Kogoro Mori looked at Fujiko's expression, and couldn't help guessing in his heart: Could it be that Fujiko didn't wear underwear?In this way, no matter whether you take off the top or take off the top, half of your body will always be exposed.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro's eyes also became hot.

Fujiko hesitated for a long time but still couldn't make a decision. Mori Kogoro did guess right, there was no panties under her pink pajamas.

It's also because of messing around in the back seat of the car this afternoon, which made Fujiko's underwear dirty, so he couldn't change it.

Huiyuan kept urging: "Hurry up, Miss Fujiko, do you want me to take it off for you? If you need it, just ask, I'm happy to help."

And Xiaolan dissuaded from the side: "Why don't we just let it go tonight, it's so late, let's rest!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Fujiko quickly move one hand back and unbutton the black underwear.

And the other hand flexibly protected his chest, not letting the spring light show.

But this picture is full of allure, after all, it is too big, and there is no way to completely protect it with the arms.

It seems to be exposed but not exposed, and if you want to refuse or welcome, it will kill you.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but tremble, he is really a stunner.

After Fujiko took off her underwear, she became very calm.

She's not stupid, she lost two games in a row, so she knew that Kogoro Mori had seen through her trap.

Although she still doesn't know what technique Mori Kogoro uses to control the dice, she naturally doesn't want to continue this losing game.

Fujiko said: "Xiao Goro, I don't think rolling dice is interesting at all, let's play something more exciting!"

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, but he didn't speak.

"How about we play rock-paper-scissors?"

Huiyuan, who was drinking water beside him, couldn't help spraying water mist, rock paper scissors, is this more exciting?

A flicker of madness flashed in Fujiko's eyes: "Let's play a big game, and we will win or lose in a game. If we lose, besides taking off our clothes, we must unconditionally agree to the winner's request!"

At this moment, Fujiko is like a gambler who has been cornered. Her only bargaining chip is a pair of pink pajama pants. Naturally, she wants to fight back, so she wants to raise the bet.

Mori Kogoro looked at Fujiko strangely, isn't she looking for her own death?

Rock-paper-scissors double PK is impossible to shoot at the same time, there is a slight time gap.

And Mori Kogoro's reaction speed is several times faster than that of ordinary people. This weak time interval is enough for him to see clearly the trajectory of Fujiko's attack before making a response.

Therefore, he is sure to win in rock-paper-scissors.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's expression, Fujiko had an idea, and added rules: "Our two hands are performing rock-paper-scissors under the table together, and we don't even look at it. Let Xiaolan be the witness. If the winner is decided, we will directly open the rules." Open the table, how about it?"

In this case, Mori Kogoro's reaction speed will not be useful, it is purely a gamble of luck.

Looking at Fujiko's firm eyes, Fujiko even pressed his hands on the table, pressing over with his whole body.

What reason could Kogoro Mori have to refuse? Of course he nodded and agreed.

Chapter 0093 The Vicious Xiaolan

Xiaolan was overwhelmed by the imposing gambler Fujiko, and stared blankly at the scene in front of her.

Mori Kogoro stared at the constantly beating thing with both eyes, and the turbulent waves made his eyes a little sour.

He couldn't help but marvel in his heart: It's amazing, it can grow so big!

Fujiko saw Mori Kogoro looking over, and then reacted, and immediately covered his hands with his hands, his little face flushed.

And Xiaolan exclaimed, jumped into Kogoro Mouri's arms, put a pair of jade arms around Kogoro Mouri's neck, and blocked Kogoro Mouri's sight with her body: "Dad, don't look at it."

Xiaolan turned her head and glared at Fujiko. In her opinion, Fujiko must have deliberately seduced her father to make such a move.

What a hateful bad woman!

The corner of Huiyuan's mouth twitched into a smile, she was playing with her mobile phone with her little hands, and she directly recorded the precious scene just now with her mobile phone.

With this photo, she will not be afraid of Fujiko's harassment in the future.

And the distraught Fujiko didn't notice this at all.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Xiaolan's soft waist and picked her up. He said, "I don't want to look, I don't want to look, Xiaolan, come down quickly!"

"Fuji, why don't you forget it!"

"No, how can it be possible!" After paying such a high price, how could it be possible to say that if you don't gamble, you won't gamble, and Fujio opened his eyes firmly and said: "Today either you die or I die!"

Huiyuan rolled his eyes again, the woman used her lines indiscriminately again, it was obviously just a bet on taking off her clothes, and she said it so seriously.

Hearing what Fujiko said, Kogoro Mori naturally had no choice but to agree.

It is very simple for him to win this round. Send an Ant-Man robot to watch below, and then make a move. The ending is sure to win.

But he saw Fujiko's serious face, it was too disgraceful to win Fujiko by cheating.

Mori Kogoro disdains this, and besides, losing is just stripping off, and men can't suffer any big losses, so Mori Kogoro didn't even think about cheating.

The two slowly put their right hands under the table at the same time, staring at each other with piercing eyes, and their momentum continued to rise.

Fujiko covered her breasts with one arm with her left hand, making the ravine deeper and deeper, and the picture was very evocative.

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