Qiumei said with concern: "I heard that Lu Bang's group of terrorists have guns on them, Mr. Mao Li, you must be careful when dealing with them!"

"Thank you, madam, for your concern. Well, it's getting late, so let's go first."

"Goodbye, uncle!" Ayumi waved her hand and said goodbye.

The sound of the engine sounded, and the car drove in the direction of Mori's house.

And Fujiko who was in the passenger seat continued to tease and said: "Xiao Wulang, mother and daughter take it all, don't think I can't see it, the little girl's mother is also interested in you, she just looked at me with hostility .”

Mori Kogoro gave Fujiko a blank look: "Fujiko, say a few more words, believe it or not, I will throw you down from here."

"Xiao Wulang, you scare me again, don't think I don't know, you must be reluctant."

"Hey, Kogoro, don't make a fuss, okay, I won't say anything."

Qiu Mei, who was under the apartment, looked at the direction of the car going away, staring at it for a long time.

Seeing her mother's expression, Ayumi couldn't help but ask, "Mom, do you also like Uncle Maori?"

Hearing this, Qiumei immediately panicked: "How is it possible?"

She quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's go, Ayumi, let's go back to eat. What do you want to eat tonight? Mom will make it for you."

"Ramen, ramen, I want to eat barbecue." Little Lolita was quickly distracted.

While speaking, the mother and daughter walked into the apartment.

At around nine o'clock at night, at Kogoro Mori's house, a group of people after washing were playing cards in the living room.

Xiaolan's cell phone rang, it was Conan's call.

"Sister Xiaolan, I won't go home to sleep tonight, and Dr. A Li asked me to stay here again."

Xiao Lan said: "Okay, I understand, you have to be obedient! Hey, Fuji, you cheated again, don't think I can't see, hand over the cards quickly."

"Really, your father cheated just now, why didn't you mention him."

In the hotel where Emilion stayed, Conan, who was with Daisuke Jigen, twitched his brows and eyes when he heard the lively voice over there, it seemed that he was really a dispensable existence.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaolan hung up the phone, and Conan rolled his eyes, then put the phone away.

Daisuke Jigen on the side took a puff of a cigarette, and his eyes flashed strangely: "I seem to hear that Fujiko is also at the big detective's house, isn't it?"

Conan pretended to be Zhengtaiyin: "I don't know, I'm going to have dinner!"

"Damn kid, can you speak more normally!"

Daisuke Jigen hurriedly followed.

In Mori Kogoro's house, several people were sitting around a low table, all wearing pajamas.

Among them, Fujiko seemed the most annoying, because she didn't have her own pajamas, so she had to borrow Xiaolan's new pajamas.

Xiaolan's figure is already hot enough, E cup, plump buttocks, completely devil's figure.

But Fujiko, Yujie's figure is even more powerful. Her bust is between F and G cups, and her butt is bigger than Xiaolan's. Because of her tall figure, she doesn't think it's strange.

But in this way, it is naturally not suitable for her to wear Xiaolan's camisole and blue shorts.

Boobs is the adjective for Fujiko at this moment, and the place on the chest covered by the white vest is almost ready to be seen.

However, Fujiko, who was extremely fit, had white paper strips plastered on his face at the moment, as if he was wearing a mask.

She had lost miserably at the card game.

Xiaolan was the second to last, and she also had many notes on her face, while Huiyuan Xiaomeng only had a few notes on her face.

And Mori Kogoro's handsome face is as white as a boy, he has nothing, and he has never lost a game.

Chapter 0091

"My cards are gone, Miss Fujiko, you lost again!"

Xiaolan smiled happily, while Fujizi lay down on the floor and began to play rogue.

She refused to get up like a child, refusing to stick notes.

Xiaolan seemed quite excited, and went straight forward, showing her strange power, and turned Fujiko over in an instant.

Then Xiaolan rode on Fujiko's abdomen, like a female knight, found the only remaining space on Fujiko's small face, and stuck the note on it.

Xiaolan smiled triumphantly, while Fuerzi was full of depression.

Mori Kogoro, who was holding Huiyuan, watched this lively scene with a smile on his face.

Using his waist and abdomen, Fuji pushed up Xiaolan, then got up and lay down on the table.

The pair of proud breasts wrapped in white vests were placed on the table, and the scene was very shocking.

Seeing this scene, the little loli Huiyuan became upset again.

Big cow!What's the use of being so big!

She looked at herself flatly, and felt uneasy again.

Fujiko stared at Mori Kogoro with piercing eyes: "I don't believe Kogoro that you are so lucky, you must be out of luck, otherwise it is impossible not to lose every time."

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