"Is Xiao Ai asleep?"

"She slept soundly!"

The little angel with open eyes and nonsense came at her fingertips, and she quickly climbed onto the bed and lay beside Mori Kogoro.

There was a slight smile on her beautiful face, and a light flashed in her big eyes.

The girl was already lying on her side, so Mori Kogoro naturally knew what it meant!

Under the moonlight, the little angel's body became more and more alluring.

The curves are exquisite and graceful, as if covered with a layer of shimmer, like a goddess beloved by heaven and earth.

Mori Kogoro reached down with his big hand and grabbed the girl's calf. He said with a smirk, "Why aren't you wearing stockings now?"

Hearing this, the girl made a gesture to get up and look for stockings, but Kogoro Moori put his arms around her waist and abdomen, and when he came back, the girl fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

"Don't be so troublesome!"

"I really like it, but it's so late, so I don't need to go get it."

Her efforts were affirmed, and a smile appeared on the girl's face. She rubbed Kogoro Mouri's chest and asked, "Then do you like white or black?"

"It depends on the outfit. You can only wear black silk for your evening dress, but white silk is more suitable for you when you wear school uniforms."

"Oh!" Upon hearing this, a strange light flashed in the little angel's eyes.

Holding the girl's fiery body, how could Kogoro Mori hold back, he held the girl's little head in his hands, and kissed the girl's pink lips lightly, and his fiery big hands became unscrupulous.

While the girl and Mori Kogoro kissed deeply, a pair of small hands squeezed the bed sheet tightly, and then let go.

Her face gradually flushed, and her breath gradually became short of breath. She was always powerless to resist Mori Kogoro's attack.

After kissing deeply for a long time, Mori Kogoro let go of the girl's mouth.

The little angel was panting heavily, Xiafei's cheeks were flirtatious, and there was a touch of charm on that pure little face, which was extremely lethal.

The girl suddenly remembered something, and asked gently: "Is it Miss Fuji's big breasts or mine?"

Hearing this trap question, Mori Kogoro became vigilant, and quickly said: "I can't answer, I blinked just now, I didn't see anything, does Fujiko have big breasts?"

This innocent expression satisfied the little angel. Although it was obviously nonsense, women are like this, what they want is an attitude!

Mori Kogoro was afraid that he would step on thunder if he spoke again, so he kissed the girl's small mouth again, and gently pushed the girl in his arms onto the bed.

Not long after, a harmonious and beautiful movement was played in the room.

At around eight o'clock the next morning, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep, and the touch of his big hands was soft.

The girl is sleeping soundly on her chest, her blue hair is like a waterfall, and the begonia is sleeping in spring, which is too beautiful to behold.

The battle last night lasted for four hours, from one o'clock to five o'clock in the morning before it stopped, and then it was busy until almost six o'clock before resting.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro had slept for ten days before, so he took a nap for two hours. With the blessing of the guidance technique, most of his physical strength and spirit have recovered.

But even so, the body still inevitably feels empty.

Recalling that after returning to Japan from the Kingdom of Visbania, the two of them never stopped for a day, and it was nothing more than a foolish man complaining about a woman.

Kogoro Mori had a wry smile on his face, no wonder so many people said that he looked bad.

But what to do?He has already been poisoned by the little angel, and he may not be able to get rid of it for the rest of his life.

Seeing the tired girl in his arms, Mori Kogoro bowed his head, kissed her cheek lightly, and then gently pushed her onto the bed.

The girl was so tired that she still didn't notice the movement.

Mori Kogoro covered him with the quilt, got up and opened the door, and came to the living room. He brewed a cup of tea and enjoyed the moment quietly.

Under the blessing of the channeling technique, countless star energy poured into the body from all directions, like a pool filled with water, the body gradually filled up.

But soon, Mori Kogoro's eyes were attracted by the clothes scattered in the living room.

It's also strange that I didn't come out to get it!

He stepped forward to grab the two pieces of clothing, and then walked to the room where Fujiko slept.

Fujiko was awakened by a knock on the door, and opened his eyes sleepily, the wine red pupils were alluring.

With a pull of her left hand, the quilt slipped off, revealing her sky-defying figure under the morning light.

She got up and walked to the door, still muttering to herself: I should have known that I shouldn't have left the door for that guy last night, she looks very smart, why did she just stay here at this time!

Fujiko opened the door, and the big idiot she was thinking of was standing at the door.

She yawned, raised her arms and stretched her waist, and then said, "Xiao Wulang, what are you doing here so early?"

The graceful curves are stretching, everything looks so beautiful!

Mori Kogoro looked down uncontrollably, the tip of his nose was a little hot, and his eyebrows were raised. This morning, it was enough!

Mori Kogoro said, "I'll bring you clothes, you left them in the living room last night."

Hearing this, Fujiko immediately looked down in panic, and immediately crossed his arms to cover his chest.

With a 'bang', the door slammed shut.

But soon the bedroom door opened again, Fujiko reached out and grabbed the clothes in.

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