While chatting, Koizumi Hongzi said again: "Qingzi, that Maori detective, you have to keep a distance from him, okay?"

Hearing this, Qingzi frowned: "Why do you say that, Uncle Mao Li is very nice, smart and gentle."

Koizumi Hongko naturally wouldn't tell the real reason. She used the magic mirror to try to divination for Kogoro Mori, but in the end she got nothing. Instead, there were a few cracks on the magic mirror.

This kind of situation has never happened before, even if Koizumi Hongzi has not really inherited the red magic, she also knows that Mori Kogoro is not simple.

In addition, the humiliating memory in Nishan Temple is also one of the reasons.

"Qingzi, don't you see how dangerous the Maori detective is? So many cases come to him, what should you do if it affects you?"

Qing Zi looked at Koizumi Hong Zi suspiciously: "You shouldn't be able to say these words, Hong Zi, right? Isn't Hong Zi afraid of anything?"

"Besides, my father is a policeman. I have never been afraid of these things since I was a child! How powerful is my uncle, if a case really involves me, my uncle will definitely protect me."

Koizumi Hongzi saw that Qingzi wouldn't be persuaded, so he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Then uncle is very lustful, aren't you afraid of being taken advantage of?"

Hearing this, Qingzi's face flushed, she turned her head away quickly, and couldn't help but feel guilty.

Take advantage?I was eaten clean, and I was afraid of being taken advantage of.

But soon Qingzi sensed something was wrong: How could Uncle Mao Li's lecherous Hongzi know?

Qingzi said suspiciously: "Hongzi, Uncle Mao Li is a very nice person, what are you talking about? Could it be that you like Uncle Mao Li and that's why you want to keep me away from him?"

Koizumi Hongzi choked on these words, she paused for a while before panicking: "How is it possible, how could I fall in love with that pervert uncle, hey, Qingzi, the shrine is here, let's go up!"

Hongzi didn't want to say any more, so she took Qingzi and ran towards the shrine.

Kuroba Kaito has been extremely tormented for the past two days. Ever since he changed his disguise as Suzuki Jikichiro and saw the intimate picture of Mori Kogoro and Nakamori Aoko, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

After the failed theft that day, Kuroba Kaito has been in a daze until today, and this time he was hit really hard.

Kaito Kuroba has a very strong memory, and he can remember everything he has seen.

The scene of Mori Kogoro violating Nakamori Aoko with his evil hands in the signal car, the scene of Mori Kogoro kissing Nakamori Aoko in the Suzuki Museum, and the scene of Nakamori Aoko desperately defending Mori Kogoro.

This scene was churning in Kuroba Kaito's mind, gnawing at his heart like a poisonous snake.

Kuroba Kaito couldn't believe that his childhood sweetheart fell in love with his sworn enemy uncle, and he was unwilling to accept this reality.

He wished he could go directly to Qingzi and ask him what the relationship between the two of them was.

But only Kidd knows these things, and he asks as Kuroba Kaito, isn't it self-inflicted.

Stuck and uncomfortable, Kuroba Kaito went to an izakaya for the first time, and started his life of getting drunk for the first time in his life.

He hoped that the alcohol would numb his nerves so that these images would no longer appear in his mind.

Yesterday he drank all day in the izakaya, and at the end he was so drunk that he was thrown out by the proprietress of the izakaya.

Later, he lay down and slept on the side of the road all night, and only now woke up after tossing and turning.

As soon as Kuroba Kaito woke up, he found that his coat had been ripped off by some homeless man, and he only had a black singlet on, and he had caught a cold.

It's really a leak in the house that happened to rain in the night.

The weak and wilted Kuroba Kaito walked towards his own direction, like a walking dead, without any soul.


After a long time, Kaito Kuroba returned to his villa. Fortunately, the homeless man didn't steal his key, so he opened the door and entered the villa.

In front of the entrance, he could hear his mother talking and laughing with a man.

This man's voice was very familiar, but Kaito Kuroba was still hungover and couldn't tell it apart.

Waiting until he walked into the living room, Kaito Kuroba saw the scene, his mother patted Kogoro Mori's arm, and smiled lightly: "Detective Mori, what nonsense are you talking about, do you really know Yukiko?"

"That's really great. You Xizi is my idol. If you have the opportunity, you must recommend it to me."

Kuroba Kaito rubbed his eyes, and saw that it was Mori Kogoro, still talking and laughing with his mother, how could this be tolerated!

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

Kaito Kuroba's eyes immediately turned red, and he rushed towards Mouri Kogoro with his fists clenched, and shouted out of control:

"Mori Kogoro, you dare to come to my house?"

Kuroba Chikage and Mori Kogoro were alarmed at this moment, Kuroba Chikage stood up and shouted loudly: "Kaito, what are you doing? Stop."

It's a pity that Kaito Kuroba, who was still in a daze, didn't see the steps in his living room, and he stepped on the air and fell directly to the ground.

He wanted revenge but ended up with a farce.

Chapter 0098

This heavy fall woke Kuroba Kaito a little bit.

Kuroba Chikage, who was wearing a lavender thin skirt, stood up, her short hair was full of fierceness, and her dark blue eyes were full of disappointment. This beautiful woman was very beautiful even when she was angry.

"Kaito, you are so rude, what did you want to do just now, did you want to hit someone?"

"Detective Maori is here as a guest, how do I usually teach you, don't pretend to be asleep for me, get up quickly."

The strange lady thief became angry, and her aura was so strong that the temperature in the air seemed to drop a few degrees.

Under her continuous drinking, Kaito Kuroba shook his head, and quickly got up from the floor.

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