After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro pulled the Gatling, the gun of judgment began to roar, and the golden bullets continued to shoot out.

Numerous flames exploded, and the golden barrage enveloped Lupine.

Under the crisis of life and death, Lu Bang's pupils burst continuously, and his legs started to run in this tunnel, wishing to use his strength to feed.

Golden bullets continuously slashed across his body, bombarding the wall next to him, and scattered rocks.

Mori Kogoro laughed, like a cat playing with a mouse, manipulating more than a thousand bullets at this second, driving him to run to the left and to the right, but not to hit Lupine.

This feeling is really comfortable.

Lupine was going crazy, he couldn't control his life, and he might die every second.

There is only one person around who can move, if you don't run, you will be hit again, but there is nothing you can do about being teased by Mori Kogoro.

Suffering to the extreme, it is impossible to survive, to die!

Lupine has never encountered such an aggrieved situation.

Accompanied by the sound of bombardment, Kogoro Mori's thick voice reached Lupine's ears.

"Where is the place of the transaction?"

Under the threat of his life, Lu Bang's IQ of [-] dropped, and he immediately replied, "It's in the underground parking lot of Yasuda Building!"

Mori Kogoro nodded, but did not stop bombing.

The two-minute time limit passed quietly, and the gunfire of Golden Gatling stopped.

This extraordinary golden gatling suddenly exploded and turned into countless golden fragments, startling Miwako who was on the side.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Lupine was lying on the gravel in a panic.

There were large and small scorched black wounds all over his body, all caused by bullets. Although not fatal, it was almost like being tortured, and there was no good flesh on his body.

He lay on the ground, panting heavily, and said word by word: "Finally saved."

Mori Kogoro stepped forward and found all the props on Lupine.

Lu Bang was exhausted, and coupled with the injuries all over his body, he was powerless to resist.

This guy is like Tinker Bell, he has all kinds of weird things, fake hands, smoke bombs, disguise masks, hook ropes...

Mori Kogoro also broke Lupine's joints, and asked Miwako to handcuff him so that he would not be able to break free with the lock.

Mori Kogoro put the cherry blue diamond in his pocket, clapped his hands and said: "Okay, you've settled the matter of shooting me, and I will save my son, so you can go to jail obediently!"

Lupine whimpered in pain, Kogoro Mori turned his head and pulled Miwako: "Miwako, Lupine will leave it to you, this guy is dishonest, don't be careless."

"Well, I know, Kogoro, are you going to save someone? Do you need me to send someone to reinforce it?"

"It's not necessary. Too many people are easy to scare the snake, and it will be miserable if you annoy the kidnappers and tear up the ticket. Besides, don't you trust me?"

"Your man is a man who can defeat a hundred with one."

Only then did Mihezi nod her head: "Then you must also be careful, don't try to be brave."

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Miwako's slender waist, and kissed her lips directly. Lupine who was on the side saw this scene and sobbed louder.

Chapter 0086 Lie down obediently

Mori Kogoro drove the Lexus to the underground parking lot of Yasuda Building. There was no one in the parking lot, and it looked deserted for a long time.

He leaned against the car and waited.

At this moment, he was wearing Lupine's face-changing mask, a bright red suit, and white tight suit pants, and he was really uncomfortable.

To be honest, he wasn't worried about Fujiko, Kogoro Mori knew that this incident was planned by Lupine.

Originally, this cherry blue diamond belonged to Lupine. The owner of the cherry blue diamond, Wakago Mohideshin, recombined the pinyin in Japanese, and it was Ishikawa Goemon.

The real purpose of Lupine's self-stealing this time is to get close to the terrorists who kidnapped Fujiko, and by the way, he wants to win back Fujiko's heart.

Therefore, Fujiko will definitely not be in any danger.

At this time, Mori Kogoro's cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and couldn't help but chuckle when he saw the text message on it.

"Uncle, my father didn't find anything unusual. Have you finished dealing with your affairs? Shall we have dinner together at night?"

Qingzi lying on the bed in the bedroom at home was only wearing a white T-shirt, a pair of beautiful white legs were restlessly swinging on the wall, looking very sexy in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Aoko was already very tired, but he was very excited, all he could think about was Kogoro Mori.

Young girls are always poetic, and Aoko naturally hopes that Mori Kogoro can accompany her.

'Ding dong! ' When the text message sounded, Qingzi quickly turned on the phone and saw the text message in it.

"Qingzi, Uncle just caught Lu Bang, but now he is going to save people, I'm afraid I don't have time to have dinner with you, I will go find you when Uncle is done with this matter."

Qingzi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he saw this text message, kicking weakly with his beautiful white legs, his cell phone rang again.

"It's so crazy in the afternoon, you should have a good rest, and next time uncle finds your father for a drink, he won't let you off so easily."

Hearing this, Qingzi's face turned red, and he tapped his fingertips: "Bad uncle" was sent.

Then she hugged her mobile phone and laughed idiotically. Following what Mori Kogoro said, she covered the quilt and began to rest.

Mori Kogoro put away his phone, and a car came in the underground parking lot.

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