned by this golden Gatling.

Gold Gatling: It can fire [-] bullets per minute, and each bullet can be manipulated by others. Under trial, it is the ultimate gun. [The remaining usage time is two minutes. 】

This is what he got back from Miyano Akemi last night. Last time, Akemi didn't hit Gatling with this weapon.

Thinking that it might be used today, Mori Kogoro took it back into the system space.

Lupine's eyes were full of panic, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "Detective Maori, murder is against the law."

Miwako on the side was also anxious: "Xiao Goro?"

Mori Kogoro reached out and patted Miwako's little hand, and said, "Don't worry, I'm sensible."

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