Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Fuji, you should know that there is a technique called memorizing cards in this world."

"I didn't cheat, I just memorized all the cards, you can try it too."

Bu Erzi said nonsense: "No, you are so smart, memorizing all the cards is no different from cheating, you are cheating."

Her aura was extremely strong, she patted the table with her small hands, and her chest trembled wildly: "I want to bet with you alone, on luck, on size."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Okay, since you don't give up, if you want to gamble, then I will accompany you."

Hearing this, Fujiko immediately pulled off all the white paper strips on his face, then turned around to the sofa, and took out a dice from his handbag.

This black dice has six sides engraved with large characters on three sides and three sides with small characters. It is the simplest gambling tool.

When Fujiko got the black dice, he looked confident in winning, and said proudly: "Xiao Wulang, this time we will not only decide the outcome, but also life and death."

Huiyuan complained from the side: "You learned the lines from that movie again, it's too bad."

"You don't care what lines I say, can't you borrow it!"

"But Kogoro, since it's a bet, it's natural to have a bet. Sticking notes is too boring. If we want to play, we can play bigger ones!"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Okay, it's up to you, what do you want to bet?"

There was a light in Fuji's eyes: "Just bet on the clothes on your body, whoever loses will take off his clothes, how about it, big detective, do you dare?"

Fujiko's face was full of provocation. In her opinion, she was sure to win, and she could make this big Tokyo detective lose all his clothes. It was very enjoyable to think about it!

And Xiaolan on the side hurriedly stopped her and said, "No, how can this be? You only have three or four pieces of clothes on your body, and you'll lose them when you take them off."

Xiaolan stared at Fujiko very unkindly, in her opinion, this alluring woman just wanted to hit her father's body.

Fu Erzi continued to speak arrogantly: "When adults talk, children don't interrupt, Xiao Wulang, I'll ask you, do you dare to fight?"

This provocation was a bit blatant, Mori Kogoro picked up the little loli in his arms, put it aside, and said: "Since Fuji, you don't mind showing me your naked body, what reason do I have for being a big man?" Refuse it!"

Huiyuan frowned slightly: "But Uncle only has three pieces of underwear plus underwear, and Miss Fujiko has four pieces of underwear and underwear. It's not very fair."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's okay, uncle let her."

"Laugh, I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh later."

Fuji didn't bring a dice cup in his bag, so he got up and rummaged around the house.

Then she took a wooden cup as a substitute, rubbed her hands and sat opposite Mori Kogoro, and said, "Let's shake the cup alternately, whoever gets naked first loses, how about it?"

Kogoro Mori naturally had no objection.

Fujiko threw the dice into the wooden cup, and then began to shake it wildly.

Finally, she pressed the cup heavily on the table, smiled and said, "Guess?"

His beautiful eyes are full of cunning.

Mori Kogoro didn't bother to go out of his way. His hearing was far superior to that of ordinary people. The total number of times the dice hit in the cup just now was [-] times, plus the number of times it was spun in the air was [-] times, adding up to an even number.

It was small at the beginning, so the dice falling now must also be small.

Kogoro Mori opened his mouth and said, "Small!"

"Are you sure?" Fujiko tested with a smirk.


"Dengdeng, open, it's big, Kogoro, you lost!"

The wooden cup was lifted, and there was a large character on the top of the dice.

Fujiko laughed triumphantly immediately, and then pointed at Mori Kogoro and shouted: "Take off! Take off! Take off!"

Hui Yuan, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, echoed and shouted: "Take off! Take off! Take off!"

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro could only smile bitterly and take off the only pajamas on his upper body.

In an instant, his strong upper body was revealed in front of the three women.

Like ancient Greek sculptures, every muscle is full of beauty and strength, and the lines are perfect and impeccable.

The majestic chest muscles, the neatly arranged chocolate block abdominal muscles, and the two mermaid lines on the abdomen can almost arouse a woman's most primitive desire.

Even if it wasn't the first time they saw it, Xiaolan and Huiyuan both blushed a little.

Fu Erzi went too far, cheering like a victory: "Wow! Kogoro, I didn't expect you to look quite promising!"

She leaned over and reached out to grab Kogoro Mori's chest muscles, like a female guest seeking pleasure, smiling brighter and brighter.

Xiaolan immediately slapped off Fujiko's mischievous little hand.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro felt that he was a bit like a butcher in a nightclub, and felt a little humiliated in his heart.

This woman must have moved her hands and feet, and she must have shaken her small just now.

Since you are the first grader, don't blame me for the fifteenth grade!

Kogoro Mouri, who originally wanted to win squarely, changed his mind, and the invisible Ant-Man robot was dispatched.

One sticks to the dice, and the others start to scout around Fujiko.

Sure enough, there will be gains soon.

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