There was another bang, and the door closed again.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and shook his head, thinking about it, he walked to the room where Huiyuan was.

The little loli Huiyuan hasn't woken up yet, the quilt is covering her body, revealing a small section of her fair calf, which looks like porcelain, and she feels cute even looking at it.

Mori Kogoro sat on the edge of the bed, gently stroking Hui Yuan's fluffy brown hair, with a smile on his face.

However, when his big hand touched Huiyuan, it was found that there was something abnormal about his body: slight injury, soreness in the back of the neck.

Last night, the little angel still didn't have a perfect sense of proportion, otherwise it wouldn't cause minor damage.

Mori Kogoro performed the healing technique, and Susu Mama's energy condensed from the palm of his hand, penetrated into the back of Huiyuan's neck, and eliminated all abnormalities.

Huiyuan felt warm all over his body, as if soaking in a hot spring, and his nose made a pleasant little sound.

Soon she opened her ice blue eyes and woke up.

When little Lori woke up, she saw Mori Kogoro beside her, looking at her tenderly.

There was a bright smile on Huiyuan's Xiaomeng face.

Huiyuan, who just woke up, is like a weak kitten, she doesn't look cold in front of others, she coquettishly: "Uncle, hug!"

The cute little loli is irresistible!

Mori Kogoro stretched out his arms to hug Huibara, and Little Loli hugged him around his neck in a very natural way.

His big hand gently supported Hui Yuan, and the other hand stroked the little girl's back, and said softly, "Xiao Ai, don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

Haibara shook his head, and buried his little head in Kogoro Mouri's chest, feeling very comfortable, and the picture was incomparably harmonious.

Chapter 0095 nude photo threat

Kogoro Mori rubbed lightly with his big hands, and this little cat-like Haibara was addictive, and a blush gradually appeared on Xiao Haibara's cheeks.

She recalled the tug-of-war with Xiaolan last night, there was a force in her neck at the last second before she lost consciousness, and she knew what happened.

The hateful big tit Lan used force, how despicable!

Little Loli looked up at the handsome face of Mori Kogoro, and then she became happy again.

Haibara raised his head, lightly pecked Kogoro Mori's lips, then smiled, and kissed Kogoro Mori again, and Kogoro Mori began to respond, and the scent of tea left in his mouth poured into Xiaoluo Li's mouth.

After a long time, the little loli blushed, panting heavily, and let go of Mori Kogoro's mouth, looking so shy and cute.

There was a trace of tenderness in the ice-blue eyes that did not match his appearance, and a pair of small hands were wrapped around Kogoro Mori's neck, hanging around Kogoro Mori's body.

A strange smile appeared on Huiyuan's face: "Uncle, I want to eat ice cream!"

Long live!It's terrible!

Mori Kogoro sighed deeply, and was about to say yes!

At this moment, a female voice sounded from outside the door.

"What kind of ice cream do you eat early in the morning? You won't be afraid of hurting your stomach."

Fujiko who just passed by here heard Haibara's voice and said something.

Then she walked to the door and saw the intimate posture of the two on the bed, their pretty faces seemed to be smiling but not smiling, their expressions were quite strange.

Is this still true? Kogoro is too gentlemanly if you say it like this.

Fujiko put on a white vest and leaned against the door with her arms crossed, making her chest look more upright. She said, "It looks like I've disturbed you, sorry!"

Fujiko, who apologized without any sincerity, had no intention of leaving.

Seeing outsiders present, little Lolita's wishful thinking naturally came to nothing.

Her little face quickly returned to its coolness, completely no longer the soft and waxy appearance just now.

The posture like a kitten can only be revealed in front of Mori Kogoro.

Huiyuan glared at Fujiko: "A woman who can't afford to gamble, has the face to appear in front of us!"

"Miss Fujiko, you shouldn't take off your clothes, but kneel down and apologize."

Fujiko pretended to be stupid and said, "Why can't you afford to gamble? Huiyuan, I don't even know what you're talking about. I'm sorry, my sister's recent memory is not very good. She remembers things upside down."

Fuerzi had a thick skin, and she played a scoundrel directly, without any embarrassment, she continued to speak.

"Okay, Xiaolan said to borrow my clothes last night, I'm going into the house to change, Xiaowulang, should you go out?"

Mori Kogoro was about to come out with little Loli in his arms, but on the way Fujiko stretched out his hand and intercepted Haibara.

"Haihara, lend me a moment, I still have something to tell her!"

Fujiko hugged Huiyuan in his arms, and the little Lolita suddenly felt her head resting on the big piece of softness, and her heart felt uneasy again.

But Huiyuan had the photo in his hand, so he was naturally not afraid of Fujiko, so he didn't resist.

Fujiko closed the door, and immediately put Huiyuan on the bed: "Tsk tsk tsk, Shirley, I didn't expect that a dignified scientist would act like a baby in the arms of a man? It seems that Shirley, you are really with Xiao Goro is together."

Gossip ignited in her wine-red eyes: "Did you stay with Kogoro after you recovered, or did you take Kogoro down just like this?"

"If it looks like this, it's amazing, amazing!"

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