She looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise, and she didn't see Kogoro Mori calling or texting along the way, so she really knew the location.

Such quick-wittedness is too powerful!

And Mori Kogoro gently hugged the body of the little loli Ayumi, letting her lie on his shoulders, wrapping his left hand around her waist, carefully protecting her, and her movements were very gentle.

With the other hand, he directly lifted the collars of Mitsuhiko and Yuantai, picked them up roughly, and threw them into the parking space in the back seat.

This world of difference in treatment made Fujio a little dazed.

Mori Kogoro came to the driver's seat with Ayumi in his arms, and Fujiko quickly followed into the car, and saw Kogoro gently stroking Ayumi's back, waking her up softly, his voice and movements were very gentle.

After a while, Ayumi wanted to wake up.

And Mori Kogoro reached out to the back seat of the car with his other hand, and patted Genta and Mitsuhiko's heads heavily, and both of them woke up.

The three little ones woke up with different reactions. Yuantai and Mitsuhiko rubbed their heads, both a little dazed.

When Ayumi saw herself in Moori Kogoro's arms, she immediately shouted happily: "Uncle Mouri, why are you here?"

"If you don't come, the three of you will sleep on the floor all night."

"Your Teacher Xiao Lin should have taught you not to eat things given by strangers. Why can't you learn it? If it is poison, you will die."

San Xiao suddenly felt a little frustrated: "Yes."

Ayumi said: "But we felt that the uncle in kimono is not a bad person, so we drank tea."

"It's really disgusting, even a child is lied to."

Ayumi pursed her lips, even when she was angry, she was full of cuteness, and Kogoro Mori wanted to take a sip of her cuteness.

Fujiko chuckled and said, "Ishikawa Goemon, this guy looks quite honest, but he actually did this. It seems that I really misjudged him."

Mori Kogoro asked, "Where did he go?"

Yuan Tai quickly raised her hand: "I know this, just now I overheard that uncle's phone call, saying something about saving lives!"

Mori Kogoro naturally understood that what he meant by saving people must be saving Lu Bang who was arrested.

Chapter 0090 Lively Night

It seems that Ishikawa Goemon is going to rob the prison. According to the sharpness of his sword, it is not too difficult to break through the prison.

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, but he didn't bother to pay attention to these tricks, he just asked for it.

He then asked: "Ayumi, do you know where Conan went?"

"Conan, originally we came out together to find the Lupine base, but he saw a bearded man on the way, so he left us and ran away alone." Ayumi still complained a bit when talking about this.

Mitsuhiko in the back seat said, "What a shameless guy, he always acts alone."

Yuan Tai crossed her arms and looked angry, "We wouldn't have taken him if we had known."

I didn't expect that Conan didn't go to the Kingdom of Visbania, and he even got mixed up with Daisuke Jigen. The inertia of this plot is quite strong.

"Okay, you can't act alone like this next time, tell the doctor that you are safe!"


Yuantai and Mitsuhiko took out their detective badges to report to Dr. Ali that they were safe.

And the little loli Ayumi sat on Mori Kogoro's lap, lying on his generous chest, her big eyes blinked, and the inside was full of light.

Uncle smells so good, just like my father's smell!

Ayumi's father died early, and her father only has an afterimage in her memory.

She had always acted like a baby in her mother's arms, but now she was lying in Kogoro Mouri's arms, and she felt very different.

Ayumi just felt very safe, and even wanted to roll a few times on it.

As soon as Mori Kogoro stepped on the accelerator, the car started again.

He sent Mitsuhiko and Yuanta back home first, and inevitably added a few words to their parents.

Mitsuhiko and Yuanta both looked mournful and concubine after they went back.

After that, he drove Ayumi home, and saw a gentle young woman waiting anxiously at the door of the apartment.

He is graceful and graceful, but his face is full of anxiety, and he still looks at his mobile phone from time to time.

Ayumi has been waiting here since she received a call from Mori Kogoro. As a single mother, Ayumi is the only sustenance in her heart, so she is naturally extremely worried.

After Mori Kogoro stopped the car, Ayumi reluctantly got up from her generous arms.

Little Loli raised her head and glanced at Kogoro Moori's handsome face, then boldly kissed Kogoro Moori on the cheek secretly, then opened the door shyly, and walked towards her mother with her short legs: "Mom!"

Mori Kogoro was quite dumbfounded, while Fujiko looked at him with a different look, and joked: "As expected, he is indeed a great detective Mori, with such charm that even little girls can't resist."

Qiu Mei picked up her daughter and felt relieved when she saw that she was fine.

She turned her head to look at Mori Kogoro, there was a bit of joy on that soft little face, but when she saw the sexy Fujiko on the passenger seat, the smile gradually subsided.

"Maori-kun, I'm going to trouble you again this time."

"This child is too naughty, and such a terrible terrorist dares to provoke him. It's really worrying."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "After all, I'm a child, it's okay to be a little curious."

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