Kogoro Mori stopped halfway, and Aoko, who had been kissed a little hypoxic, looked a little dazed.

"Qingzi, didn't you say that your father went fishing?"

"Yeah, he's gone fishing, and he won't be back until tonight."

"Oops, I see. It's Hongzi. We made an appointment to go to the temple to seek amulets. Uncle, let me down."

Mori Kogoro put Aoko down.

Qingzi kissed Mori Kogoro with guilt on his face: "Uncle, I'm sorry, let's do it next time!"

"Silly girl, what's the matter?"

After a while, the three sat at the table in the living room, each with a cup of tea in front of them.

Koizumi Kogoro looked suspiciously at Mori Kogoro and Nakamori Aoko: How could these two be together, and they were still alone in the same room.

Moreover, Koizumi Hongzi keenly noticed that Qingzi's temperament was a little different from before, so Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help but glared at the great detective who had taken advantage of him.

Kogoro Mori inspected this Miss Witch whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

She was wearing tattered jeans, outlining the curves of her long legs against the sky, and a black T-shirt with a skull on her upper body. The skull was almost deformed by her proud chest, and she had wine red eyes and Long hair, really cool, beautiful and aggressive.

But Mori Kogoro was also very surprised, Aoko shouldn't be at odds with Hongko, right?Why does it seem that these two have become girlfriends instead?

In fact, in the anime in the previous life, it was because these two people liked Kuroba Kaito and were rivals in love that they disliked each other...

But now there is an extra Mori Kogoro in the world, everything is naturally different.

"Qingzi, why is this uncle here?"

Qingzi panicked and said: "Uncle Mao Li came to find my father, but my father happened to go fishing, so there are only two of us at home."

She and Mori Kogoro did not dare to disclose to others, after all, the age gap is too big.

"Hongzi, I'm going to change clothes first, just wait for me." After saying that, Qingzi went to the bedroom.

Only Kogoro Mori and Hongko Koizumi were left in the living room.

Koizumi Hongzi immediately said: "Hey, pervert detective, I warn you, you are not allowed to play Qingzi's tricks, otherwise I will not let you go."

This girl is still as bad as ever, Kogoro Mori chuckled and said: "Student Koizumi, as I said, it was all a misunderstanding at Nishan Temple last time, you jumped on me yourself, don't blame me for that, I didn't know you were so timid!"

Koizumi Hongzi immediately shouted: "Don't say it!"

It was hard for her to forget the shameful memory of Nishan Temple, and she was hooked again as soon as Mori Kogoro said it, and she immediately looked annoyed.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to say anything, but you are not allowed to call me detective pervert."

Mori Kogoro didn't want to piss off this girl, the witch's methods are unpredictable, he didn't want to appreciate Hongzi's red magic.

Hearing this cold snort, Koizumi Hongzi tilted her head arrogantly.

For a person with her personality to make such a gesture meant to agree.

Not long after, Qing Zi changed his clothes and came out, and the three of them walked out of Zhong Mori's house.

Aoko held Hongko's arm and looked at Kogoro Mori with a face of shame.

Kogoro Mouri smiled lightly and said, "Okay, I'll go first, Qingzi, tell your father, next time there is an announcement from Kidd, remember to notify me, and I will help catch this little thief."

Aoko nodded obediently, and said goodbye to Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro got in the car and didn't go home, but drove in one direction instead.

Chapter 0097 Green and Red 2

Koizumi Hongzi and Nakamori Aoko walked on the quiet mountain path, climbing towards the shrine above.

It's just that the expressions of the two are quite different, Qingzi seems to be in a good mood, and his steps are very light.

And Koizumi Hongzi patrolled Qingzi with strange eyes.

Koizumi Hongzi said: "Qingzi, why do I feel that you have become a little strange, as if you have grown up all of a sudden?"

"Is there? How can there be? Hongzi, you must have misread it. It would be great if you can grow up quickly!"

Qingzi seemed to think of something, and chuckled again, which made Koizumi Hongzi feel even more weird.

But Qingzi frowned when he saw Hongzi's black skull top, "Hongzi, don't you think it's too disrespectful for you to wear such clothes to the shrine?"

Koizumi Hongzi sneered: "What's the use of being in awe of these gods? If you ask me, there is no need to come to this kind of place. You might as well ask me for them. Let me make you a peace talisman. Maybe it will be more effective." !"

"Red Son!!!"

Hearing Qingzi's angry shout, Koizumi Hongzi immediately confessed, she didn't want to annoy her only best friend.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything."

"It's very effective here. It's said on the Internet that it's very useful. Hongzi, stop talking nonsense, or you'll be in trouble if you get into trouble."

After finishing speaking, Qing Zi folded his palms together, praying in a low voice to help Hong Zi apologize.

Seeing Qingzi's pious appearance, Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help cursing "silly woman" inwardly, but her gaze on Qingzi became softer.

After Qingzi finished praying, the two continued to climb up the mountain.

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