Fujiko's eyes patrolled Huiyuan's lower body maliciously, and his eyes were full of light that was ready to move.

When Huiyuan heard the little face turn red, she would not answer this question, but instead said: "It seems that Miss Fuji has forgotten what happened last night, fortunately I have recorded it!"

While saying this, she took the mobile phone from the bed, opened a photo, and said, "Look, tsk tsk, what a nasty photo?"

Fujiko was shocked when she saw her naked upper body in the photo, she grabbed the phone and wanted to delete it.

And the little loli said: "Even if you delete it, it's useless. I have already backed up many copies, and I will keep them forever!"

Hearing this, Fujiko's face became even more ugly, but he could only admit it obediently: "Xue Li, what do you want to do?"

Huiyuan smiled triumphantly: "From now on, don't do anything rude to me. Once I ask you, you must obediently do it. Otherwise, this photo will be uploaded on the Internet, and the whole world will Every man can see Fujiko Mine naked."

Fujiko gritted his molars, but he could only agree: "You're ruthless! Okay, I promise you!"

The deeply shocked Fujiko quickly changed his clothes. Although he had already chosen a looser style from Xiaolan's closet, it still felt aggrieved to wear it.

Especially Xiaolan's clothes are mostly girlish, and Fujiko, who is a mature royal sister, doesn't catch a cold.

The two soon came out of the bedroom, and when they returned to the living room, they smelled a fragrance.

Mori Kogoro has prepared a sumptuous breakfast.

Xiaolan is still trying to catch up on sleep, and she is afraid that she won't be able to wake up for a while, so naturally Kogoro Mouri will start the breakfast.

Mori Kogoro looked at Fujiko and Haibara who came out of the bedroom, their postures completely changed, and Fujiko was eaten to death by his little lolita.

At breakfast, it was the first time I tasted such delicious food. Fujiko kept exclaiming, but obediently kept silent under Huiyuan's scolding. This scene is also quite joyful.

Kogoro Mouri thought for a moment, recalling the details of last night, he also figured out what was going on.

He was naturally happy to see this scene, Fujiko was too out of touch, it didn't matter if he suffered a loss.

After eating, Fujiko couldn't stand the girly clothes on her body, so she dragged Huiyuan out to a nearby shopping mall to buy clothes.

Xiaolan was still soundly asleep, while Mori Kogoro drove to Nakamori's house.

I just confirmed my relationship with Qingzi yesterday, so I can't just ignore her like this.

Not long after, the car stopped in front of Nakamori's house, and Kogoro Mori called Aoko, intending to ask her out.

But soon he learned from Qingzi that Nakamori Ginzo had gone fishing today and was not at home, so Qingzi was alone at home.

Mori Kogoro also gave up the idea of ​​going out on a date.

Soon, the door of Nakamori's house opened, Qingzi ran out of the house quickly, and she was overjoyed when she saw Kogoro Mouri. She put her arm around Kogoro Mouri and pulled him into Nakamori's house.

Chapter 0096

Qingzi was wearing a light blue dress, revealing a pair of fair legs, exuding the vitality of a girl.

Ever since seeing Mori Kogoro, the bright smile on Aoko's face has not faded for a moment.

Entering the house, Aoko serves Mori Kogoro wholeheartedly like a little wife waiting for her husband to return.

She bent down to help Mori Kogoro get the slippers, came to the living room and started serving tea again, and brought out the cut fruits from the refrigerator.

Although she is not proficient, she has already started to practice.

Mori Kogoro also showed a smile on his face when he saw this scene. Seeing that Aoko was busy and wanted to get up, he stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms.

"You don't need to bother, Qingzi, it's fine if you stay here with me."

Sensing the familiar majestic body behind him, Qingzi couldn't help but recall the absurdity in the living room yesterday, and his little face immediately turned red.

Kogoro Moori looked at the half-made sachet in the bamboo basket on the table, and asked involuntarily, "Qingzi, what is this?"

Qingzi quickly grabbed the bamboo basket, hid it under the table, and said in panic, "No, it's nothing!"

In fact, this is a gift prepared by Qingzi for Kogoro Mori, but it has not been completed yet, so she naturally doesn't want to let Kogoro Mori know.

Mori Kogoro grabbed Aoko's tender little hand, and saw the small wound between the fingers where the needle had pricked him, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"You girl, why don't you just go out and buy these things, why do you do it yourself so hard, really!"

Kogoro Mori gently covered Qingzi's small hand with his big hand, and the healing technique was performed again, and the familiar energy poured into Qingzi's body again.

Not long after, all the small wounds on Qingzi's fingers disappeared.

"Hey, Uncle, how did you do it? It seemed to be the same yesterday. It was still very painful at first, but it was also comfortable after that!" Qingzi's eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "This is my uncle's unique little spell. It can heal injuries, so don't tell others!"

"Hi!" Qingzi nodded obediently.

But soon, she stared at Kogoro Mori with piercing eyes, and there seemed to be something different in her eyes.

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri smirked, and his hands covering Aoko's delicate body began to move slowly, and quickly grasped Aoko's sensitive spots.

Aoko couldn't bear it any longer, pushed Mori Kogoro to the floor, and kissed him clumsily.

The girl's tenderness made Mori Kogoro couldn't help but linger.

The physical strength that was lacking last night was recovered in the morning practice, and at this moment, Kogoro Mouri is as powerful as a tiger.

His majestic arms passed through Qingzi's white legs, and he hugged Qingzi's delicate body. While kissing his sweet mouth, he went towards Qingzi's bedroom.

At this moment, 'Ding Dong!Ding dong! ' The doorbell rang.

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