Two black vans escorted a Bentley and drove over slowly, and parked in front of Mori Kogoro's car.

The door of the van opened, and a few black-clothed foreign men came out of the van, wearing sunglasses and holding submachine guns in their hands, standing around on guard.

And the door of the other car opened, and Mine Fujiko was sitting in it.

Her plump legs were wrapped in purple stockings, and her upper body was wearing a strapless golden leather jacket, which was well-proportioned, revealing a proud figure, which was extremely sexy.

It seemed that she hadn't been bullied at all, and instead had a good life.

But she was wearing a collar with a flashing red light around her neck, which was a special bomb.

As soon as Mine Fujiko saw Mori Kogoro, he shouted, "Lupin, I knew you would come to save me."

She quickly got out of the van and ran to Lupine's side.

Mori Kogoro's voice-changing technique was performed, and Lupine's voice came out of his mouth: "How are you, are you not injured?"

"No, but I'm terrified of being put on this ugly, tasteless collar."

At this time, the window of the back seat of the Bentley was lowered, and a blond foreign man with a curly back said: "You guys catch up on the old days and talk about it later. Now start the transaction. Give the diamond to Fujiko, and let Fujiko bring it over."

The blond foreign man had a gloomy face, but he acted very vigilantly, for fear that Lupin, who was pretending to be Lupin, would make something wrong.

Fujiko took the cherry blue diamond handed over from Kogoro Mouri, walked to the side of the blond man and raised the pistol that Kogoro Moori handed over: "Sorry, I can't give you this one, don't think you can use one A fake bomb can fool my aunt into daring to catch me."

Mori Kogoro said, "Fuji, put down the gun, no matter how you look at it, the bomb on your neck is real."

Hearing this, Fujiko frowned: "How could it be like this, to deceive a weak woman, what a bad smelly man."

"I'll give you this diamond if you want it!"

After finishing speaking, she threw the diamond into the foreign man's arms.

The foreign man said: "Although there are some twists and turns, the transaction has been successfully concluded. In this way, we only need to ensure our safety and security, and the bomb will naturally be disarmed..."

"We probably won't meet again in the future."

The foreign man with the big back gave an order, and the three cars drove out, and only Kogoro Moori and Fujiko Mine were left in the parking lot.

Mine Fujiko turned to look at Mori Kogoro: "Kogoro, how can you know how to disguise yourself?"

"Why, you still want to pretend, I found you when I got close, where did Lupine go?"

Kogoro Moori shook his head and took off the disguise mask, pulled Fujiko's arm, wrapped his arms around his soft waist, and hugged him into his arms: "Why, are you still asking where other men are going when you're with me? Fujiko , do you think I'm particularly easy to talk to!"

"However, how did you discover my disguise?"

Fujiko said: "That's not easy, your Lexus has already exposed you, Lupine always drives his classic car in Japan."

Fuji made an excuse casually, but she didn't dare to say that she was standing beside him and recognized him when she smelled him.

Mori Kogoro nodded slightly, accepting the statement.

He took back the pistol that Fujiko had taken, and then said: "You bastard, you really should be shot. Since you have asked me for help, you have not given me any clues, and you have asked Lu Bang for help. Why, look down on me!"

Kogoro Mori slapped Fujiko's buttocks with his big hand, and Fujiko's face turned red immediately. She reached out to wrap her arms around Kogoro Mori's arm, not caring about her proud G-cup breasts rubbing against Kogoro Mori's arm .

Fuji said coquettishly: "Xiao Wulang, don't be angry, I didn't have time to leave clues at that time, besides, I was arrested when I was looking for materials for you."

"Besides, how can I let you, a great detective, become a thief?"

"However, based on the little signal I left, it's amazing that you can find this place, Kogoro." Fujiko put on a look of admiration again.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "I'm not that capable, Lupine told me all this, but that guy should be locked up in a Japanese prison now!"

Mori Kogoro pulled Fujiko into the back seat of the car, rubbed his hands together and said, "Lie down, I'll help you defuse the bomb."

Hearing this, Fujiko gave Mori Kogoro a blank look, but he still obediently lay down on the rear seat in the car.

Chapter 0087

Looking at Fuji who was lying on the back seat of the car, there was a faint smile on her face, and there was a stream of light in her beautiful eyes, which was extremely alluring, and her curved eyelashes fluttered lightly with the blinking of her beautiful eyes. Trembling, caught Kogoro Mori's mind.

Only a woman like her can control this golden and purple dress, which is unconventional and full of temptation, exuding the charm of a mature woman.

Mori Kogoro leaned into the car, and smelled a scent, which was the scent of Fujiko's body.

He lay on Fujiko's body, and his thighs rubbed against Fujiko's silky and beautiful legs wrapped in purple stockings. The touch was perfect.

Mori Kogoro stared at the bomb collar around her neck with piercing eyes. The red light was constantly flashing, which was extremely dangerous.

Naturally, he would not let the bomb explode, the signal isolator had already been exchanged.

The bomb remote control in the foreign man's hand can't detonate the bomb anymore.

It seemed that Kogoro Mori was getting too close, and Fujiko had an intoxicating blush on his face.

She moved Qianshou away, not daring to look at Kogoro Mori, such a shy look was extremely rare.

Seeing Fujiko in this appearance, Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face, but soon his eyes were attracted by the whiteness on Fujiko's chest.

The chest wrapped in the golden leather corset became more and more vivid after Fujiko lay down, and the gully looked deeper and deeper.

Fujiko seemed a little unable to bear Kogoro Mori's scorching gaze, bit his lower lip lightly, and said, "Kogoro, hurry up, or you and I will die here if there is an explosion."

Mori Kogoro stroked Fujiko's pretty face with his big hand, and held his small face back.

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