He looked affectionately at Fujiko's trembling wine-red eyes, and his voice became extremely magnetic: "Going to die with Fujiko is a bliss to think about!"

Hearing this, Fujiko's heart seemed to have been hit hard, it stopped suddenly, and then jumped again.

There is a bomb hanging on his body, but Kogoro doesn't mind it at all, and instead says that he wants to live and die together, what else is there to say!

His burgundy beautiful eyes closed slowly, and his head was slightly raised.

Seeing this scene, how could Kogoro Mori not know what to do, he bent his head and kissed Fujiko's pink lips without hesitation, they were extremely soft.

The two kissed passionately, Fujiko's jade arms tightly wrapped around Kogoro Mori's neck, the temperature in the dimly lit compartment continued to rise, and Kogoro Mori's big hands swam over Fujiko's plump and delicate body.

He kissed Fujiko's chin, and suddenly felt that the collar bomb on his jade neck was a bit of an eyesore, his fingers danced nimbly, and with a flick of his fingers, the collar bomb was easily removed by him, and then he threw it under the car seat.

As soon as the collar was removed, Fujiko, who was originally confused and infatuated, was stunned.

Nani?Are you kidding me?Take it apart so easily?This is going to die together?

Seeing Kogoro Mori kissing him continuously, Fuji's pound key jumped wildly on his forehead.

With a straight kick, it hit Kogoro Mori in the abdomen and kicked the defenseless Kogoro Mori out of the car.

Mori Kogoro got up depressed, and looked at Fujiko suspiciously.

Fujiko sat up straight, tidied up his clothes, and said with a coquettish smile, "Xiao Goro, I think the relationship between us is developing too fast, this is not okay, I'm not ready yet!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro glared at the smirking Fujiko, but he didn't intend to make any fuss with this woman.

Although his desire is strong, he only fought once in the bathroom at home in the morning, and had a three-hour fight with Qingzi in the afternoon, so he can naturally control himself now.

Mori Kogoro has strong resilience, but it still takes some time to recover, and he is not a perpetual pile driver.

Fujiko grabbed the untied bomb collar in his hand, and said viciously: "Damn, these guys dare to treat me like this, I will definitely find my way back."

Immediately afterwards, his face changed suddenly, and he said softly and coquettishly to Maoli Kogoro: "Xiaogoro, you must help me deal with them."

Seeing this fickle woman, Kogoro Mori twitched the corners of his mouth, went directly to the driver's seat, started the car and drove out: "Okay, okay, I'll help you deal with them, but what about the reward?"

Fujiko climbed from the back seat to the passenger seat, put his arms around Mouri Kogoro's left arm again: "I hate it, you've treated people like this, and you still have to get paid from them."

"It's necrotic, at worst, I'll just promise you!"

"Hey, you stupid woman, I'm driving, don't mess around, believe it or not, I killed you in the car?"

"Hee hee hee!!!"

In the evening, Lexus returned to the Mori Detective Agency.

On the corridor, Mori Kogoro told Fujiko: "Fujiko, you can rest at my house tonight. I promise you to take you back to the venue tomorrow, but you are not allowed to do strange things to Huibara."

"Okay! Okay! At most people will do strange things to you, don't worry!"

Fujiko put his arm around Mori Kogoro's arm, making the appearance of a little bird clinging to him.

Kogoro Mori naturally knew the location of the kidnappers who kidnapped Fujiko.

During the transaction just now, he quietly assigned an Ant-Man robot to fly into the Bentley and follow them all the way, so finding them was naturally easy.

But now is not the best time, and it would be best to catch all the kidnappers tomorrow night when they want to trade.

The door of the office on the second floor was closed tightly, and Kogoro Mori took Fujiko to the third floor.

He opened the door, and there were only Xiaolan and Huiyuan in the living room of the house. As for Conan, the little devil, he didn't know where he went.

When Xiaolan and Haibara saw Mori Kogoro, their faces showed joy, but when they saw Fujiko next to them, their smiles were suppressed.

Especially the little loli Huiyuan, she didn't want to see this perverted bestie again.

But the sky fails to fulfill one's wish, the more you don't want to see it, the more it will appear.

"Surprise! Xiaolan, Huiyuan, do you miss me?"

Xiaolan laughed twice: "Miss Fuji, didn't we separate when we returned to China? Why..."

"Oh, Xiaolan, don't you welcome me?"

Xiaolan quickly waved her hand and said, "No! No!"

Fujiko wanted to lean into Moli Kogoro's arms, but she was in vain, but she continued to say: "As soon as we separated, I was arrested by the bad guys. If Kogoro didn't save me this time, I would have been caught by the bad guys." Killed."

"I can't help it, someone wants to kill me, so I can only hide here, Xiaolan, Huiyuan, you won't be willing to take me in, right?"

The kind-hearted Xiaolan said naturally: "Of course! Of course!"

Mori Kogoro ignored Fujiko's performance, his cell phone rang, and he went to the balcony to answer the call.

Chapter 0088 Xiaolan's new massage

This is Meihezi's phone. As soon as the phone is connected, she hears Meihezi's concerned voice.

"Xiao Wulang, how is it? Is the rescue going well? Do you need me to bring someone over there for reinforcements?"

"No, everything is fine here, how is Lupine?"

"He, as soon as I was escorted up, Police Officer Qian Xing led a team to receive it. Now Lupine should be escorted to the prison in the hall."

"As for Officer Takagi who was knocked out, he was found in the car that Officer Zenigata impounded illegally. Presumably he was knocked out and stripped by Lupine when he went to help pick up the car."

Hearing that Lu Bang was taken away by Qian Xingxing, Mori Kogoro had an ominous premonition in his heart.

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