Xiaolan bent down and looked at the hands under the table, and said, "Rock, paper, scissors!"

She wanted to end this unreliable gambling fight early.

The hands under the table began to change, one produced scissors and the other produced cloth.

Fujiko is extremely nervous at the moment, if he loses again, he will be stripped naked in front of these three people, that would be too humiliating.

Moreover, she had to agree to any request of Mori Kogoro, and she knew what this big detective would do to herself if she got such a request.

Thinking of this, Fujiko felt a bit of anticipation inexplicably, and his mind became more and more entangled.

But if luck breaks out and wins, it will be another scene.

Not only can Mori Kogoro get naked in front of everyone, but he can also make a good job of this great detective.

This ending is obviously more in line with Fujiko's expectations.

Seeing the scene below, Xiaolan turned her head to look at Fujiko sympathetically.

Haibara on the side also looked at Fujiko, with an evil smile on her face, but her mobile phone was ready to record this historical moment at any time.

Seeing the expressions of the two women, Fujiko had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Mori Kogoro grabbed the table with his left hand and lifted it vigorously, and the table was instantly lifted above his head.

When Fujiko saw that Mori Kogoro produced scissors and she was cloth, she immediately despaired and her face turned pale.

But soon, her body jumped up like a spring, her beautiful legs moved away, and then she rushed into Huiyuan's room, with a gust of wind passing by.


The door closed, and Fujiko leaned against the door, panting heavily, his chest throbbing violently.

It is impossible to take off naked, it is impossible to take off naked in front of so many people in this life, and it is impossible to get married, only relying on cheating can barely maintain life.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing, this scene was exactly as he expected.

If Fuji will fulfill the bet honestly, then he is not Fuji.

And the little Lolita Hui principle rushed to the door of her room with her short legs, slapped the door and shouted: "Fu Erzi, come out for me, I'm willing to accept the bet, now it's your turn to take off your pants!"

She was really looking forward to seeing the picture of Fujiko stripping naked, the sadder Fujiko was, the happier Haibara would be.

Xiao Lan hurried forward, hugged Hui Yuan back, and said, "Xiao Ai, Dad didn't say anything, why are you so excited?"

In Xiaolan's opinion, the current situation is the best, and it won't make it impossible to end.

She hugged Huiyuan and went to her room: "Okay, Xiao Ai, don't disturb Miss Fujiko's rest, it's getting late, we should go back to sleep!"

The little loli Huiyuan in Xiaolan's arms kept kicking her short legs with an expression of unwillingness.

Xiaolan forced Huiyuan into the room, and said to Mori Kogoro at the door, "Dad, you should go to bed early too!"

After saying that, he winked at Kogoro Mori, as if he had something to say.

After the door of Xiaolan's room was closed, Kogoro Mori was the only one left in the living room. Kogoro Mori put on the shirt he had just taken off, and went into his room to rest!

After ten o'clock in the night, in Huiyuan's room, Fujiko lay on the bed and kept rolling. She was so upset that she couldn't fall asleep.

She looked at the door from time to time, but she dared not open it and go out.

In a hurry to run just now, the vest and underwear that he took off were thrown in the living room, and Hui Yuan's room was full of the little girl's clothes, which he couldn't put on at all.

Fujiko let out a long sigh, forced himself to close his eyes and fell asleep.

And this unreliable gambling has just come to an end, and another tug-of-war broke out in Xiaolan's room.

"Xiao Ai, go to bed first, children need to sleep ten hours a day to grow up healthy."

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm not sleepy. Go to sleep first. I heard that the best maintenance for a woman is to sleep. Sister Xiaolan should also start to learn how to take care of herself!"

"No, Xiao Ai, my sister won't be relieved until you fall asleep, come on, lie down obediently, I'll sing you a lullaby!"

"Okay, okay, sister Xiaolan, let's turn off the lights together!"

The two women had smiles on their faces, and they seemed to care about each other. Others didn't know how good the relationship between the two was!

But they both knew in their hearts what the other was up to.

One cursed in his heart: "Father-controlled pervert!"

The other yelled in his heart: "You little brat that the uncle accuses you!"

At one o'clock in the morning, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep when he heard a slight noise at the door.

He had a premonition that tonight would not be too peaceful, so he naturally slept very lightly.

The door opened, and Xiao Lan, who was wearing a white vest and pink shorts, came in immediately with a slight smile on her face.

Seeing that it was so late, Mori Kogoro looked at the surveillance video, and couldn't help but twitch his cheeks, this is too cruel!

Before Xiaolan and Huiyuan saw each other for three hours, Huiyuan still insisted on not falling asleep.

In the end, Xiaolan directly used the fighting skills she had learned from Mori Kogoro, and knocked little Lori unconscious with a hand knife, and then she escaped.

Looking at the gentle and smiling daughter in front of him, Mori Kogoro couldn't help sweating his forehead.

Chapter 0094 Angel Brand Juicing Girl

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