There is a small button in the heart of Fujiko's right hand, which can control the flip of this special dice. If you want it to be big, it will be big, and if you want it to be small, it will be small.

After discovering Fujiko's method, Mori Kogoro had a playful smile on his face.

It seems that I can see Fujiko's naked body tonight, which is a pretty good bonus!

Chapter 0092

"It's your turn to shake."

Fujiko handed over the dice cup, and put his arms flat on the table, squeezing his chest so that the gully became deeper and deeper.

She wanted to win all over Kogoro Mori tonight, not even leaving him a pair of underpants.

Mori Kogoro took the dice cup, shook the dice cup lightly, and it was considered done.

"Okay, take a guess."

Fujiko pondered for a moment on purpose, and then said: "I guess it's [Xiao]."

While speaking, she quietly pressed the [small] switch.

Sure enough, the dice in the wooden cup rolled quietly.

This is also amazing, the dice can be designed to not make any sound when it is turned, no wonder Kogoro Mori didn't hear it just now.

But all this was in vain, the Ant-Man robot easily rolled out a [big] character on the dice.

Kogoro Moori lifted the dice cup, and the word [big] was displayed naturally.

Fuji saw the word on the dice, opened his mouth slightly, and looked like he couldn't believe it, how could the mechanism go wrong!

Now it was Mori Kogoro's turn to speak: "Fuji, you lost, it's time to take off your clothes, should you take off the top or the bottom?"

Mori Kogoro's tone was slightly frivolous, Xiaolan immediately frowned and said angrily: "Father!" He restrained his expression when he heard his daughter's dissatisfied voice.

But the little loli Huiyuan will not miss this good opportunity to make trouble, and Xiaomeng's face is slightly excited: "Fuji, get off quickly! Get off quickly! Don't dawdle!"

Fujiko frowned, but she was still a little honest, so she took off the white vest on her upper body, and she was still wearing a sexy black underwear inside.

Against the backdrop of the black underwear, her skin was as fair as snow, she was indeed a stunner.

As she lowered her hands, the pair of heavy things trembled.

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up. Although he had touched it directly before, it was the first time he saw it like this.

This visual impact is simply amazing!

There seemed to be little devil horns growing on Huiyuan's head, she quietly stretched out her little hand and began to hit her chest, took out a handful, and ran back to Mori Kogoro's side.

Huiyuan smiled triumphantly: "Wow! Fuji! I didn't expect you to be so talented!"

Fujiko couldn't help exclaiming: "Ah, you damn girl!"

Hearing that Huiyuan replied back exactly what he had said just now, Fujiko couldn't help feeling anxious.

And Mori Kogoro stroked Haibara's little head with a satisfied look on his face.

With a feeling of displeasure on his face, Fujiko picked up the dice cup and shook it again.

She just thought the previous scene was a coincidence, the dice were stuck on the edge and couldn't be turned.

Fujiko tried again when he held the dice in his palm, and it was smoothly rotated by the mechanism.

Now it's me who rolls the dice again, there is no reason to lose.

Fujiko began to roll the dice, and this time she was sure that she had rolled the dice to the middle, so she crossed her arms and said, "Guess, Kogoro!"

And his right hand is ready to press the mechanism at any time.

Mori Kogoro said, "This time I guess it's [big], let's go!"

Fujiko immediately pressed the [Small] mechanism, and then there was a coquettish smile on his face: "Do you want to stop thinking about it?"

"Don't think about it, just drive!"

A smug smile appeared on Fujiko's face again: "Tsk tsk tsk, people have kindly reminded you, why don't you listen to good people, and tell you to think about it!"

"What's going on, how could it be [Big]?"

Seeing that the dice under the dice cup was [big], the smile on Fujiko's face froze.

She rubbed her eyes, but there was still no change.

Xiao Lan said, "Miss Fuji has lost again."

Huiyuan immediately called out: "Fu Erzi, it's your turn to take it off, hurry up, you have to admit if you lose!"

Seeing Fujiko fall into such a predicament, the little loli Huibara only felt that her whole body was comfortable, and all the anger she had received these days was vented out.

Let you touch my body!Let you say I have small breasts!Let you peek at my profile!Let you seduce my Uncle Maori!Fujiko, you have today too!

The beaming little Lolita was no longer as cold as before, and she was extremely happy at the moment.

Mori Kogoro looked at Fujiko expectantly, with his daughter by his side, he didn't dare to be too obvious.

Fuerzi bit her lower lip lightly, showing hesitation, this time she couldn't undress as cleanly as before.

Fujiko grabbed the pink pajama pants on the lower body with both hands, with a tangled expression on his face.

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